
Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

Aussie, the rich PAY the lower classes to support them. IE build their planes, manage their hotels and their stores, build their cars, build their boats etc.
The rich pay the lower classes to work for them, not support them.
Don't worry, I was using the term adopted by Aussie. You have your own argument that is in need of attention.

In fact wait a second, didn't you just tell me the rich only employ a small number of people?

Last edited by lowing (2011-01-19 15:19:40)


Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

Aussie, the rich PAY the lower classes to support them. IE build their planes, manage their hotels and their stores, build their cars, build their boats etc.
The rich pay the lower classes to work for them, not support them.
no one said a word about unregulated or untaxed society so find a different avenue to your point, that one ain't gunna work
You're asking for taxes to be reduced to help the rich keep their money, which is exactly what they tend to do - keep it.
It is after all their money Dilbert. What claims do you have on money earned through someone else's efforts, besides that which is legislated to take?

AussieReaper wrote:

lowing wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

It's not the rich that support the rest of society, it's the lower classes that support the rich.
Aussie, the rich PAY the lower classes to support them. IE build their planes, manage their hotels and their stores, build their cars, build their boats etc.

THey even employ people to drive them around, fly them around, clean their houses landscape their yards install their pools etc...THAT is how a society is supported.
So you're saying 1% are supporting 99% of the population by paying them?
don't know the percentage, what I do know is this, I have never asked a poor person for a job..............have you?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

lowing wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

lowing wrote:

Aussie, the rich PAY the lower classes to support them. IE build their planes, manage their hotels and their stores, build their cars, build their boats etc.

THey even employ people to drive them around, fly them around, clean their houses landscape their yards install their pools etc...THAT is how a society is supported.
So you're saying 1% are supporting 99% of the population by paying them?
don't know the percentage, what I do know is this, I have never asked a poor person for a job..............have you?
Maybe you don't understand the concept of companies employing you, rather than individuals.

Because companies are owned by shareholders.

You know George Westinghouse, Jr is long dead, but the company still employs people. I guess you'll argue that George is still paying the employees, a century after his death, huh?

AussieReaper wrote:

lowing wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

So you're saying 1% are supporting 99% of the population by paying them?
don't know the percentage, what I do know is this, I have never asked a poor person for a job..............have you?
Maybe you don't understand the concept of companies employing you, rather than individuals.

Because companies are owned by shareholders.

You know George Westinghouse, Jr is long dead, but the company still employs people. I guess you'll argue that George is still paying the employees, a century after his death, huh?
no sir I will not argue that. I will however argue that any shareholders of any company with enough shares to influence the direction of that company is probably rich.

I won't even speak of how you are trying to side step my argument with semantics.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Semantics. lol

I don't think you understand that shareholders can form groups and minotities/majorities to influence a companies direction. They don't have to be rich to own stock and vote at share holder meetings.

AussieReaper wrote:

Semantics. lol

I don't think you understand that shareholders can form groups and minotities/majorities to influence a companies direction. They don't have to be rich to own stock and vote at share holder meetings.
yup do understand that.....Wonder how many poor people with stock in Microsoft vote at share holder meetings.. Oh well I may never know.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

They have an annual shareholder meeting that I'm sure you'd be able to attend. Buy some stock and come along!

AussieReaper wrote:

They have an annual shareholder meeting that I'm sure you'd be able to attend. Buy some stock and come along!
Yeah I just hope all the flights and hotels in Seattle or Vegas or where ever the shareholders meeting is being held is not booked up by all of the poor people flocking in for the meeting.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Don't worry, you can vote in absentia!

AussieReaper wrote:

Don't worry, you can vote in absentia!
boy that is a relief.

lowing wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

They didn't get rich by spending money...

You know why when a government decides to stimulate the economy they give hand outs to the poor?
I see, so the rich do not own mansions, yachts and planes that need built crewed and maintained....my fault I must be wrong.
They buy a lot of Horses thank god ! Usually ones that kinda scare them a little. That is when I can start to bill them heavy !

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

lowing wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

They didn't get rich by spending money...

