+27|6811|Atlanta, GA USA
I finally got the basic explosive ordinance using a tip I saw in one of the threads (can't remember which one)!  I had tried a number of methods, none of which worked.  This is what finally worked for me:  use C4 like a grenade!
I tried it on Sharqi and it worked like a champ.  I got 20 kills with C4 the first round I tried it.  Basically, you run around with C4 out.  When you see an enemy, you jump and throw the C4 at them, then quickly switch to the detonator and detonate.  It take a little bit of practice, sometimes you can't get it switched in time (especially if they M203 you), and sometimes I still blow myself up along with the person I'm trying to kill, but you can get a lot of kills doing this.  A few times I killed 2-3 people with one C4.  This is a great tactic for defending a flag.  You see a squad at your flag trying to take it, run up, and chuck a C4 at them. BOOM Entire squad dead!
Also, once you get used to it, you are much better at chucking it over walls, etc. and blowing people up.  Tonight I think I'm going to try for my Veteran!
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|6820|Alabama Coast, USA
For starters, it can help to get a server with fewer players than the map size...  say alter your filter for large maps only (64 players), and try to find one that maxes at 32 (don't pick one playing Wake... as it can easily be the only large map in rotation...  I think that's the only version of the Wake map).  For a lot of things, this will help (even if looking for Karkand... find a large-map Kark server that tops at 30-40 players)...  the rounds last longer.  It's hard to find a 16 player server running a large map though...  and sometimes it takes forever... 8 vs 8, and you may not meet the enemy often.

I got mine tonight on a 64-player map of Dragon Valley, with about 30-some players (it was a 64 player server, but it just didn't fill up).  I think I could've gotten vet the way I was going, as I didn't start going exclusively C4 kills at first.  I was C4'ing the flags.

1) Plant a load of C4 on the base of the flag (I wasn't able to get consistent with it, but if you hit the base right, the C4 will dissapear into it, just like the grill of a jeep).  2) Hide...  hide well.  I was hiding completely out of sight.  3) Watch the mini-map and wait.  Blow the C4 the instant the flag turns neutral.  4) Re-take the flag, and hopefully repeat.

Helps to have a commander willing to drop supply crates for you.  If there's plenty of squad room, create a squad so you're squad leader and can request supply drops (Caps Lock for command screen, r-click on the map and hit "Supply".  This creates a yellow supply crate icon on the map which the commander can click on with two options, "Accept" and "Reject".  Obviously don't drop the crate *right* on the flag... as you'll blow it up your next detonation... and if they're trying to take that flag vigorously, you could resupply 2-3 times before the crate dissapears).

Like I said, I didn't start the round with this tactic, and there were a good 60-75 tickets left when I got it.  I probably had about 20 C4 kills.  All of them were from flag pops except 2...  early in the round I caught a Cobra landing to cap a flag (why he landed, rather than hovered I have no clue), so just ran up, C4'd, and I *think* he got the idea just as I was out of range, because he started to take off and spin around...  too late though.  The second came right after a flag pop... I had C4'd the flag, then gone back to the crate to fill up again before I hid.  When I blew the flag there was still an enemy APC (or anti-air, can't remember) around, and I got up on them without them noticing.

I was hiding completely out of sight...  a lot of the flags on Dragon Valley have buildings nearby, with a couple of them having rooms and hallways you can hide in (I was only discovered in those places maybe 2 times in the round, with a good 8-10 successful flag-bombings (killing 1-3 per shot).   You may be able to get more points if you get where you can see the flag.  It's riskier, and you're more likely to be shot (if they commander spots you, they may look in that direction, if you're visible, they're gonna shoot, if not, they may wait to take the flag, then come after you...  of course you've killed them by that point).  But if you could see the flag, you can pop them before they take it, and get Flag Defend points too.  I'd rather get out of sight though... when it turns neutral, you *know* they're in flag range, so they're in C4 range (dead as hell if they're infantry... probably so even if in a vehicle, given they're right on it), and the few times I tried to watch the flag, they got me before I got them.

I wouldn't try this several rounds in a row...  a couple of the guys started getting wise to this towards the end of the round, and came looking for me before hitting the flag.  Another possibility is to save one pack to place near the entrance to your hide-out.  The goal would be to put it in a place that will kill them if you trigger at the moment you first see them coming in, but won't kill you (because if you're triggering on the units capping the flag, you need to be alive to re-take it.  I got 70 points that round, almost all from this tactic.
I still think its gay that ea didnt count hand grenades as explosives cause i got 40 hand grenade kills in a round.... >_<
+66|6881|Missoula, MT
Exploding Fodder

FLaXCarnage wrote:

I still think its gay that ea didnt count hand grenades as explosives cause i got 40 hand grenade kills in a round.... >_<
Well, they are "supposed" to be used in different ways. Such as grenades are targeted throws.

