Dilbert_X wrote:
Because throwing money at, and planning for, something that may not even occur, is folly.
Ignoring something which may occur is folly.
"In trying to defend everything, he defended nothing"
The results are completely unpredictable. You can't project weather patterns out to fifty years with anything remotely resembling accuracy. "Well, the sea might rise ten feet and put downtown Manhattan underwater, we should break ground on this multi-billion dollar retaining wall to make sure it never happens". Yeah, ok. They've been attempting to build the 2nd Avenue subway line for the past thirty years and keep running out of funding for it. Good luck on your sell.
Humans do not plan long term. It's just not in our DNA. Sure, we might plan for our own retirement, but in fifty years, the people in charge now, the Baby Boomers, they'll all be dead. Do you really think they care about leaving a mess behind? Of course not. They spend all their time bitching about taxes while we have a ridiculous national debt to pay off and they're about to saunter off into retirement leaving people like me holding the bag.
Provide concrete consequences and you just might get concrete reactions. Spend all your time scaring people and sending them scurrying off in fifty different directions and they will just throw their hands up in the air and say 'fuck it'. Besides, anything we would do in the West is simply counteracted by China, India and Indonesia anyway.