meh, I was reading this. BBC conveniantly puts the rebuttal right at the end after writing all that alarmist crap
A spokesperson for Siemens, the maker of the targeted systems, said it would not comment on "speculations about the target of the virus".
He said that Iran's nuclear power plant had been built with help from a Russian contractor and that Siemens was not involved.
"Siemens was neither involved in the reconstruction of Bushehr or any nuclear plant construction in Iran, nor delivered any software or control system," he said. "Siemens left the country nearly 30 years ago."
Siemens said that it was only aware of 15 infections that had made their way on to control systems in factories, mostly in Germany. Symantec's geographical analysis of the worm's spread also looked at infected PCs.
"There have been no instances where production operations have been influenced or where a plant has failed," the Siemens spokesperson said. "The virus has been removed in all the cases known to us."
He also said that according to global security standards, Microsoft software "may not be used to operate critical processes in plants".
It's sophisticated in the sense of what it is and how it works, it's not sophisticated in the sense that it seems to need to use Microsoft or Windows and USB keys and targets Siemens software and all that shit.