But throw in the fact you can use C4 as grenades and the point is moot.  =o
+2|6836|Eastern PA

FLaXCarnage wrote:

I still think its gay that ea didnt count hand grenades as explosives cause i got 40 hand grenade kills in a round.... >_<
And everyone would just select the Support kit and mindlessly SPAM grenades until they got "Expert" status . . .

At least the Spec-Ops has limited access to C4; and if throwing it, needs to switch to the detonator to achieve any kills.

I finally got the Basic Boom Badge - after over 500 C4 kills from the start of the extremely frustrating  attempt - by utilizing the "Hamas Humvee" tactic, and by booby-trapping vehicles and flags at "soon-to-be-overrun" CP's. Thanks for the tips and encouragement I recieved along the way.

Last edited by T1mbrW0lf (2005-10-25 08:48:35)

they way i got mine was on dragon valley, i just ran around blowing people up.  be sneaky with it.  i drove a jeep into a enemy base got out with three guys running at me shooting, i hopped up threw one kinda towards them and blew it up in mid air to get the last three kills.

LeGrandAssidomaen wrote:

Vert.shadows wrote:

For any badge....64 player karkand is the answer........
Yeah I remember getting my heli/aviator ones there...great stuff!
hahaha, that's funny
If you kill yourself with the C4 while killing an enemy, does this count against your kill count for the round.  I'm sure i killed at least 23 peeps IRA, but I also killed myself almost as much.
Hotel California
+0|6832|Oakland, CA
What i did is i played as chinese in Wake Island and flew over to thier main base, strapped C4 onto their chopper and waited for a bunch of people got in, blow em up. Repeat
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|6820|Alabama Coast, USA
I'm pretty sure that self-kills don't hurt your kill count, or kill score.  It's a death... and I think that would count as a sucicide, and be -2 teamwork points... but I'm not so sure on that.
I found a relatively good way to rack up kills with C4 at Strike at Karkand.

1)  Be MEC

2)  Place a C4 or two around the ladder area (the one that is facing the US base) and hide in an area where you can see that area.  You'll notice this is a popular insertion area for enemies to cap the flag.  When you see enemies group up around the roof across from the ladder, climb up the ladder, or jump over it (wherever your C4 is), then detonate it.  Repeat process until Hotel flag is capped.

3)  Retreat to the Square building and climb up to the roof.  Drop then detonate C4 when you see enemies around there.  You'll rack up tons more C4 kills this way.

4)  If Square is capped and you still need more kills, I'd stick with the train station for C4 kills because the Suburbs is in a very wide area.  Drop C4 around the road that slopes down into the Train Wreck, not the flat areas.  That way, enemies can't see your C4 until it's too late.  Another good area is planting C4 in the water around the backdoor area to the base for taking out tanks and loaded APCs.

5)  If all else fails, Jihad Jeep or place C4 around non obvious areas, like the side of an enteranceway or crates.  Try not to place them in places where they could be spotted easily.

Follow these strats and you'll get your Ordinance badge in no time.  C4 is the way to go.
+0|6736|St. Petersburg, FL
I got vet and expert in the same round at karkland. Just be USMC and throw and detonate C4 into that first area where the MEC troops gather. Rinse, lather, and repeat the process until your guys take the flag. When your guys go after the square, C4 the flag entry area near the square itself (with the ramp). Then kill the spawners or the guys coming out. You should get 15+ kills right there. From there just C4 popular enemy areas, and use them like grenades. Don't be afraid to commit suicide.
+5|6814|Westeren Australia

slidero wrote:

Expert seems really hard to get.  37 kills is pretty insane.  Anyone that has it want to give some tips?

I know for my basic/vet i just used c4 on karkand but i dont think I could get 37 that way.
the other map is wake wen u first start cause u can c4 the carrier just get the air plane 1st
+0|6803|Givataim, Israel

divided wrote:

I got basic and veteran explosive ordinance on karkand.  It's not that hard if you ONLY use c4, nothing else.  Just throw c4 at people, jump out of the way and press the button..

I needed to go to a 64 player karkand with few people to get expert..that one is tough.

And of course jihad jeeping.  That one is a favorite
Yeah just go Karkand throw the C4 and explode it where much enemies are.
I made the Vet there aswell (about 24 kills with explosives).
Go to an almost full 64 players server, but if you're allitle slow with your reactions go to a 64 players server that has as less players as you find.

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