FatherTed wrote:
people in the know explain this
life sentence rarely (western countries) = actual 'until you die'. it seems to be between 15-30 years
why is this?
Well after sentencing, you can take your case to appeals. First you go to the state appeals court, then to a US appeals court, and then (if it's deemed worthy of going being considered) to the Supreme Court. A fair amount of cases make it past US appeals, but very few actually end up at the supreme court. So if you appeal and the decision gets overturned, you'll get out before you die. I'm guessing that's how most life w/o parole sentences end up letting people out before their time.
They also usually allow for parole. In other words, you have a life sentence, but you can go before the parole board. If you're deemed fit to re-enter society then you're out, otherwise it's back in the clink.
What I don't understand is the concept of giving someone multiple life sentences.