all this workout equipment and dietary supplements and shit... i'm just not so sure.

i've just made a point lately since quitting drugs to eat a healthy, balanced diet... perhaps 4 solid sittings a day... and i've been trying to do basic home calisthenic exercises (e.g. pushups, crunches, whatever else is available in the space im in) maybe twice a day for 15 minutes... and after only a month i can see a tangible 'boost' to my fitness and outward appearance. it doesn't strike me that every person here is intent on becoming a muscle-bound beefcake, so why all the hype and excitement over buying £50 tubs of shit-flavoured water to pile inside you 3 times a day? just chill out!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
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Uzique wrote:

all this workout equipment and dietary supplements and shit... i'm just not so sure.

i've just made a point lately since quitting drugs to eat a healthy, balanced diet... perhaps 4 solid sittings a day... and i've been trying to do basic home calisthenic exercises (e.g. pushups, crunches, whatever else is available in the space im in) maybe twice a day for 15 minutes... and after only a month i can see a tangible 'boost' to my fitness and outward appearance. it doesn't strike me that every person here is intent on becoming a muscle-bound beefcake, so why all the hype and excitement over buying £50 tubs of shit-flavoured water to pile inside you 3 times a day? just chill out!
I don't take any supplements during the day, 'Zique. This is merely for my workout.

Your tangible boost in fitness is because you didn't do this on a regular basis, and you're not doing heavy weights - once you've started doing this for a while, you start plateauing at certain levels (depending on how you're built) and supplements (all of these are pretty natural, all the stimulants are natural amino acids and some caffeine) help you pass that plateau and lift more than you could have without them. All you're really doing is giving your muscles more energy so they can develop more, it's not about becoming a muscle-bound beefcake.

It also helps workout routines because you shouldn't exceed 1 hour 15 in the gym, and with a pre-workout supplement, you can go through what you'd do in 1 hour in 30-45 minutes if you have the focus. Normal athletes and professional ones wouldn't be taking this stuff if it didn't have an effect.

But you're right about having all the shakes during the day, it's a lot better to eat food than that - but it's actually a lot cheaper to drink shakes. Like a hell of a lot cheaper. For £36 you get 2.2kg of Whey Protein, and you get 25g of Protein per serving, that's £0.55p a serving which means it's a hell of a lot cheaper than buying two Chicken drumsticks (equivalent) and quite a bit healthier as well.

Changing my supplements and trying different things I've noticed boosts in my energy and muscle building improvements. There is no hype with them. They do what they say on the box if you workout properly and eat healthily.
I try and have a couple of shakes on a workout day and one on a rest day, have noticed it helps a lot, especially with recovery the next day.

The 2lbs I bought in November lasted me a month and a half or so, this 5lb tub I got only costs ~£38 and I can see it lasting me 3 months, not that expensive if you think about it.
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Sturgeon wrote:

I try and have a couple of shakes on a workout day and one on a rest day, have noticed it helps a lot, especially with recovery the next day.

The 2lbs I bought in November lasted me a month and a half or so, this 5lb tub I got only costs ~£38 and I can see it lasting me 3 months, not that expensive if you think about it.
That's probably the most vital part that supplements take in a workout routine - Recovery. Due to the fast intake of whey protein, your muscles recover a lot faster and you don't get muscle soreness like you would if you didn't take a decent shake post-workout.
It's also a lot easier than making a meal straight after.
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Sturgeon wrote:

It's also a lot easier than making a meal straight after.
Wouldn't help with recovery that well though. Digestion of solid proteins in comparison with whey protein is incredibly slow. Whey protein is fast acting, which is why it's so popular as the shake.

If you want to be taking a supplement during the day that is protein then Casein protein is what you want to look at.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I've had it recommended to me to have 3 shakes on a workout day and 2 on a cardio day. So typically I'll have a bowl of rolled oats with 2 scoops of whey in it on a workout day. I'll then have a serve of whey with 2.5g (aprrox) of creatine about 1 - 1.5 hours pre workout, and the same plus 5g of of glutamine post workout.

I really have noticed the difference taking creatine, it does do what it says. I was kinda sceptical at first but I did notice a bit of increased endurance and slight strength gains. When I've missed it and tried similar workout, there was my proof.

Anyway, I thought I'd try a bunch of things I may not use again. I'm also taking some MAN - Scorch caps for fat loss (and they appear to be working, certainly getting closer to my goal), fish oil and a multivitamin.

