sorry you feel that way

Finray wrote:

Really disagree with your "no-one cares" clause. WoW is bigger than it ever has been. Lots of Youtubers making a living off WoW videos, lot more players, etc etc. A lot more people do care than did, WoW's lost it's "geek, shut-in, forever alone" reputation, it's become quite socially acceptable. So no, more people care. Just less hardcore people care, so you don your little hipster shades with no lenses, because it came more mainstream, you don't like it any more.
Well Uzique is absolutely right on that the boat left 4 years ago. I don't care that WoW is bigger now than it has ever been, it doesn't matter. What matters is that the community has simply gone to shit and the imaginative people who got everything going have left ages ago.

Besides, the geek shut in forever alone reputation has never changed for the people who are either top PvP or PvE.

Why wouldn't it have been socially acceptable to play WoW when it started? If anything it was the coolest shit back then.
inane little opines
^ agree on all counts.

finray your perspective and knowledge are limited to WoW after, what? late wotlk? you're talking as if you understand and can comment on both perspectives - as if your subscriptions to youtube channels and your forum crawling prove anything. uuh, no.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
sorry you feel that way
shit, I know this guy who was no-lifing WoW since it's inception. Back in vanilla he never fell below rank 12 (although he was the main tank of the 2nd best guild on the server... he grinded in tyr's hand and respecced every night to PvP lol). He has NEVER taken a break or fallen below that level of dedication through any of the expansions.

He's still active even today after all these years. And well, he's the only one left.

stole my relentless glad that cunt
inane little opines
sorry you feel that way
To be honest the same reason why WoW sucks dick now seems to be holding true to every MMO there is... not being around when it gets started sucks major cock. Whenever I tried EvE I got the idea that the ship had left years ago as well.
inane little opines
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5665|London, England

Uzique wrote:

i played in an era where your hitcap wasn't the sole determinant of how good a 'player' you were. nowadays all of WoW's discrimination is down to bare basic numbers and figures-- because all of the classes are fucking mindless to play, and all the instances and encounters are easy. you don't need to know how to play your character, you just need to make up the minimum numbers by the spreadsheet, and then you can /facepalm your way through it.

nowadays to be a 'good' player (which you clearly think you are, you spend enough time playing and posting screenshots of your omgwtf character) all you have to do is copy the cookie-cutter build from the internet, gem and enchant as everyone else is on the forums/armory, and check youtube for the boss strats and raid rotation. i think you're forgetting that most of the hardest content and progress took place without any of those internet aids.
WoW was always about the numbers. There was never any real skill involved, it was, and is, mashing the same 3-4 buttons, and maximizing your talents and gear. The only strategy present in the game was regarding spell/skill rotations and the use of cooldowns. Once you got that figured out it was the same shit repeated ad nauseum. The only thing that separated a really top notch raider from a crappy one aside from the aforementioned 'skill' was attention span. If you could stare at the screen for four hours straight without getting distracted you would be top dps/tank/healer w/e.

Last edited by JohnG@lt (13 years, 11 months ago)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5665|London, England

Finray wrote:

So back in the Vanilla days, stat caps didn't matter at all? You didn't have raid/boss guides? You didn't have class guides? That I refuse to believe.
wtf is a stat cap? class guides were trash. boss guides were usually trash as well since they were built with one specific guilds raid composition in mind.

The only site worth going to for info was and that was just a regular discussion board for math nerds.

Last edited by JohnG@lt (13 years, 11 months ago)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5665|London, England

dayarath wrote:

Finray wrote:

Really disagree with your "no-one cares" clause. WoW is bigger than it ever has been. Lots of Youtubers making a living off WoW videos, lot more players, etc etc. A lot more people do care than did, WoW's lost it's "geek, shut-in, forever alone" reputation, it's become quite socially acceptable. So no, more people care. Just less hardcore people care, so you don your little hipster shades with no lenses, because it came more mainstream, you don't like it any more.
Well Uzique is absolutely right on that the boat left 4 years ago. I don't care that WoW is bigger now than it has ever been, it doesn't matter. What matters is that the community has simply gone to shit and the imaginative people who got everything going have left ages ago.

Besides, the geek shut in forever alone reputation has never changed for the people who are either top PvP or PvE.

Why wouldn't it have been socially acceptable to play WoW when it started? If anything it was the coolest shit back then.
I gotta say, downing Ragnaros for the first time was probably my coolest experience in the three years I played WoW.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+93|6980|Alaska, mother fucker.
Hey Fin, you know that 5% is the PvP hit cap, you should be reforging into other stats to maximize damage output. 

