Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6710|Houston, Texas
Is it just me or does the P90 just pretty much suck. If you look up the links on the unlock and compare it to the pistols, the pistols acctually do more damage. If your secondary weapon does more damage then your primary, why bother using it in the first place?

I'm sticking to my DAO and Pistol.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6765|Honolulu, HI
Nobody ever said that the unlocks were necessarily better than the stock kit weapons--just something different.  The P90 is the only AT weapon with a red-dot sight, and if you like that, great.  If not, don't use it.  Yes, it does 19 damage, one less than the pistol, but so do the other SMGs--they all do the same damage.  The P90 holds more bullets than the rest (50 vs. 45 for PP-19 and 30 for the other two) and has that nice sight picture, so if you like SMGs, you'll get a lot of use out of it.  Otherwise, don't bother.

Personally I prefer my SMGs as they have more flexibility than the DAO-12, but to each his own, right?
Dropped on request
It's good for close range situations. The sound effect makes you think it's worse than it is. I disliked it at first. I've grown to appreciate it however.
Chanetoy Dugali
+309|6747|Groningen / Netherlands
it just needs less bullets in 1 mag and more mags to reload (same goes for the MP7)
+50|6731|Southern California
i've found that the increased ammunition capacity has helped me to do better with the class.  Medium range combat is easier because you can use the site and lay down a blanket of fire and close range combat is easy as well, especially against multiple targets.
I havent unlocked the P90.. hell, not even the DAO, but if its as bad as you say, then it honestly hasnt been modelled anything like its real life counterpart :S
I find the p90 weak in close quarters since it takes a good 1.5 seconds of solid hitting to kill, where yes even pistol can kill first with headshots.  The shot while moving is horrendous.  It's only acceptible while prone and on single shot, even then being fully outdone by anyone with an assault rifle.  ROF seems low.

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-05-11 04:10:44)

Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6780|Malaga, España
i find the p90 not that bad

If u aim at the enemy's upper torso and the head you sure kill him quikere then he does u

i love it in open maps
does anyone remember goldeneye bond on n64?  remember the rcp-90?  What's the p90's rof anyway?
aah wiki

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-05-11 04:16:16)

Mass Media Casualty

It all depends on the situation you use it in. If you're in close-quarters combat of course the DAO-12 would be a better option, but try even hitting an enemy at long-mid range with a DAO. Dosn't work.
Applied to Sniper rifles too. If you're getting wave after wave of enemy soldier at your position, a Semi-Auto is best, but if you stake out targets a bolt action would be a better option.

Also, (going back to the AT guns,) if you're anti-shotguns like me, it's nice to have the option of a decent sub machinegun as well, (the chinese one especially sucks.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
+3|6707|Kentucky U.S.A.
I prefer the sub or shotgun to the P90. On Auto the P90 is as good as the shotgun close up. But I'm not as accurate at range with the P90 as the sub. The P90 will be my last unlock.
P90 just looks cool... On a noob server I will play around with it, but when the shots srart counting I will use my trusty DAO.

The DAO will shock the enemy so much they forget to fire at you...
+60|6684|Under the River
It is a good gun if you know how to use it if its in the hands of a pro then you are unbeatable
Flying Solo
+98|6807|Canada, Ont
Submachine Guns suck in this game... just staying consistant with that I guess.
+50|6641|Cambridge UK

'[QXJZ wrote:

Yes, it does 19 damage, one less than the pistol, but so do the other SMGs--they all do the same damage.
Yes and the P90 shoots out 19 damage at 900 rounds per minute doesn't it?? I don't think I could hit my mouse button fast enough to do that with a pistol! lol.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6745|Charlie One Alpha
The rate of fire of the P90 is much faster than you'd think, this is because the firing sound is NOT in synch with the actual shooting. Roughy every time you hear a *bang*, TWO bullets actually leave your barrel. This insane rate of fire is the key feature of the P90. In close/medium range you'll annihilate a lot of people.
It still sucks compared to assault rifles and the such, but it blows the other SMG's away. It's a good alternative to the DOA-12.

Last edited by LaidBackNinja (2006-05-11 06:00:19)

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
The P90 is the best SMG on paper [for all thats worth!].
It is more accurate in all three stances, has more ammo and has a better magnification when zoomed.
The red dot Vs the various iron sights is a matter of preference.
It sounds worst than all the other SMG's because rate of fire noise is slower, just like the MP7 sounds super quick. They are all 900 rpm.
The only statistics where the P90 falls down is the slower draw time and slower reload time.

All this said I still dont like the P90 every much!
It just feels wrong!
I guess I'll have to stick with my DAO, and pistol for med range.


Last edited by DrM (2006-05-11 06:03:19)


Darky wrote:

I havent unlocked the P90.. hell, not even the DAO, but if its as bad as you say, then it honestly hasnt been modelled anything like its real life counterpart :S
A-MEN to that, though in my opinion, they didn't model most guns after their real life counterparts. A good example being the M95. I'm pretty sure a .50 calibur round hitting you anywhere in your body is gonna kill you, I don't care how much body armor you're wearing. And as for the P90, it's actually not a bad unlock. As has been said before, it's great for medium range combat and I've even been known to get in kills at long range with it. It seems almost too slow firing, though, for 900 RPM.
I unlocked the P90 last night, but havent used it yet. Might go have a play around and act like I'm in Stargate SG-1.. (A)
+31|6860|St. Louis, MO
I have to disagree about the P90 sucking.The DAO is cool and all but it has no range.If you shoot in burst the P90 is a great medium range weapon.It has a nice scope wich is good for me considering my accuracy is terrible.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

It sucks because its an unlock, stock is always best trust me
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6780|Malaga, España
i find the  PLA AT's SMG the best.
I've killed many a sniper at long range with short bursts. It's fairly good up close too, but not as good as the DAO-12. Generally, if I'm not in a shotgunning mood I'll take the p90 over any of the stock smg's
Sorry man, P90 rocks. If you use it in short bursts for medium range and go full auto on close quarters, it rocks almost as the PP-19. I love its rate of fire.

Last edited by T.Frassini (2006-05-17 04:54:45)

+917|6654|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I love the P-90, I donmt know why... but I do. Maybe the fact that it does less damage than the pistols and I still own with it... recently. It fires hella-fast too.

Plus anti-tank rocket. lol
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