Sell it and buy an iPad instead? Those Kinects fetch a fancy dollar.
kinect is awsum i get a good workout on the dance game its fun
i'll probably get a kinect this summer if any games come out that aren't gimmicks
though dance central would be a hilarious party game
though dance central would be a hilarious party game
it came with "Adventures" or something like that. I played it for like 10 minutes. It's aight
that's why you don't give a 4 year old a $600 (or however much it is) piece of equipment that can also essentially act like your credit cardKimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:
mmm Smurfberries
never thought the smurfs would be the first for this!
Kids go on expensive buying sprees in iPhone games - … 9uZXhwZQ--

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
I just got back to NJ. I feel bad that I found my 2nd cousins wife attractive and got excited when she winked at me.
tap that ASAP
anyone else watching the khan fight?

i text you know...AussieReaper wrote:
glad i stayed up now. wanted khan to get his face smashed in but fair play, that was awesome
Great fight, but a lot of the crowd were booing khan at the end, and the HBO commentators weren't exactly impressed, It's a shame he was just running away for the last few rounds, but fair play to him because I was sure he was gonna get knocked out in the 10th.
Maidana just kep coming forward, pretty scary if you're his opponent, but like they were saying....why did Khan stop going for the body ! ?
His first few rounds were pretty awesome though, he needs to pace himself a little better.
Maidana just kep coming forward, pretty scary if you're his opponent, but like they were saying....why did Khan stop going for the body ! ?
His first few rounds were pretty awesome though, he needs to pace himself a little better.
Last edited by justice (2010-12-11 20:43:16)
I know fucking karate
Kirk does fight dirty.
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
well thenMacbeth wrote:
I found my ... cousins ... attractive

mmmmHurricane2k9 wrote:
well thenMacbeth wrote:
I found my ... cousins ... attractive
I think I may have found a way to play music in Total Annihilation without the CD.
Edit: Sad face.
Edit edit: Happy face.
Edit: Sad face.
Edit edit: Happy face.
Last edited by Cheez (2010-12-11 21:15:35)
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.

I know fucking karate
G'night BF2s <3
i watched the UFC fights, not the boxing. Most boxing matches just don't do it for me anymore. I'm sick of watching (and paying for the occasional PPV) mediocre fights.

Question: I can understand why they might put news of the royal family everywhere in the UK, if they didn't it'd be like North Korea not plastering Kim Jong-Il's mug everywhere. But why does US media care so much about it? We killed people a couple hundred years ago precisely so we wouldn't have to hear any inane bullshit about the king this or the prince that.

im about to have a bunch of chicks over and my house looks like shit
Tu Stultus Es