+9|6890|Doctor Evils Lair, Near You!
For me currently it's sniper rifle use.  I luv to sit in some great grassy place and watch my target drop like a rag doll.....

Recently i watched a player sneak into a bunker and i crawled up to the bunker all quiet like on a quiet part of the map, a frag gernade at the front area and I dashed in the back entrance to administer my best knife kill ever. and DID HE SCREAM......

When i first started playing bf2 with JAM they all expert soldiers now after some practise and a great tank kill ride with a mate can i now fully appreciate what this game is.....
Headshot Specialist
+104|7150|Woodland Hills, Ca
I had another kill lately that left me shaking.......

Running to the water causeway on Karkand.

Spotted by a vodnick (whatever it's called - I was playing US). He tries to run me over in the middle of the road. I prone and he rolls right over me........I turn around headshot the guy in the roof gun......other guy hoops out unloads his gun into me and with one bar left I was able to headshot him.

It was a great round! I climbed onto the box car and couldn't move for around a minute or so I was so shocked!!!!!!!! I never expected to survive against two in a vod!
+917|6931|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I always love the shockpaddle kills in general.

But my fav was yesterday and I was playing Warlord and I was Engy; I was running from a tank and went around the corner at the palace security office and threw a mine under it, it didnt explode, so I chunked a grenade and I got 7 kills, 4 from the tank and three in another car right beside it. It was amazing, I loved it.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
+3|6947|Central Coast, NSW Australia
Driving along in a PLA Mobile AA in FuShe, firing my entire compliment of rockets into the sky and getting 2 full Blackhawks
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6968|Teesside, UK
Today on a wake island server there was 4 of us on usmc aircraft carrier wasting time tk'ing each until the round started.  it got quite agressive actually with one of the people trying to kick the other, eventually when the round started they continued to tk each other so i switched to the other team and played as normal.  Half way through the round i pressed tab and was amazed to see them still at it, their scores were -40.  couldn't believe it.  Think they got kicked in the end.
is still a BF2 Gunnery Sgt.
yesterday i was playin the Sharq i was at construction site facing the wall on the top of the hill(i think its surviellance post) as a sniper and i see right in front of me an enemy climbing the ladder.
no i didnt shoot him, but i whipper out my knife, he jumps over while im still prone and as he lands i knived in the ankles(while still prone.)

same day i was playin mashtuur and i was at hill as AT and there was a transport hovering and shooting at our guys. we were all trying to take it down so when i spawned i aimed up and shot one off.out of my periphery i saw all my teammates just stop and look up for the 2 or 3 seconds it took to get there.than i laughed as it blew apart from my one rocket(though i know its health was already low from my teammates)
I was AT with DAO-12 on Mashtur, was capping the Backyard or whatever its name is. So then just 2 guys show up, I used all my 12 shots. Reloading I see a medic jumping to one of the dead guys, and I only had 7 shots so I picked up my gun, slammed back to the DAO and killed the guy being revived. The medic falls back, and another enemy cames I kill him, reload. I still did'nt get the flag raised. Then the guy who I killed 2 times before enters and i kill him again, empty of ammo, knowing that the medic is near because he was the SL, I use my pistol. He lies right around the corner with a L85 and I kill him with the gun. Then a Hummer cames and kill me, lol. while waiting to respawn i turn left(in my chair) and laugh, while medic and the other guy sits right next to me and is like WTF!?! *we were sitting at a internett cafe playing*
Dead Meat
Was playing surge... i think. one of the big sf maps anyway. I entered mid-game and spawned as engineer cause the assets were screwed. I fixed assets and placed mines. got 3 kills w/ mines and resupplied and laid more mines... got bord and found a pickup truck and decided to take a drive. I did not use a gun the whole time! by the end, I had 20pts from just mines and running bastards over!!! oh and the few repair pts.
Very smile worthy!!!
+54|7065|Upper Franconia
Throw a grenade up to the Hotel on Karkand. BANG 5 and 5 defend points. But before the banana was exploding I got shot by a TANK grr.

