gone, tired of kiddietrashtalk
...its a long way to go till sergeant major, 23000 more global points, pfhh..
willl you quit before or how do you intend to spend this time? practicing a certain skill? just having fun? going for special medals? working on your stats? could have made a poll also...
i need a little motivation -gimme some

for my part: improve my aviator skills and maybe go sometimes back to chopper, which in my opinion can be the most powerfull weapon in the game, and flying it can as well be a lot of fun, if you have a good gunner

Last edited by eagleray69 (2006-05-09 07:09:01)

+3,135|6880|The Hague, Netherlands

eagleray69 wrote:

...its a long way to go till sergeant major, 23000 more global points, pfhh..
willl you quit before or how do you intend to spend this time? practicing a certain skill? just having fun? going for special medals? working on your stats? could have made a poll also...
i need a little motivation -gimme some

for my part: improve my aviator skills and maybe go sometimes back to chopper, which in my opinion can be the most powerfull weapon in the game, and flying chopper is a lot of fun, if you have a good gunner;)
Play how you wanna play, the points will come with it.
ive been working on getting time in as commander and going to various medals I qualify for.  Just got my expert explosive the other day.  probably go for expert knife after I get my 100 hours as commandor for the distiunguished service medal.  Also finishing up my 100 hours as noob toober.
I'm going to start going for all the expert kit badges, and while I'm at it i'll try to etch away at all the time required for those other badges (1700 hrs sheesh...) I honestly don't know if I will make it all the way to 50,000 or not before something better comes along.  Good luck to you.
+271|6898|United States of America
I'm going for expert pistol. And basically anything else I feel like. Though its just more fun to play with my clan on some nights.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6870|Honolulu, HI
It is a lot of points, but if you set goals for yourself it won't seem as daunting to you.  If you haven't got all the basics or veterans, you can always work towards those.  It seems EA is planning to change the requirements for the general ranks from all Experts to all Veterans, so you may as well get a head start on that.  Or accumulate time to get a specific award: an expert badge, a medal, or a couple ribbons.  There's enough stuff to do so that those 30,000 points won't seem so bad after all.

From someone who's definitely been there before, good luck in your pursuit to three stripes up and four down!

Last edited by [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra (2006-05-09 07:13:10)

I'm going for Expert Pistol... Expert Command would be cool too.
gone, tired of kiddietrashtalk

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

Play how you wanna play, the points will come with it.
sorry mate, i didn´t mean how to rack up 23000 points in the shortest time. i was just interested what kind of motivation u have after some 100 hrs played, and what still is challenging you.
Cool member
i have never really used the heli's or planes much so spending a lot of my time playing around with them.

but generally i am just having fun!! playing the game to win each round with my team, capturing control points, healing, supplying, sniping, fixing, whoring, using my whit, fooling the privates on the other team "where did he go? i saw him walking round that building but now he has not come out the other side" *knife* "o crap i am dead"

i do enjoy annoying all the enemy tanks and apcs with my c4, using the old explosive car gag but not killing myself in the process.
+3,135|6880|The Hague, Netherlands

eagleray69 wrote:

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

Play how you wanna play, the points will come with it.
sorry mate, i didn´t mean how to rack up 23000 points in the shortest time. i was just interested what kind of motivation u have after some 100 hrs played, and what still is challenging you.
allright then, I didn't read it very well then
+0|6745|Austin, Texas
I'm about to go home for the summer and leave my school, which means no internet connection to my gaming pc (which I would have to say will be a bit more productive). To be honest, I'm probobly done playing BF2 Online for a good while, but I did get to get a few vet bages in the last couple of days and last night I kicked ass on Wake and got a gold star, so I figure thats a good way to go out for a while .
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6707|Area 51

eagleray69 wrote:

...its a long way to go till sergeant major, 23000 more global points, pfhh..
willl you quit before or how do you intend to spend this time? practicing a certain skill? just having fun? going for special medals? working on your stats? could have made a poll also...
i need a little motivation -gimme some

for my part: improve my aviator skills and maybe go sometimes back to chopper, which in my opinion can be the most powerfull weapon in the game, and flying it can as well be a lot of fun, if you have a good gunner
Well.. I say.. find a nice 32 or 64 slots karkand server, pick medic and revive (also shoot the enemy, else people might call u a medic whore) U get points this way the fastest, and if u don't like being a medic, try being a support and throw as many bags around
BF2s US Server Admin, IRC>Forums
+157|6782|The Mind Of A Cereal Killer
i dont know, im sure i can get to seargent major by end of june, but in this time, i hope to improve my chopper skills, currently at 0, i could care less about being a good aviator, and im looking to get all my veteran kit badges as well
Expert Command, Expert Pistol. Mostly I'm going for badges, got my Navy Cross last night too

I already got all the Ribbons (with exception of the EF Service Ribbon).
+22|6806|England, UK
Wow you played hella long time for the points you got.

