1927 wrote:
Trotskygrad wrote:
1927 wrote:
The Libyians have called a ceasefire. Well I hope we sending them the fucking bill for all the tea and buscuits the fatties been munching on at the UN meetings etc
Why didnt they do this 2 weeks ago the clowns
because we didn't start pushing around the little fighter jet models around on the big tactical map yet.
No but we told them we wanted to. Could of saved a whole lot of money effort and lives. If Graffiti has done war crimes then I hope the fucker cops it in some court, sooner rather than later.
but in IR wording in actions is key, Most Western countries hate being hasty in making big declarations (except Russia/China/NK, I think. When they denounce something action usually happens within a couple days)
Last edited by Trotskygrad (13 years, 11 months ago)