Just last night.  I, with sniper pistol, versus Support PKM, Karkand, at close quarters.  Support guy was frantically spraying away, as I unloaded my pistol, heading straight at him.  I honestly thought I was toast, as the LMG shots were all over my screen.  I killed him and came out of it unscratched.  Deviation was my friend that night.  Common incident, but still funny...
Aeon Supreme commander
Engineer sniping with the shotgun and pistol
+557|7046|Oslo, Norway
kills that deserve teabagging and killing spawn rapers!
PKM Whore
+16|6949|Prolly on wake.
I smile at all the kills I manage to get, doesnt matter how they come. I love them all equally.
+305|6911|Cheshire. UK

Dingarth wrote:

3. Playing warlord....SAS dropping from the sky...thinking what the hell....I'll have a go...bam (M95) hits the guy in the head.......guys thinking WTF?
Ok that was me................   very funny!....just sat there saying NO WAY!
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Last week I shot down two jets with an FAV.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7008|Howell, Mi USA
Planting all 5 C4 packs on an unsuspecting sniper always brings a smile to my face. Just imagine there in the zone with scope zoomed and speakers all the way up and BOOM! Wouldn't be suprised if they piss their pants. LoL
+0|7065|greenville, sc
playing on ghost town...was commander...and was on the TOW spamming rockets and got 3 kills from that....also....was on wake and shot us attack chopper with m95 and he crashed....wreckage land on 1 of his teammates.....3 kills...one shot
Was ist Loos?
this guy emptied his ak-74 clip on me and i only have 2-3 bars of health gone, while hes loading, i run and drop 1 C4, jump over a box and detonate. lol, just adding insult to injury.  or when i was in mashtuur an a sniper was shooting at me /w the svd, i had 2 bars left turned around and headshotted him. he initiated a kick vote rite after too.
A couple of months ago i was on Wake.  I saw an enemy transport helicopter with 3 enemies in it starting to turn over, and so i proceeded to shoot at it with my pistol.  When it hit the ground i got 3 kills, and my squadmates are all staring at me wondering how I just got three kills with a pistol in a couple of seconds.  The next game I shot at the same bad pilot when he was flying an attack chopper and got two more kills.  I guess if a helocopter crashes into somthing while you are shooting at it, you get the kill.
You with the face!
Karkand-I was a sniper.  I came to the market from the river-side...go up to the closest stand and !!! there is a US spec-ops right there.  I had been scroll-switching to a different weapon, but stopped on the claymore.  I placed a claymore right next to him and ran.  1...2...3--BOOM!

Friend of mine was playing Kubra Dam.  He jumped off the dam and landed on an enemy chopper's windscreen, placed 2 C4s, smiled, and pushed the button.  Nothing the pilot could do...

Happened to me...unfortunately.  Sharqi--I race to the security outpost from the alleyway, in a Vod.  I see an APC comming right at me.   I ram the APC and bail (to the left side).  I start to run toward the AA and the (very friendly looking) brick wall.  But, before I take two steps, I get nailed in the face by an IGLA rocket from 20ft.  I bet that put a smile on his face...

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-05-10 21:00:04)

Decepticons forever!
the kill that made me smile the most so far, was at wake. i was in a tank, defending the southwestern beach from yanks when i see a plane coming in from the north. i wait for him to come a little closer then i hit the main weapon and fires a solid shot straight thru him. that made me feel good about myself
Playing on Dragon Valley and two snipers got on the hill firing into the American uncap, jumped in the blackhawk, landed the heli on the first but didnt get a kill!, knifed the other sniper went back to get in the chopper to find the first sniper stuck under it!!!,hahaha knife, go prone, and puncture him!.
Must have been annoying as hell for him. To this day I dunno why he didn't either press E and get in the heli or shoot me!, think he was so stressed about being stuck!
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6968|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Playing Karkand here today...I'm at the top of some stairs and I look down it and see two guys prone at the bottom...I kill the first one with my L85A1, the second is a medic, so he revives the guy...I kill him again...revive...kill...revive...kill...I run outta ammo so my squad mate kills the medic...I laughed my ass off but I felt bad for the poor bastard for having a retard of a medic there that didn't try and kill me but just kept reviving his buddy so he could catch my bullets for me...for once a medic whore helped me out...go figure...
Guy was running in the middle of nowhere up in the hills on Dragon Valley.

Killed the guy using the crappy MEC / PLA transport chopper.


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