Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
Yeah, it clearly was meant to be sarcastic, shame it flew over his head.
you'll have to make your superlative humour decidedly more low-class for simpletons like me to grasp next time, finray...

you make mark twain look like an amateur!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
. . .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6968|The darkside of Denver

SonderKommando wrote:

I have a lvl42 warrior, true story.
your first time sonder / are you new?

levelling is so easy and fast now... and, from what i've seen of it, the revamped 1-60 content is absolutely fantastic.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

To be perfectly honest, this lighting is far more skillfully done than all of the the last few dozen or so games I've played. It doesn't fucking blind me to look at.
yeah the new graphics engine updates are amazing... considering it's all built on a 6 year old engine.

call it 'cartoony' in a disparaging sense if you want, but WoW looks fantastic imo.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6968|The darkside of Denver

Uzique wrote:

your first time sonder / are you new?

levelling is so easy and fast now... and, from what i've seen of it, the revamped 1-60 content is absolutely fantastic.
yea,  couple guys at work play so I figured since I cant do a whole lot with my broken foot I'd play with em.
after all the shit you gave... amazing.

enjoy it, anyway. the game is shit now but it's always fun for first time players that don't know any better.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
I've had a lot of shit in dungeons, but never before has I been likened to Hitler.
90% of WoW's community are little fags now

and i blame the LFG tool for that... especially cross-realm... there's nothing cohesive joining or unifying a server's horde/alliance faction anymore... there's no reason to party up or even meet other players on your server. it just becomes almost like a single-player experience; the only reason the non-guild people on your server exist is to compare gear with, or trade with (very occasionally). back in the pre x-realm days... sure things were tougher and took more effort... but you really felt part of a COMMUNITY, all trying to get somewhere (in whatever form of progress that may be).

Last edited by Uzique (14 years ago)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Finray wrote:

I've had a lot of shit in dungeons, but never before has I been likened to Hitler.
Actually, you (or whoever that was) were compared to Hittler. How would you pronounce that? Hitoler?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

hit tel er
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

Uzique wrote:

90% of WoW's community are little fags now

and i blame the LFG tool for that... especially cross-realm... there's nothing cohesive joining or unifying a server's horde/alliance faction anymore... there's no reason to party up or even meet other players on your server. it just becomes almost like a single-player experience; the only reason the non-guild people on your server exist is to compare gear with, or trade with (very occasionally). back in the pre x-realm days... sure things were tougher and took more effort... but you really felt part of a COMMUNITY, all trying to get somewhere (in whatever form of progress that may be).
Wait... what? You can join a party across servers now? Lol. Do they let horde join parties with alliance now too?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
no .

but yeah, cross-realm LFG tool... you can now join instances and battlegrounds, seamlessly, from your questing areas... you don't have to queue or even go to the instance entrance anymore. you can just use a little tool to 'look for a group' and then the game will find you another 4/9/24 players and throw you together into an instance; people you've never met before and people you will never see again, going through an instance blind. you get people that don't know the strats, people that are total noobs and ninja all your gear... people that are griefers and don't care about you (why would they?) and take your gear anyway... everything. if a rare item or a rare mount, for example, drops... everyone just needs. why would it be any other way? the social element of the game has gone because of this. you no longer get dedicated groups of friends that you instance-run and battleground with... because you don't need to make those acquaintances and form those friendships anymore. it's basically a single-player game now where the main aim is to get your gearscore-epeen as high as possible. if you get bored of the chore of having to deal with any other players AT ALL, then you can just go farm solo achievements for more epeen.

/1000th vanilla rant.

