
presidentsheep wrote:

Watched a video in law class once that showed a group of offenders who would visit local schools and talk to kids about prison. Try to get kids who would otherwise turn to crime to get an education instead, the main point that they had was how boring prison was. Being stuck inside for 22 hours a day or something silly, in one room.
Ya think watching an electrocution might have a greater impact?
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6274|Places 'n such
Probably. In terms of therapy costs.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.

Varegg wrote:

It has been answered several times ...
No it hasn't it.... The answer has always been deflected to our high crime rate and to crime prevention, you have never directly answer the question, what do you do to criminals to set an example for deterrence for our society?

presidentsheep wrote:

Probably. In terms of therapy costs.
So, we have found a "deterrence" then......Public executions.....There you go you wanted a deterrence ya got one.

Might as well charge for viewing, put it on pay per view, all proceeds going to the family of the victims.

Last edited by lowing (2011-03-16 04:56:50)

sorry you feel that way

lowing wrote:

So, we have found a "deterrence" then......Public executions.....There you go you wanted a deterrence ya got one.
now thats barbaric
inane little opines

Shocking wrote:

lowing wrote:

So, we have found a "deterrence" then......Public executions.....There you go you wanted a deterrence ya got one.
now thats barbaric
really? I thought deterrence was one of your big selling points against the death penalty. Is it not now?
sorry you feel that way
No, wasn't even arguing about deterence, read my posts?

Last edited by Shocking (2011-03-16 05:00:22)

inane little opines

Shocking wrote:

No, wasn't even arguing about deterence, read my posts?
oh so you are the only anti death penalty person NOT trying to sell it is not a deterrence as an argument. just my luck.

Anyway, point still stands, if a deterrence is a must, then we would have one in public executions
sorry you feel that way
No I'm actually advocating the death penalty for people like serial killers.

I don't want it to be held up in public display for children or something, that's really fucked up.
inane little opines
Support fanatic :-)

Who has said deterrence is a must?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Varegg wrote:

Who has said deterrence is a must?
Well, since one of the main arguments posted by you and the vast majority of anti death penalty people is " the death penalty is not a deterrence"?  I assumed that meant in order to satisfy that portion of your argument it needed to be a deterrence.

Don't tell me, I am wrong right?

Shocking wrote:

No I'm actually advocating the death penalty for people like serial killers.

I don't want it to be held up in public display for children or something, that's really fucked up.
my apologies, this thread moves pretty quick and it is getting increasing difficult to remember who has posted what.
Support fanatic :-)

You asume many things lowing, you really should stop doing that ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Varegg wrote:

You asume many things lowing, you really should stop doing that ...
Kinda hard to not assume deterrence is one of the arguments against the death penalty, especially when it is posted as one of the arguments against the death penalty.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Well I will say it yet again, by your logic why punish criminals at all? There is no further deterrence, we will avoid punishing innocent people, and there are no positives with punishing criminals because it isn't going to bring the dead back to life, and if we punish criminals that will drastically reduce their ability to change into a productive member of society!!

lol gotta respectfully disagree on your logic.
I think that your problem is more with the justice system.  You don't believe people have the right to appeal, by stating that allowing an appeal or a different punishment than you wish to occur is an utter and complete failure.

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well I will say it yet again, by your logic why punish criminals at all? There is no further deterrence, we will avoid punishing innocent people, and there are no positives with punishing criminals because it isn't going to bring the dead back to life, and if we punish criminals that will drastically reduce their ability to change into a productive member of society!!

lol gotta respectfully disagree on your logic.
I think that your problem is more with the justice system.  You don't believe people have the right to appeal, by stating that allowing an appeal or a different punishment than you wish to occur is an utter and complete failure.
yer wrong, I think appeals are a must, in the process of checks and balances to ensure guilt.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
I'm not sure what you meant...if you have jumped to the conclusion that Bert disagrees with the concept of punishing any criminals in any way, aren't you saying the justice system isn't designed for you?

Aka, you are saying Bert's argument is weak because of the possibility executing an innocent man...aka innocence is proven/refuted during the appellate process...and the risk of proving innocence is a waste of time?

