It looks cool. But if its supposed the be realistic (i.e not guns lying around everywhere) why does the woman have a fucking katana? I find that more unrealistic than a handgun. Graphics look amazing though
Interesting. The trailer gives it the feeling of something like 28 Days Later but the screenshots more Dead Rising/Resident Evil. I wonder what direstion it will take. I kind of hope the former but I'm not counting on it.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Screenshots made me think of FarCry meets Resident Evil.

Dem graffix.

trailer looks great... graphics/technology seems promising...
melee weapons only? will be fucking dull. i can't stand melee games... this will be like oblivion with zombies
melee weapons only? will be fucking dull. i can't stand melee games... this will be like oblivion with zombies
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
no more pew pew for you.
I think that l4d's (and l4d2s) greatest downfall is that you can just mow down the zombies without any real fear. You can get the shit knocked out of you but magical bandages fix everything. If you can deal with the special zombies then the rest is a walk in the park.
If Dead Island is melee only and one bite/scratch is enough to turn you into a zombie, it's going to be great imo.
I think that l4d's (and l4d2s) greatest downfall is that you can just mow down the zombies without any real fear. You can get the shit knocked out of you but magical bandages fix everything. If you can deal with the special zombies then the rest is a walk in the park.
If Dead Island is melee only and one bite/scratch is enough to turn you into a zombie, it's going to be great imo.

i am unconvinced that repeatedly hammering the mouse button and hack'n'slashing is the way to generate 'suspense' and 'fear' in a zombie game. sure, pew pew may make you a little too godmode against standard slow-lurching zombie cannon fodder... but will melee really give a heightened sense of gameplay? melee in L4D/L4D2 is just a joke... there's no possible refinement to it. if this isn't executed well then this game will essentially boil down to ploughing through a level repeatedly hammering your mouse1 button...
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Shooting would be fine as long as ammo is limited.
I agree that the melee in l4d is a joke, but imagine if in this game melee was all you had, and you had to search the island resort for those weapons.
and the weapons would break apart, or an axe would become embedded in a zombie and you lose it. You hit a wall and the weapon breaks, etc
You have no choice but to run and find the next weapon, that you have no idea where it is randomly placed. Or the blunt objects are more than likely to just slow down an attacker.
l4d just hand holds your hand the whole way through, melee = right click left click, repeat. Not even that when you aren't completely surrounded. Left click all the way button mashing is pointless.
and the weapons would break apart, or an axe would become embedded in a zombie and you lose it. You hit a wall and the weapon breaks, etc
You have no choice but to run and find the next weapon, that you have no idea where it is randomly placed. Or the blunt objects are more than likely to just slow down an attacker.
l4d just hand holds your hand the whole way through, melee = right click left click, repeat. Not even that when you aren't completely surrounded. Left click all the way button mashing is pointless.

