Uzique wrote:
have you even played WoW? no? do you know what you're talking about? no? shut the fuck up, then
it's a long-running joke in the WoW community, and always has been, that noobs and little kids roll rogues/hunters with shit names
night-elf hunters called legolas and night-elf rogues called 'stabber' or something along those lines are on EVERY server
I loved when I saw toons named after their powers like - Eviscerate
Better yet A power plus the race like StealthedUndead. So many fail names in WoW it is funny.
I always choose names that seem to fit. My main who as undead rogue is Grips after one of my favorite underground comics when I was growing up. He had daggers that could retract from the top of his hands and rogues use dags so I thought it was nice. Plus I refused to use swords or maces or fists because it didn't fit my characters concept, so I played at times when my damage was utterly bad. I didn't care though I always could make it work and I never raided. Plus any game I play I use GRiPS because I can always roll it because I have never seen it taken usually. Although WoW has a lot of toons named Grips on other servers since I made mine 5 years ago.
My warrior was tauren named Balus. Mage was blood elf named Natylia. undead Warlock was Opeia. troll Hunter was Allax. undead Death knight is Angermeans (I especially like this one because it is the name of one of my favorite bands albums.)
Last edited by ^DD^GRiPS (2010-12-08 07:41:46)