Look at the spending increases since then. Shit, look at the spending increase just over the last few years. I'm sure you recognize the waste government has. This is because we, the taxpayers, are enabling them. Your money does not go far in Washington, it never has. If you cut the waste out, which is far greater than 20%, you'd easily be able to let people keep more of their money. This in turn will 'properly' grease the wheels of the economy, and promote expansion. Lower taxes and people will spend more, and revenues will naturally increase. Please note that I am not saying to get rid of or drop taxes all together. I did not say drop it 20%. Right now we're having a tough time just preventing a tax increase in order to fund the massive bureaucratic tumor we have in DC. History has shown that in the US that when you take a tax less approach you actually end up with a tax more result, because there is more product and services being moved through the system. Do you know how many people are priced out of homes now because they can't afford the property taxes on it? So now those homes sit unoccupied and the county receives absolutely nothing. It's the same logic with the fed. Tax people enough and they retract their spending habits, the economy slows, and people start losing their jobs. Not only that, there is an increased burden on the welfare system, and thus we end up with the massive debts we have today.
.. and more to the topic
.. and more to the topic
Kmar wrote:
Not only that, it (vote selling) is going to cause even more wealth disparity. Buying and selling votes will empower the wealthy even more.
Xbone Stormsurgezz