
What ruins a round of Bf2 the most?

People Tking for vehicles12%12% - 47
Losing2%2% - 11
Winning0%0% - 2
All of team on carrier waiting for jet, nobody capping21%21% - 80
Poeple Tking team for no reason5%5% - 19
Being Air-whored12%12% - 47
Being Tank-Whored6%6% - 26
Some-other-kind-of-whorage1%1% - 5
Getting a bunch of bullshit deaths28%28% - 105
Other (will specify in post)8%8% - 33
Total: 375
+45|6620|Bristol, UK
Generally the thing that ruins a round the worst for me is if there is some leet haxor in a jet or heli that kills you any time you try and go anywhere in a tank or try at flying.. Sucks.
I'm pretty average at jets, I can have a decent time normally but I die like always to those annoyingly good people.
She looked 18 to me officer

People not capturing flags.

Being in a plane or chopper and trying to give your buds on the ground some support and cover usually making yourself a target. The targets all look red and you maybe take out 5-6 bad guys with a strafe and bomb and you TK one of them by mistake and they complain. Take the TK for the team damit. Your death V's 6 bad guys down?? You probably would have got taken out by the 6 bad guys anyway!!! Ive just cleared the flag for our guys on the rim of the base, they move in and cap the flag. This happens on Gulf quite alot.

Last edited by JahManRed (2006-05-10 01:45:03)

Nade Spammers Must Die
Having a team full of noobs that can't use armour
Having a bad team.
teh m0nsta
Somebody blocking the jet you are sitting in and you can't move.
If you move, you teamkill him and get punished for it because he wanted to take the jet and wants you to get kicked! So childish.....
+1|6718|Oslo, Norway
getting TK punished for something that wasnt you fault is by far the mood-killer for me. So many as*holes out there find amusement in ruining teammates scores. getting artillery strikes from your own commander on your head because the commander is crap at commanding is also bad
63 61 70 74 61 69 6e 2d 61
Damn, need to choose more than once Medic / Support class running in front of you and giving a shit on health/ammo requests

mrsnype wrote:

getting TK punished for something that wasnt you fault is by far the mood-killer for me. So many as*holes out there find amusement in ruining teammates scores. getting artillery strikes from your own commander on your head because the commander is crap at commanding is also bad
Exactly this - you get to a bse with your small squad, and after taking out 8 or 9 enemies you neutralise the point - and then artillery lands. Damn, you think - that enemy commander is fast with his artillery... until you realise its actually your own.... Bastard.
Mr. Bondt
The name was Bondt...
+6|6610|The Netherlands
Being shot around a corner...

Seems to happen more and more frequently to me.
+305|6633|Cheshire. UK
Complete and utter lack of teamwork......only last night I got killed......and had 2 .....yes 2 medics...run past me and do nothing...this was in the Palace on warlord...we held both flags so god knows what they were doing....

oh and arty on spawn points .....and people that cant read....or just blatantly ignore the server rules
+86|6693|San Francisco, CA
Losing those clinch rounds. you know..when the ticker is down to like..2-2, or some other low number.

Also when you know your team is shit and doesn't know how to hold CPs and just goes from one to another, then back to the first and caping the same CP over again and over again. *sigh*

When you just KNOW you're gonna lose because the team your on has a very small amount of rounds won. Those're always the best.

When you look at the player list (Tab by default) and you see that your team comprises of Private to Lance Corporal players, and the other team has 1st Sgt. to..who knows..2nd to Colonel. Oh yeah. Real fair.
I agree with all of the above ,however not to hijack the thread,the opposite is also true..... a round can be made enjoyable by for example peeps letting you in front of them for Tanks,APC's,Aircraft...yep it does happen.
Squads that work,commanders that give you what you want, rare but when it happens it sticks out in your memory.
On balance most rounds are somewhere in the middle for me neither very good,nor very bad.
My pet hate spawn camping uncappable bases,when there are other uncapped flags.
I suppose it,s acceptable when there are no other flags but when you cant spawn in your own back yard,it's annoying.

Sorry didn't mean to hijack.
...from the internet
being base raped!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6710|Canberra, AUS
Well, I'm quite an 'intuitive' person.

So generally I leave the round when I feel that I'm not going well - maybe because of a kit imbalance on my team, poor playing on my behalf or even just bad people to play with.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Man...I'm freezing!
+65|6659|Ghost Town
Totaly unbalanced teams...really no fun! 

Last edited by Sub-Zero79 (2006-05-10 03:14:00)

+51|6760|Twente, The Netherlands
Multiple thinks make me go mad.
1. Teamkillers
2. Team not doing shit to win, only whoring for their points.
3. Teamswitchers, that forms uneaven teams.
4. Losing rounds. Most of the times when my team loses, I have a suckage round.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6752|Riva, MD
Getting bullshit deaths is the worst because it's usually caused by lag.
A team that just plain sucks does it for me; 32 a side and only 4 or 5 are squadding, no heals, no ammo, no repairs etc, lots of idlers...that sorta thing.
Finnish bush-man
People who curse and whine like theres no tomorrow...although its fun to have them banned 10secs after.
Unbalanced teams!!!!!
Not always in playing ability but in common sense! some teams seem to have no interest in playing properly to even it up!.
So you get a mashing!!!
Moving Target
The only thing that pisses me off and will ruin a round is looking at the squad map and seeing half my team screwing around in some hanger tking each other and grabassing around.  I might be wrong, but 'owning' people in a plane is only going to happen if you FUCKING GET IN THE DAMN THING FIRST, ASSHATS!!!
Kick His Ass!
+371|6729|Howell, Mi USA
Being air whored. There is nothing worse then getting in a __________ (insert  any vechicle name) and right out of nowhere boom before u can even drive 2ft. And by the time u respawn the pilot has already flown back over the runway and is heading your way to bomb ur ass again. Ask for help from ur teams pilots but there too busy playing follow the leader through the dam tunnel.That annoys the crap out of me.

This could also go with being on a team of asshats.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-05-10 05:35:39)

J-10 whore
team camping on carrier? Its like giving a chance for those pesky j-10s to own.
+39|6771|Amsterdam,The Netherlands

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