You know why when a government decides to stimulate the economy they give hand outs to the poor?
I see, so the rich do not own mansions, yachts and planes that need built crewed and maintained....my fault I must be wrong.
They buy a lot of Horses thank god ! Usually ones that kinda scare them a little. That is when I can start to bill them heavy !
lol can you believe the argument waged against the rich?

Dilbert_X wrote:

Anyone else notice that Glenn Beck has now adopted a school-teacher type persona?
Standing at a blackboard lecturing and writing slogans?

I guess the right wing really does need to be told what to think.
For my own part I like to try and keep learning. I have never found anyone who couldn't teach you something new, ( even children ) and in my personal experience "You can Never Teach a Know it all anything ! " Pick your own examples.

Considering the level of debate the left has put forth lately. Lets just drop it, shall we ? it serves no purpose.

lowing wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

lowing wrote:

I see, so the rich do not own mansions, yachts and planes that need built crewed and maintained....my fault I must be wrong.
They buy a lot of Horses thank god ! Usually ones that kinda scare them a little. That is when I can start to bill them heavy !
lol can you believe the argument waged against the rich?
I was rich twice. I plan on being rich again real soon. Right now with both buildings empty, I am hemorrhaging money. It his hard not to get depressed. It is hard to keep a cool head. I want to scream at some one and blame some one but what good would that do. I just have to hustle repairs along wrap up law suits and get back to work.

For the Record my one Tenant worked For N.B.C. News, cried that " his little boy had diabetes, could I help him out with $ " I did  ( scumbag NeoCon that I am. ) I let him slide on some rent and he stiffed me. He bolted-left the place a wreck too ! lol At least I got to call him a F*kin hypocrite to his face. He seemed startled and scared that I knew where he moved to and was waiting for him there.

I can be a scary guy. Tee hee !

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

lowing wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

They buy a lot of Horses thank god ! Usually ones that kinda scare them a little. That is when I can start to bill them heavy !
lol can you believe the argument waged against the rich?
I was rich twice. I plan on being rich again real soon. Right now with both buildings empty, I am hemorrhaging money. It his hard not to get depressed. It is hard to keep a cool head. I want to scream at some one and blame some one but what good would that do. I just have to hustle repairs along wrap up law suits and get back to work.

For the Record my one Tenant worked For N.B.C. News, cried that " his little boy had diabetes, could I help him out with $ " I did  ( scumbag NeoCon that I am. ) I let him slide on some rent and he stiffed me. He bolted-left the place a wreck too ! lol At least I got to call him a F*kin hypocrite to his face. He seemed startled and scared that I knew where he moved to and was waiting for him there.

I can be a scary guy. Tee hee !
never been rich, doubt I ever will be, I just trudge along, but I do work for it, and earn it, which is why I feel I have more of an entitlement to my money in the form of lower taxes.

I do enjoy the level of wealth envy displayed by those on the left. My favorites is how the poor actually carry the rich, and how the rich are not responsible for any of us having jobs. Apparently poor people are who keep us gainfully employed, ya know, with their keen insight, and influence at all the shareholder meetings and all.

I also enjoy how my stating that I feel we are over taxed actually means that I feel we should not be paying taxes at all.

I love how being a gun owner makes me a insane gun nut hell bent on shooting people on sight for J-walking.

But I guess my favorite of all time is how when discussing religious violence, I am inexplicably and unfailingly labeled a racist who hates ALL Muslims. I Guess it is impossible to hate a religion or religious violence without being a racist. Who knows.

Regarding Turquoise: What you say is absolutely true, however what I notice about him is, he rarely if ever takes a stand. He is a fence sitter on all issues and rarely ever argues a specific point, instead, he tries to get you to see the other POV even if it is not his position. As for me, I know the other POV, I simply don't like it or agree with it, so I argue against it. Turquoise rarely does. In Turquoises world, no one is right and no one is wrong all POV's have legitimacy. He acts more of a referee than a player.

