defragment didnt help. reinstalling gaem
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Um seems likely, tried any other games?FatherTed wrote:
reinstall hasnt helped, rolling back drivers hasnt helped, swapping ram hasnt helped. also i now get black splodges ingame - gpu close to die?
yeah BFBC2 got punkbuster problems, then splodges, eve just wont start. ill try bf2 nowcoke wrote:
Um seems likely, tried any other games?FatherTed wrote:
reinstall hasnt helped, rolling back drivers hasnt helped, swapping ram hasnt helped. also i now get black splodges ingame - gpu close to die?
nightmare, but i'm with dem. memory sounds the problem.FatherTed wrote:
fml i cant even find my usb stick
i hate technology