UnkleRukus wrote:
Hunter/Jumper wrote:
UnkleRukus wrote:
You too buddy, you'll pass that grammar test one day.
Every fucking time you post it's just a jumbled mess of words. For fucks suck man, put some thought into your sentences so they aren't confusing piles of shit.
how is that ?
Sounds like you copied that from somewhere, plagiarism isn't allowed on this site I believe.
Why dont you Check ?
1. Respect the site, staff, and members.
2. Refrain from posting messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or are otherwise of questionable content (if you have to ask, the answer is 'No.')
3. Help maintain a fun and friendly atmosphere by using your best judgment and granting people the benefit of the doubt when taking place in discussions.
how are you doing so far ?4. Positively contribute to the forums with useful posts and information relevant to the section being posted under.
5. Read the stickied threads in various sections. They have been stickied because they will answer commonly asked questions or are otherwise very helpful.
6. Refrain from needless swearing. There is an appropriate time and place for strong language, know how to use it or do not use it at all.
still with us ? 7. Search the forums before creating a new thread. Most likely your question has already been answered many times over. It is better to post in an old thread which matches than to create a new one.
Use descriptive and appropriate titles when creating a thread. Titles such as, etc.
any luck ?
Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2011-01-19 13:39:11)