I still play this game, but only because I have friends who are kinda good and arena.  It's the only aspect of this game I still enjoy, pve is so cheese, in pvp gear and 3% under hit cap i can still pull 13.4k dps. when most the 359 ilvl pve kids are pulling what? 16k? 17k?  game is so easy now its amazing. id go back to the days of spamming rank 4 healing touch on the main tank in BWL any day... God chromaggus was fun
+93|6980|Alaska, mother fucker.
Lawl, one of my old accounts was hacked for ever ago with out me knowing, I restarted the account and the shit got hacked again.  I didn't log on for three days, I log on, 2500 gold on an alt I didn't make, and my druid is level 81 from them farming so much ore.  GG, swapped my druid accounts and thankfully only activated for a free 7 days. 2500 gold richer now
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6095|Catherine Black

iceman785 wrote:

Hey Fin, you know that 5% is the PvP hit cap, you should be reforging into other stats to maximize damage output.

Finray wrote:

regarding hitcap, yes, that was awful, and it's fixed … ray/simple

Finray wrote:

I was pointing at the trinket, silly.

ilvl is pretty much maxed without raiding, gold, yeah I'm skint, \_/, UI is personal opinion, faction, well fu, regarding hitcap, yes, that was awful, and it's fixed
ehh...believe it or not, tia's grace and key rank higher as trinkets for mut rogues
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6095|Catherine Black
That's why I'm in PvP gear.. silly.

e: In PvE gear I have Tias Grace (h) and Fluid Death.

Last edited by Finray (13 years, 11 months ago)

Finray wrote:

That's why I'm in PvP gear.. silly.

e: In PvE gear I have Tias Grace (h) and Fluid Death.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
so much skill i just dont even know where to start
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6095|Catherine Black
Yeah Unheeded works great for Sub, makes my backstabs crit on dummies for 30k when it procs. On ~3.5k resi, it's about 20k. Really nice.
sorry you feel that way

JohnG@lt wrote:

I gotta say, downing Ragnaros for the first time was probably my coolest experience in the three years I played WoW.
Going from this;

to this;

then this;

Adding this;

I don't have any pics anymore but mowing through everything was pretty grand.
inane little opines
sorry you feel that way

Finray wrote:

for 30k
Cataclysm numbers, seriously.
inane little opines
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6095|Catherine Black
Okay, how about

Crits for 25% health.
sorry you feel that way
Yeah I understand but still, the numbers are so out of proportion. It's like they increase exponentially with each expansion.
inane little opines
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6095|Catherine Black
Yeah, the whole point of Cata was to boost the HP levels immensely, they wanted all classes to have 100k+ HP. It's not just plate items that have loads of stamina, most main pieces have +512 stamina, regardless of armour type. They've boosted the survivability of all classes, made each fight last a lot longer.. probably to reduce the effect of mistakes in a fight. It's kinda boring, if I'm completely honest, when I rolled rogue, I wanted a glass cannon, stay in the shadows, lick my lips at the sight of clothies. But no, I can out-tank ICC geared level 80s, and have 115K HP.

It's still kinda fun though, if you get a decent partner and farm 2s.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5665|London, England
Some pics from my photobucket account...


Random officer chat

Me riding my zul'aman bear in tree form

My toon at some point. I think that's Tier 5 or 6 but I don't remember.



Strat I created for Archimonde

Kael'Thas was a pain in the ass (fun fight though)

Vashj and her pooping bats

That little circle on top of the bank in Org is where I spent a good 3/4 of my time in WoW. It was MY spot
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6095|Catherine Black
New org is fucking gay.

dayarath wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

I gotta say, downing Ragnaros for the first time was probably my coolest experience in the three years I played WoW.
Going from this; … 0Blade.jpg

to this; … 67bb4e.jpg

then this; … 100652.jpg

Adding this; … p_a_12.png

I don't have any pics anymore but mowing through everything was pretty grand.
how did you add a rank when you were already in TBC gear? i'm confused
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
uuh how many times have you 'argued' against me by calling me a WoW geek? i'm not the one creating cut-out charts for bosses
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5665|London, England

Uzique wrote:

uuh how many times have you 'argued' against me by calling me a WoW geek? i'm not the one creating cut-out charts for bosses
I was the guilds GM and raid leader. Top guild on the server for a year and a half too I might add
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

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