Sure, I'm gonna guess what your response is but: the courtroom ultimately decides whether to sentence death or life imprisonment...and unlike Bert, I see death as less barbaric.  Both sentences are deterrents.

Pug wrote:

I'm not sure what you meant...if you have jumped to the conclusion that Bert disagrees with the concept of punishing any criminals in any way, aren't you saying the justice system isn't designed for you?

Aka, you are saying Bert's argument is weak because of the possibility executing an innocent man...aka innocence is proven/refuted during the appellate process...and the risk of proving innocence is a waste of time?

Sure, I'm gonna guess what your response is but: the courtroom ultimately decides whether to sentence death or life imprisonment...and unlike Bert, I see death as less barbaric.  Both sentences are deterrents.
In reference to the fear of executing and innocent person, this is a major concern to his argument. If punishing an innocent man is a concern then we should not punish ANYONE until their guilt is 100% without a doubt. A reasonable doubt, according to his logic, should not be acceptable. What I am saying is, why stop at the death penalty? IF life in prison is crueler a punishment, then no one should be punished at all if their guilt is not 100% fact.

No. His argument is weak because of what I just said. If after, the absolutely necessary appellate process, you are still guilty, then all doubt should be removed and the person is guilty "beyond all reasonable doubt". Carry out the sentence.

They are deterrence to the normal and sane. However, to the normal and sane, punishment is hardly what you think about to keep you from killing an innocent person.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

lowing wrote:

Shocking wrote:

No, wasn't even arguing about deterence, read my posts?
oh so you are the only anti death penalty person NOT trying to sell it is not a deterrence as an argument. just my luck.

Anyway, point still stands, if a deterrence is a must, then we would have one in public executions
I guess you haven't read or comprehended my posts either.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

In reference to the fear of executing and innocent person, this is a major concern to his argument. If punishing an innocent man is a concern then we should not punish ANYONE until their guilt is 100% without a doubt. A reasonable doubt, according to his logic, should not be acceptable. What I am saying is, why stop at the death penalty? IF life in prison is crueler a punishment, then no one should be punished at all if their guilt is not 100% fact.

No. His argument is weak because of what I just said. If after, the absolutely necessary appellate process, you are still guilty, then all doubt should be removed and the person is guilty "beyond all reasonable doubt". Carry out the sentence.

They are deterrence to the normal and sane. However, to the normal and sane, punishment is hardly what you think about to keep you from killing an innocent person.
Ahh, what is lacking from his argument is that a guilty verdict and a failed appeal doesn't mean the dood is guilty.  I think we both have already come to the conclusion (if that's the case) it's time to execute/lock and throw away the key.

As far as the "100% guilty" issue, I think your argument is weak as it conflicts with some of the other statements you made.  Stick with what I wrote above.

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

In reference to the fear of executing and innocent person, this is a major concern to his argument. If punishing an innocent man is a concern then we should not punish ANYONE until their guilt is 100% without a doubt. A reasonable doubt, according to his logic, should not be acceptable. What I am saying is, why stop at the death penalty? IF life in prison is crueler a punishment, then no one should be punished at all if their guilt is not 100% fact.

No. His argument is weak because of what I just said. If after, the absolutely necessary appellate process, you are still guilty, then all doubt should be removed and the person is guilty "beyond all reasonable doubt". Carry out the sentence.

They are deterrence to the normal and sane. However, to the normal and sane, punishment is hardly what you think about to keep you from killing an innocent person.
Ahh, what is lacking from his argument is that a guilty verdict and a failed appeal doesn't mean the dood is guilty.  I think we both have already come to the conclusion (if that's the case) it's time to execute/lock and throw away the key.

As far as the "100% guilty" issue, I think your argument is weak as it conflicts with some of the other statements you made.  Stick with what I wrote above.
If I am conflicted I have missed it, do tell.