What I do love about him though is like me, he rarely throws insults. He speaks his piece and all discussions between us have been civil. Can not think of a single instance otherwise. He is a joy to engage in this forum.

Last edited by lowing (2011-01-20 01:41:19)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

lowing wrote:

But I guess my favorite of all time is how when discussing religious violence, I am inexplicably and unfailingly labeled a racist who hates ALL Muslims.
Because you unfailingly tar all muslims with the same brush, and copy-paste passages from Neo-Nazi websites which 'prove' all muslims are evil.
I love how being a gun owner makes me a insane gun nut hell bent on shooting people on sight for J-walking.
You did idolise a man who shot dead two people leaving his neighbours house.

This is part of the problem, you make personal statements and accuse anyone who responds of making a personal attack on you, that and unthinkingly regurgitate right wing ideology.

Anyway, I'd like to suggest there is a difference between the merely wealthy - who take out loans, set up businesses, employ people, spend their money in the community, succeed or fail etc., and the mega-rich who use society to gain massive wealth and/or power at the expense of society.

I'm thinking of the Blankfeins, Madoffs, Fulds, Lays, whoever runs Walmart, Russian oligarchs, Third-world dictators, communist rulers etc etc.
Should these guys see a bit more tax and regulation? I think so.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2011-01-20 04:39:32)

Fuck Israel

lowing wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

lowing wrote:

lol can you believe the argument waged against the rich?
I was rich twice. I plan on being rich again real soon. Right now with both buildings empty, I am hemorrhaging money. It his hard not to get depressed. It is hard to keep a cool head. I want to scream at some one and blame some one but what good would that do. I just have to hustle repairs along wrap up law suits and get back to work.

For the Record my one Tenant worked For N.B.C. News, cried that " his little boy had diabetes, could I help him out with $ " I did  ( scumbag NeoCon that I am. ) I let him slide on some rent and he stiffed me. He bolted-left the place a wreck too ! lol At least I got to call him a F*kin hypocrite to his face. He seemed startled and scared that I knew where he moved to and was waiting for him there.

I can be a scary guy. Tee hee !
never been rich, doubt I ever will be, I just trudge along, but I do work for it, and earn it, which is why I feel I have more of an entitlement to my money in the form of lower taxes.

I do enjoy the level of wealth envy displayed by those on the left. My favorites is how the poor actually carry the rich, and how the rich are not responsible for any of us having jobs. Apparently poor people are who keep us gainfully employed, ya know, with their keen insight, and influence at all the shareholder meetings and all.

I also enjoy how my stating that I feel we are over taxed actually means that I feel we should not be paying taxes at all.

I love how being a gun owner makes me a insane gun nut hell bent on shooting people on sight for J-walking.

But I guess my favorite of all time is how when discussing religious violence, I am inexplicably and unfailingly labeled a racist who hates ALL Muslims. I Guess it is impossible to hate a religion or religious violence without being a racist. Who knows.

Regarding Turquoise: What you say is absolutely true, however what I notice about him is, he rarely if ever takes a stand. He is a fence sitter on all issues and rarely ever argues a specific point, instead, he tries to get you to see the other POV even if it is not his position. As for me, I know the other POV, I simply don't like it or agree with it, so I argue against it. Turquoise rarely does. In Turquoises world, no one is right and no one is wrong all POV's have legitimacy. He acts more of a referee than a player.

What I do love about him though is like me, he rarely throws insults. He speaks his piece and all discussions between us have been civil. Can not think of a single instance otherwise. He is a joy to engage in this forum.
I hear you, I am a fence sitter on some issues, I would be on many more but the hatred these people spew pushes me towards those being unjustly smeared.

" What you do to the least of them you do to me. "

I believe that was my sole motive in attending my very first political rally A Tea Party! They were so maligned and insulted as was Rush Limbaugh. I stood with them. It is amazing how low people stoop when they, have no accountability. I all ways assume I am speaking to a juvenile when some one starts swearing. When people Rattle off institutions of higher learning they frequent, I begin to suspect their association with said institution involves a leaf blower.