A few selected "pew pew" weapons may well appear in this game. And they actually should, IMO.
These make some sense to be potentially found on a holiday island.
In fact, this game reminds me a lot of "The Ship" and its successor "Bloody Good Game", coupled with waves of zombies and co-op instead of deathmatch.
If they add firearms to the game, I really hope that it'll only be revolvers and pistols, or at most pump-action shotguns, which can rarely be found on security personnel or maybe one or another cop/police car.
Ammunition should be highly limited to what you find loaded in the guns, NOT random piles of loose rounds spread across the level.
It would be good if you find hints to locations like utility/hardware stores or security/police posts, so that you know that somewhere there may be stronger weapons you can look for.
- Flare guns (on boats)
- Spear guns (in diving shops, on boats)
- Fire extinguishers (all around buildings; the CO2 type, freezing/slowing zombies)
- Bow an arrows (shooting range at a holiday resort)
- Slingshot (toy shop)
- BB gun (toy shop)
- Stapling/nail gun (on construction sites; realistic ones, not Quake style)
- Boomerangs
- Tomahawks
These make some sense to be potentially found on a holiday island.
In fact, this game reminds me a lot of "The Ship" and its successor "Bloody Good Game", coupled with waves of zombies and co-op instead of deathmatch.
If they add firearms to the game, I really hope that it'll only be revolvers and pistols, or at most pump-action shotguns, which can rarely be found on security personnel or maybe one or another cop/police car.
Ammunition should be highly limited to what you find loaded in the guns, NOT random piles of loose rounds spread across the level.
It would be good if you find hints to locations like utility/hardware stores or security/police posts, so that you know that somewhere there may be stronger weapons you can look for.
Last edited by globefish23 (2011-02-20 17:55:19) days ago the Internet became obsessed with the announcement trailer for the video game 'Dead Island.' In a matter of hours the video, which stylishly glimpsed the story of one family's vacation to a zombie-infested tropical resort, went viral, racking up millions of views in the process. And when something goes viral that fast, naturally Hollywood is going to pay close attention to it. Enter the Sean Daniel Company and Union Entertainment.
In less than 72 hours after the trailer hit, producer Sean Daniel ('The Mummy,' 'Dazed and Confused,' 'The Wolfman') began option negotiations with the game's publisher, Deep Silver. Yesterday those negotiations closed for an undisclosed amount of money going to Deep Silver and game developer Techland for the film rights to the movie. No time frame production or writing/directing talent have been announced thus far, but with a producer like Sean Daniel on board, it's likely this isn't just a case of a studio calling dibs on a hot topic and then sitting idly by while the frenzy for it goes cold.
The game - which isn't even about the particular family in the trailer - isn't expected to hit until this coming holiday season, though don't be surprised if that release window slips a bit in order to maximize awareness of both the film and the game. We'll keep an eye out for news between now and then, of course, but in the mean time here's the trailer once again.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
i really have never seen so much hype for such a pretentious trailer.
okay, so it's above standard for a video-game trailer... beats the norm... but, fuck, seriously? movie rights?
the game doesn't even have a hint of good gameplay yet!
okay, so it's above standard for a video-game trailer... beats the norm... but, fuck, seriously? movie rights?
the game doesn't even have a hint of good gameplay yet!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
The movie rights are probably still cheap (they wont be if the game turns out to be a success) so I guess they bought as a possible future project. But you are right, its quite a big hype for such a normally under appreciated genre, but then again, the trailer is really good for a video game. people are rushing a bit with all this. Movie right after 1 trailer seems a bit excessive.
i would say that even supposing the game isn't going to be a complete load of shit after one trailer is 'excessive'
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
That the problem. One good trailer (one that isn't even actual game play) says absolutely nothing about the game itself. Many shit games have had beautifully made announcement trailers, maybe not as good as this one, but you get the idea.
well let's not go down realism road here because that's gayKampframmer wrote:
It looks cool. But if its supposed the be realistic (i.e not guns lying around everywhere) why does the woman have a fucking katana? I find that more unrealistic than a handgun. Graphics look amazing though
but that said, you do sometimes see those cheap katanas at some tourist shops in places like that

more Hollywood Intrigue!Kmar wrote: days ago the Internet became obsessed with the announcement trailer for the video game 'Dead Island.' In a matter of hours the video, which stylishly glimpsed the story of one family's vacation to a zombie-infested tropical resort, went viral, racking up millions of views in the process. And when something goes viral that fast, naturally Hollywood is going to pay close attention to it. Enter the Sean Daniel Company and Union Entertainment.
In less than 72 hours after the trailer hit, producer Sean Daniel ('The Mummy,' 'Dazed and Confused,' 'The Wolfman') began option negotiations with the game's publisher, Deep Silver. Yesterday those negotiations closed for an undisclosed amount of money going to Deep Silver and game developer Techland for the film rights to the movie. No time frame production or writing/directing talent have been announced thus far, but with a producer like Sean Daniel on board, it's likely this isn't just a case of a studio calling dibs on a hot topic and then sitting idly by while the frenzy for it goes cold.
The game - which isn't even about the particular family in the trailer - isn't expected to hit until this coming holiday season, though don't be surprised if that release window slips a bit in order to maximize awareness of both the film and the game. We'll keep an eye out for news between now and then, of course, but in the mean time here's the trailer once again.

It's also due to the fact the game has been in development for over 4 years... or maybe that's just how long it took them to make the trailer.Uzique wrote:
i really have never seen so much hype for such a pretentious trailer.
okay, so it's above standard for a video-game trailer... beats the norm... but, fuck, seriously? movie rights?
the game doesn't even have a hint of good gameplay yet!
I vote for huge flop.
I don't really think anybody's saying it's going to be a fantastic game just from the trailer. People (myself included) just like the new twist on the genre, the attempt to be somewhat realistic (as compared to almost every single Zombie game out there), and the whole concept behind it. The trailer - which I believe wasn't even made by Techland - does what it's meant to do and more. It announces the game, draws people to the game and lets people know the basic premise of the game. It does all 3 of those things pretty well. People are excited for the potential. Nobody's claiming it to be the Zelda: OOT of horror action adventure games.Zimmer wrote:
It's also due to the fact the game has been in development for over 4 years... or maybe that's just how long it took them to make the trailer.Uzique wrote:
i really have never seen so much hype for such a pretentious trailer.
okay, so it's above standard for a video-game trailer... beats the norm... but, fuck, seriously? movie rights?
the game doesn't even have a hint of good gameplay yet!
I vote for huge flop.
We'll see when it comes out later this year. My guess is October.

The lightning machete completely ruined it for me
PLease god no don't ruin the game with bs like thatKampframmer wrote:
The lightning machete completely ruined it for me