I just play and try pick up medals as i go.
Ron Jeremy Apprentice
I'm in a similar situation like you eagleray69 - actually we only have 790 points differing us

Anyway, what *I* am doing is exactly what YOU are doing. I've been buffing up on my aviator skills and actually got the aviator ribbon a few days ago (19 or 15 kills in jet) so things are coming along. Took the veteran pistol and knife badge same night as well and is working on veteran engineer and assault as we speak. I'm an admin so a lot of time goes doing just that as well.

I'm just gonna do what RunDje is saying: just play, have fun and the points will come a long! Earning those points doesn't nearly take as long as it did anyway.

Good luck buddy!

Last edited by Tor77 (2006-05-09 07:24:57)

Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6885|Malaga, España
Yawn....i'll see when i might get that rank but i,m not really going to worry about it.
I'm aiming for experts now, I think its a pain with ground/air defence, Chopper/trasport exeprt bagde i mean it takes too long x_x

same with tank/jet its just for pure jet/armor-whores
The Photographer.
+81|6847|Central Valley,California
I'm going for Expert Engineer, playing more SF, and playing as much as I can.
Trying to get 100 hours on classes that i'm good at so i can get expert badges. I figured out anyway by the time i'm near 50,000 2142 will be out so i'll probably give up on BF2 then. I wish they gave you more of a reason to get the next rank. Its stupid you need 30,000 from 1 rank to another when all the others are at most 15,000.

Last edited by XIthRyker (2006-05-09 07:24:24)

Fantasma Parastasie
It all depends on how much you play. I managed to make the 30.000 leap in points in about 6-7 weeks, but then again I play about 4 hours a day, and the entire day in weekends. It would be nice if there could be a new rank at 35.000 points just to make it seem a little less daunting for those who play less.

I basically managed to accumulate 30.000 points in 6 weeks by doing what i'm best at:

-Medic/Support infantry combat (MG36/g63e/ak-101 ftw)
-Flying Jets. Although since i've made the gap i've started playing on kubra servers more, f18 vs. mig is much more fun rather than simply flying around in your j10 without a worry in the world, shrugging off any f-35 that tries to kill you and racking in the points
Lot's of awards to take and ratios to improve.

You could try some of the other maps. Pick one of the least played maps and only play that for some time, soon you will find new tactics for that map and it will become more fun.
Ron Jeremy Apprentice

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

I'm aiming for experts now, I think its a pain with ground/air defence, Chopper/trasport exeprt bagde i mean it takes too long x_x

same with tank/jet its just for pure jet/armor-whores
Totally agree with you on that one! I spend more time watching re-runs of Golden Girls then I do in ground/air defense.

Did I actually say that out loud? D'OH!

Tor77 wrote:

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

I'm aiming for experts now, I think its a pain with ground/air defence, Chopper/trasport exeprt bagde i mean it takes too long x_x

same with tank/jet its just for pure jet/armor-whores
Totally agree with you on that one! I spend more time watching re-runs of Golden Girls then I do in ground/air defense.

Did I actually say that out loud? D'OH!
what i hate about it is that your ''score per min'' will go down and i like to see myne above 2 >.<

EDIT: I mean when u just spend a whole round in a IGLA or TOW

i missread your post

Last edited by [n00b]Tyler (2006-05-09 07:36:08)

a fly
+105|6786|The netherlands

eagleray69 wrote:

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

Play how you wanna play, the points will come with it.
sorry mate, i didn´t mean how to rack up 23000 points in the shortest time. i was just interested what kind of motivation u have after some 100 hrs played, and what still is challenging you.
my motivation: having fun in choppers and planes, as sniper or c4 n00b.

in a round, find someone thats easy to kill and keep pwning him, its very funny.

when flying alone in a chopper tv-guide incomming planes, its always worth the reactings, last week i got this reacting after saying 'pwned' he sayd: yeah but you still suck.
(if you want to do that aim at the buttom of the plane, otherwise it goes through sometimes.)

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