Last edited by Uzique (14 years ago)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

Uzique wrote:

no .

but yeah, cross-realm LFG tool... you can now join instances and battlegrounds, seamlessly, from your questing areas... you don't have to queue or even go to the instance entrance anymore. you can just use a little tool to 'look for a group' and then the game will find you another 4/9/24 players and throw you together into an instance; people you've never met before and people you will never see again, going through an instance blind. you get people that don't know the strats, people that are total noobs and ninja all your gear... people that are griefers and don't care about you (why would they?) and take your gear anyway... everything. if a rare item or a rare mount, for example, drops... everyone just needs. why would it be any other way? the social element of the game has gone because of this. you no longer get dedicated groups of friends that you instance-run and battleground with... because you don't need to make those acquaintances and form those friendships anymore. it's basically a single-player game now where the main aim is to get your gearscore-epeen as high as possible. if you get bored of the chore of having to deal with any other players AT ALL, then you can just go farm solo achievements for more epeen.

/1000th vanilla rant.
Oh, the LFG tool has been around since BC. I don't see why you would have an issue with it... just don't use it. There was a good six month period where I ran zero instances. I had the top gear on the server and thus I had people begging me to PUG with them every day all day. Some players are just so fucking awful that it doesn't matter how easy the instance is, or how good the gear of the members involved is, they will find a way to wipe you. Repeatedly. 100G repair bills got old. I'd rather just go pick herbs and mine some adamantite.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
and how fun that is! i miss the comradery and the community that you had before the cross-realm stuff... even with battlegrounds. yes, it was 10x harder to climb the pvp-rank grind before cross-realm... but if i did it, and it didn't kill me, then it couldn't have been that bad. back then, everybody on a server knew everybody and there were genuine 'reputations' - a reputation that you didn't need a raid achievement or a high gearscore to have. people in battlegrounds would grow familiar to seeing your rank/name, and would either attack you or run away as a result, depending. you'd know literally every guild and regular person, by recognition, when passing them in ironforge/stormwind. the people that you would run casual 5-man instances with, or the people you would raid with, would be the same people day-in-day-out that you'd meet and cooperate with. nowadays it's all fractured and feels way more individual. there's really no reason to make any long-lasting bonds or networks with other people on your server... all you need is a decent half-active guild to raid with 2-3 nights a week, and the rest is entirely solo. just pop on the LFG tool to do the daily heroic and then log-off or go back to playing single-player mode. yawn. i miss the 'massive' feeling!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

Uzique wrote:

and how fun that is! i miss the comradery and the community that you had before the cross-realm stuff... even with battlegrounds. yes, it was 10x harder to climb the pvp-rank grind before cross-realm... but if i did it, and it didn't kill me, then it couldn't have been that bad. back then, everybody on a server knew everybody and there were genuine 'reputations' - a reputation that you didn't need a raid achievement or a high gearscore to have. people in battlegrounds would grow familiar to seeing your rank/name, and would either attack you or run away as a result, depending. you'd know literally every guild and regular person, by recognition, when passing them in ironforge/stormwind. the people that you would run casual 5-man instances with, or the people you would raid with, would be the same people day-in-day-out that you'd meet and cooperate with. nowadays it's all fractured and feels way more individual. there's really no reason to make any long-lasting bonds or networks with other people on your server... all you need is a decent half-active guild to raid with 2-3 nights a week, and the rest is entirely solo. just pop on the LFG tool to do the daily heroic and then log-off or go back to playing single-player mode. yawn. i miss the 'massive' feeling!
You must play exclusively alliance then. Alliance was always full of kiddies. Horde was always the more mature player base (until blood elves and paladins showed up). How it fared in Wrath+ I have no idea but there really was a distinct difference in respect levels and maturity between the two factions. Night elves attract a certain sort.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
honestly i've played on both sides and they always say the same thing and peddle the same stereotypes about one another... the other faction is always made of drama-mining immature little kiddies; "little kids just want to play night-elf hunters and be like legolas!" / "little kids just want to play the bad guys and be 'kewl' undead!". the truth of the matter is that WoW's population - especially over time, now in cata more than ever - has grown more and more retarded and more and more immature. i have no doubt that both factions have their share of mature and adult guilds.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

pretty sure she was just using that as an excuse to be racist
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

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