As for rich. I mean ( I do / buy what ever I want, when I want to*. ) But not now.

*Just short of Buying a Humvee when I heard they were canceling production. I had no place to keep it and we were involved in other difficult projects. But that Hummer was on the other side of the line. Plus I grew up in poverty so just having stuff in the Fridge was still a rush until about a year ago.. Now I am like " Does my daughter really need another Rocking Horse ? " that should change this spring - God willing. But by many standerds I suppose I am not " Rich " just comfortable and happy with my income

FTR I never heard you say " all muslims are evil ". still, I have yet to hear from muslims in High placed political offices condemning violence. I just assumed that piont of veiw would not make very entertaining watching for a news channel. Fox has had a few Anti Violence muslims on but other than that I never saw any on any other Net Works. But if They must be out there, I rarely hear about it.

Leave it to " OMG FOX ! "  to air the other side of the story... bastards

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2011-01-20 06:08:44)


Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

But I guess my favorite of all time is how when discussing religious violence, I am inexplicably and unfailingly labeled a racist who hates ALL Muslims.
Because you unfailingly tar all muslims with the same brush, and copy-paste passages from Neo-Nazi websites which 'prove' all muslims are evil.
I love how being a gun owner makes me a insane gun nut hell bent on shooting people on sight for J-walking.
You did idolise a man who shot dead two people leaving his neighbours house.

This is part of the problem, you make personal statements and accuse anyone who responds of making a personal attack on you, that and unthinkingly regurgitate right wing ideology.

Anyway, I'd like to suggest there is a difference between the merely wealthy - who take out loans, set up businesses, employ people, spend their money in the community, succeed or fail etc., and the mega-rich who use society to gain massive wealth and/or power at the expense of society.

I'm thinking of the Blankfeins, Madoffs, Fulds, Lays, whoever runs Walmart, Russian oligarchs, Third-world dictators, communist rulers etc etc.
Should these guys see a bit more tax and regulation? I think so.
I have never ever in all the years I have posted here painted "all Muslims with the same brush". Never not once.

I did not celebrate the guy killing 2 criminals, I celebrated the fact that the world is 2 criminals less. I do believe if memory serves me, that I stated he was probably wrong in his actions and use of self defense, I simply didn't care 2 criminals were killed while committing a crime. so lets be fair here.

What personal statements do I make? I make general statements regarding Islam, social issues, taxes, political ideology etc. I do not regurgitate right wing ideology. I express my personal opinions on many topics. It just so happens, the right tends to align with my personal opinions, and makes better arguments for its ideology than the left does. I already explained why earlier.

Maddoff was a criminal, no better than any other thief so lets get that straight. He does not count.

Why not use society to gain wealth? What is wrong with that? Are you condemning the people that own home depot, lowes, Wal mart etc. for being TOO rich? Why? They employ 100s of thousands of people. It is how a society operates and their is nothing wrong with it. In fact our system has seen a greater quality of life for more people than any other system in history. It works well.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
LOL OK, maybe you should read what you type from time to time.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

LOL OK, maybe you should read what you type from time to time.
Dilbert, I know exactly the context of my posts, I am honest about them, which is why I am also very consistent.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Fine, I'll go dig up some classic lowing quotes later.
Islam is evil
Black people smell bad
Shooting suspects is awsm

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Fine, I'll go dig up some classic lowing quotes later.
Islam is evil
Black people smell bad
Shooting suspects is awsm

hmmmm, Islam is evil? not sure I said that, I do recall saying Islam is a violent intolerant religion however.....

black people smell bad? pretty sure I never said that

shooting suspects is awesome? same thing, pretty sure I never said that either

but you run along and go dig let me know whatcha find.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

Fine, I'll go dig up some classic lowing quotes later.
Islam is evil
Black people smell bad
Shooting suspects is awsm


'libruls r stoppid cuz US is orsum'
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Fine, I'll go dig up some classic lowing quotes later.
Islam is evil
Black people smell bad
Shooting suspects is awsm


'libruls r stoppid cuz US is orsum'
just let me know how long I gotta wait.

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