If beyond all reasonable doubt, a murderer is found guilty I feel he should pay with his life...Where is the conflict?
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well I will say it yet again, by your logic why punish criminals at all? There is no further deterrence, we will avoid punishing innocent people, and there are no positives with punishing criminals because it isn't going to bring the dead back to life, and if we punish criminals that will drastically reduce their ability to change into a productive member of society!!

lol gotta respectfully disagree on your logic.
I think that your problem is more with the justice system.  You don't believe people have the right to appeal, by stating that allowing an appeal or a different punishment than you wish to occur is an utter and complete failure.
yer wrong, I think appeals are a must, in the process of checks and balances to ensure guilt.
Your problem is that you think the goddamned system is perfect. That innocent people are never executed. That innocent people are not sitting on death row despite exculpatory evidence. That all prosecutors are fair and just with no ulterior motives. That science is infallible and never misinterpreted.

Get your head out of the sand. Please don't keep babbling about deterrence.

do you know the story of one Clarence Brandley, who was within 6 days of being executed. The state and justice turned a blind eye to the exculpatory evidence. They just didn't care. Some heroic efforts by anti-death penalty people saved his life. The prosecution kept trying to kill him despite the mountain of reasonable doubt. The appeals process is a joke. The fucking prosecutor who turned a blind eye to any other suspects is now a fucking judge. I guess his conviction rate was good! Too bad it includes almost killing an innocent man.

or the sad story of Timothy Evans executed for killing his daughter when it was actually the serial killer neighbour who happened to testify against him! (yes I know it is the UK)
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

Stubbee wrote:

lowing wrote:

Shocking wrote:

No, wasn't even arguing about deterence, read my posts?
oh so you are the only anti death penalty person NOT trying to sell it is not a deterrence as an argument. just my luck.

Anyway, point still stands, if a deterrence is a must, then we would have one in public executions
I guess you haven't read or comprehended my posts either.
can't tell ya how many times I have read the deterrence argument. If it doesn't include you, then I am not referring to you. lotta people posting as anti death penalty, and deterrence and innocent people punished are by far the biggest arguments. Hence my post.

Stubbee wrote:

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

I think that your problem is more with the justice system.  You don't believe people have the right to appeal, by stating that allowing an appeal or a different punishment than you wish to occur is an utter and complete failure.
yer wrong, I think appeals are a must, in the process of checks and balances to ensure guilt.
Your problem is that you think the goddamned system is perfect. That innocent people are never executed. That innocent people are not sitting on death row despite exculpatory evidence. That all prosecutors are fair and just with no ulterior motives. That science is infallible and never misinterpreted.

Get your head out of the sand. Please don't keep babbling about deterrence.

do you know the story of one Clarence Brandley, who was within 6 days of being executed. The state and justice turned a blind eye to the exculpatory evidence. They just didn't care. Some heroic efforts by anti-death penalty people saved his life. The prosecution kept trying to kill him despite the mountain of reasonable doubt. The appeals process is a joke. The fucking prosecutor who turned a blind eye to any other suspects is now a fucking judge. I guess his conviction rate was good! Too bad it includes almost killing an innocent man.

or the sad story of Timothy Evans executed for killing his daughter when it was actually the serial killer neighbour who happened to testify against him! (yes I know it is the UK)
Never made deterrence an argument, I am battling against that argument. I suppose you just haven't read what I posted?

Never ever said the system is perfect, and never said innocent people have not been executed. I did say however, that science is getting better and better and it is harder and harder for criminals to get away with murder. Of course this is where you hit me with the inevitable "what if" scenarios, and as I have said before, you can "what if" every argument into a corner. So that does not prove you right.

Last edited by lowing (2011-03-16 13:29:08)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

If I am conflicted I have missed it, do tell.

If beyond all reasonable doubt, a murderer is found guilty I feel he should pay with his life...Where is the conflict?

lowing wrote:

Never ever said the system is perfect, and never said innocent people have not been executed.
The conflict lies within the definition of what you and I call define as "reasonable".  I agree with you on what is reasonable.  If someone has lost their appeal, then that seals the issue. 

But by arguing "if it's true that no one can be 100% guilty and therefore no crime should be punished"...which you obviously disagree with, along with agreeing with the innocent execution statement...you are essentially are admitting the system has flaws - which is the strongest argument against the death penalty.

So, in other words, it's reasonable to believe a failed appeal after a guilty plea should be proof within itself.  Stick to that.

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