I'll keep taking whey and creatine, along with fish oil and the multivitamin. Trying to eat a well balanced healthy diet, which is the most important thing anyway. Getting this part right 90 - 95% of the time.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6217|Places 'n such

Zimmer wrote:

Sturgeon wrote:

It's also a lot easier than making a meal straight after.
Wouldn't help with recovery that well though. Digestion of solid proteins in comparison with whey protein is incredibly slow. Whey protein is fast acting, which is why it's so popular as the shake.

If you want to be taking a supplement during the day that is protein then Casein protein is what you want to look at.
Tastes better than a chicken smoothie to.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
My 5lb tub of ON 100% Whey - Double Choc arrived an hour ago

Jaekus wrote:

My 5lb tub of ON 100% Whey - Double Choc arrived an hour ago
Mine arrived today too!
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I had one earlier, man it does taste pretty damn good.
Looking for my Scooper
Does anyone do box squats here? What are the advantages of regular squats?
Does anybody know a good fitness/gym tracker designed for windows? Where I can enter sets/reps and log my progress etc...

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6580|New Haven, CT
Here is my current program (thanks Jaekus for the 5x5 suggestion, but I have time to go to the gym everyday and need to):

Monday: Legs, Shoulders, Abs
Tuesday: Chest, Biceps, Abs
Wednesday: Back, Triceps, Abs
Thursday: Cardio/Sprint intervals, Plyometrics, Abs
Friday: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Bicep Curls, Tricep Extensions, Abs
Saturday/Sunday: Rest one, repeat Thursday on the the other

I'm doing 4 sets with reps of 12, 12, 10, 10.

How does it look? Any suggested modifications to splits, sets, or reps?
More rest days needed imo.

@Irish I just use Excel
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Jebus wrote:

Does anyone do box squats here? What are the advantages of regular squats?
I do regular squats. I googled box squats and I think the biggest difference is it is a limit to how low you can go. If you're feeling it and want to push yourself you can always drop a little lower with a regular squat. Then you can really power it back up. But perhaps box squats are safer, I dunno really.
Go Cougs!
+691|6547|Washington St.

nukchebi0 wrote:

Here is my current program (thanks Jaekus for the 5x5 suggestion, but I have time to go to the gym everyday and need to):

Monday: Legs, Shoulders, Abs
Tuesday: Chest, Biceps, Abs
Wednesday: Back, Triceps, Abs
Thursday: Cardio/Sprint intervals, Plyometrics, Abs
Friday: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Bicep Curls, Tricep Extensions, Abs
Saturday/Sunday: Rest one, repeat Thursday on the the other

I'm doing 4 sets with reps of 12, 12, 10, 10.

How does it look? Any suggested modifications to splits, sets, or reps?
abs everyday? I've heard a million times 'no' and a million times 'yes' on this. to be honest I have no idea which one to believe.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

nukchebi0 wrote:

Here is my current program (thanks Jaekus for the 5x5 suggestion, but I have time to go to the gym everyday and need to):

Monday: Legs, Shoulders, Abs
Tuesday: Chest, Biceps, Abs
Wednesday: Back, Triceps, Abs
Thursday: Cardio/Sprint intervals, Plyometrics, Abs
Friday: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Bicep Curls, Tricep Extensions, Abs
Saturday/Sunday: Rest one, repeat Thursday on the the other

I'm doing 4 sets with reps of 12, 12, 10, 10.

How does it look? Any suggested modifications to splits, sets, or reps?
A few suggestions.

* I agree with PrivateVendetta, you need more rest days. I know you're keen to go but your muscle only grows when at rest. If you're working them almost every day, they won't recover enough and won't grow as well as a result. From my understanding a routine as busy as outlined above would only really work for an advanced lifter, whose body has become used to recovering quickly and takes a lot of supplements to aid this process.

* The groupings of your exercise days could be better. Like, you've got chest and biceps on the same day, and then back and triceps on the following day. When you do back exercises your biceps are typically worked as secondary muscles. The same goes when doing chest exercises, your triceps are also used. So essentially you're working out both biceps and triceps two days in a row, which is a no-no as there is no recovery for these muscle groups between exercise days. Even the most advanced lifters could not do this, if they want to workout correctly.

* You're working your abs five days a week. Whilst a lot of people believe you can work abs every day, this is a myth. Your abs are just like any other muscle, they need a day to recover. It just so happens your abs are one of the fastest muscle groups to recover, but it still takes around 48 hours.

The main danger with this routine is that your body isn't getting enough time to recover. You might feel fine for the first couple weeks, but when you're trying to up the weights your body is just going to stall as it hasn't got time to grow the muscle it requires to do so. This will make you exhausted a lot of the time and could even lead to injury, or at least overtraining.

