The regulation is apply at a police station, they do some background checks and you have to provide a reason to own the gun. I'm not too familiar with the rules as I've never felt the need to own a gun as no-one is going to start shooting at me.lowing wrote:
tightly want to explain how tight the regulation is?presidentsheep wrote:
Not really, it's not too hard to get a gun here. It's tightly regulated but there's nothing stopping your average citizen owning one.lowing wrote:
don't recall John blaming you. He merely point out the fact that your govt. has disarmed you as a society, relieving you of your right to defend yourselves or your homes. Then he points out how advantageous that disarming is to your govt.
The government doesn't care if the population is armed, we have this wonderful system called "democracy" whereby we can change how the country is run by this stuff called "voting". It's a simple but effective means of getting stuff done, you should possibly suggest it to your local politician.
You mean England's definition of "getting stuff done" is going from the most powerful and influential nation on earth to an island in the Atlantic that turns toward the US's leadership? No thanks, I just as soon NOT follow England's way of "getting stuff done". Doesn't sound too "effective", unless lap dog was the "effect" you were looking for.
Our govt. is designed to fear the people not the other way around. We have drifted from that philosophy but hopefully the people are regaining its footing.
No ones bringing foreign policy into this, I'd love to see how you make the connection with tighter firearm regulation and Britain's decline as an empire, personally I believe its to do with loss of trade during world war one and two. Would love to hear your interpretation though, something i'm sure will be well referenced and balanced.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.