FEOS wrote:
Dilbert_X wrote:
Arguing about which art form or example of art is more valid than the next is a waste of time.
Because you are arguing a subjective topic.
Precisely. If I want to say that Joyce is rubbish and Beck is the best writer to ever live then who is going to prove me wrong? It's my own opinion and what some 'elitist' says doesn't mean a fig to me.
What Uzique fails to understand is that every piece of art has an intended audience. If the piece nails the mark and is beloved by its target audience then it is a success. If it fails to hit its mark among its audience then it is a failure. What happens outside of that target audience is irrelevant.
If I write a book intended to be a commercial success and it fails, it's a failure. It doesn't matter if academics pick it up and love it, it's still a failure because the intent was to sell a lot of copies. If I write a book that is intended to be artsy and it is shunned by the artsy types and instead sells to a wide audience, that book is also a failure because of intent.
Point is, just because one piece of art is beloved or despised inside of one target audience doesn't make it universally good or bad. Joyce wrote his books with people who devote their lives to reading books in mind. So in that regard he's a wonderful success. He hit his mark. But only people within that mark should give a fuck. Hitting people over the head because they 'don't get it' is retarded. You're good at reading Uzique, you want a pat on the back? That's like being really, really good at breathing.
Last edited by JohnG@lt (2011-03-04 06:46:50)