If you really want to go to the gym 5-6 times a week, might I suggest a routine that works your upper body one day, lower body the next, then cardio on the third day? You can do extra exercises for these muscle groups to really work them but they get a couple days to rest before intensive weight training again, which is just as/even more important as working them hard.

So, it would look something like this:

Monday: Lower body - quads, calves, hamstrings, lower back, glutes
Tuesday: Upper body - chest, arms, upper back (BB rows, machine rows; whatever works), shoulders, lats, traps.
Wednesday: Cardio/plyometrics/HIIT
Thursday: Lower body
Friday: Upper body
Saturday: Cardio/plyometrics/HIIT
Sunday: rest, and lots of it!

For your abs you've got a few options, with the main rule to do them every other day. So you can do them on your lower body days, and then again on Saturday, or do them M/W/F, or T/T/S - whatever works for you.

I also put the upper day between the cardio and lower days as cardio tends to work the legs more than the upper body (not always of course, but generally speaking). So your lower body has a rest day before doing your plyometrics etc. It doesn't need a rest day before weight training though as you're typically working the muscles differently (and harder) on your lifting days.

It looks like you're really keen, but if you work out hard and don't get enough rest you simply won't get the gains you are after. I discovered this when I first started as I had a 6 day routine, alternating A/B days, so the same two routines 3x a week. When I started upping all my weights, I felt exhausted all the time and found it almost impossible to complete my routine. Once I gave myself some extra rest days, my weights all went up by 50% in only 5 weeks. I've since changed to a full body routine 3x a week and this is feeling better even better. Because I'm a beginner (have been lifting intelligently and consistently for under 6 months) a full body routine is best for me. Then after that something along the lines as what is outlined above is probably best.

Hope that helps!

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-01-19 16:59:30)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

pirana6 wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Here is my current program (thanks Jaekus for the 5x5 suggestion, but I have time to go to the gym everyday and need to):

Monday: Legs, Shoulders, Abs
Tuesday: Chest, Biceps, Abs
Wednesday: Back, Triceps, Abs
Thursday: Cardio/Sprint intervals, Plyometrics, Abs
Friday: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Bicep Curls, Tricep Extensions, Abs
Saturday/Sunday: Rest one, repeat Thursday on the the other

I'm doing 4 sets with reps of 12, 12, 10, 10.

How does it look? Any suggested modifications to splits, sets, or reps?
abs everyday? I've heard a million times 'no' and a million times 'yes' on this. to be honest I have no idea which one to believe.
Abs are like any other muscle, they need time to recover. The reason why some people believe you can work them every day is because they're probably the fastest recovering muscle group, but even then it takes around 48 hours, or so I've read.

The other thing is, if you want a six-pack (the main reason people do ab exercises) you need to bring your body fat percentage to under 10% (if you're male). You could have the best abs in the world but you'll never see them if you have a higher body fat %.
Jaek speaks sense as far as i am concerned
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Thanks man

I can't take credit for it, I've just done a lot of reading in the past few months. It's those people who write the articles that I'm thankful for.

Just did my B routine, feels really good. I think I'll be staying on this workout for quite a while.
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nukchebi0 wrote:

Here is my current program (thanks Jaekus for the 5x5 suggestion, but I have time to go to the gym everyday and need to):

Monday: Legs, Shoulders, Abs
Tuesday: Chest, Biceps, Abs
Wednesday: Back, Triceps, Abs
Thursday: Cardio/Sprint intervals, Plyometrics, Abs
Friday: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Bicep Curls, Tricep Extensions, Abs
Saturday/Sunday: Rest one, repeat Thursday on the the other

I'm doing 4 sets with reps of 12, 12, 10, 10.

How does it look? Any suggested modifications to splits, sets, or reps?
there is no such thing as 'needing to go to the gym everyday' you're doing a more intense workout than the most advanced body builders, and I highly doubt you're in that bracket of guys. Most advanced builders do 3 days, rest, 2 days, rest.

You're doing too much. What's with your friday?! That's the craziest workout I've seen comparing it to your other days. You're doing a beginner whole body day on friday when you've done 3 days of concentrated workouts? That's stupid and crazy. No need for it whatsoever.

How long have you been working out for?

I'm trying to understand where you got this workout routine from... Also, abs every day is a no no.
Say wat!?
gunna have to miss the gym today coz my disk brake is fucked
Looking for my Scooper
Fuck yes, I'm really starting to fall in love with squats. 100kg's is going easy now. Not training regulary because of exams right now, but in two-three weeks I'll be hitting the gym 3 times a week, every week, doing stronglifts.

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