I don't give a hoot-n-nanny about his talents in cussing... let's not be so hypocritical as we probably have worse tempers than him.
BTW... He was great in "THE MACHINIST"
May I point out to y'all that the weakest link in the reincarnated Batman franchise is not Bale, but rather an anorexic girl that goes by the name of Holmes?Uzique wrote:
Batman is not Bale's top film, I don't think anyone ever expected it to be. Batman as a lead role is hardly the most dramatically-demanding task, I mean come on it's a fucking super-hero comic film not an acting masterpiece. His job is to look good in a suit and be macho with a dark twist, not to spout soliloquy's and make every audience member cry with his moving monologues. Watch American Psycho and The Machinist to get a good idea of just how well Bale gets behind the characters that he portrays- he does a good job (and it is a valid job, there is a difficulty in acting).cl4u53w1t2 wrote:
plus, he is one of the worst actors ever and jealous because heath ledger destroyed him by acting that brilliant in the dark knightPug wrote:
lol actors taking themselves too seriously. how hard is that job really?
you know, batman - if you spliced the entire dialogue of batman together from a two hour film...what's it like 5 minutes total. plus he's wearing a mask...and even without the mask, how much emotion does he show on his face?
and thanks for the karma, are you a welsh ginger boy?
Lol, change of tone now that the public eye is upon him.Kmarion wrote:
Bale:"It has been a miserable week for me," he told the DJs. "I know I have a potty mouth ..., but I was way out of order. I acted like a punk; I regret that.... I make no excuses -- it is inexcusable." He went on to say that he hoped the blowback from his behavior wouldn't stop people from seeing "Terminator Salvation," the film he was at work on when the outburst happened last summer. "I'm asking people, please do not allow my onetime lapse in judgment, my incredibly embarrassing meltdown, to overshadow this movie and to have all of those people's hard work [from the film's cast and crew] go to waste."
There. all better now.
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/the_big … bal-2.html
I just watched that for the first time moments ago. Shit's fucked up.Wreckognize wrote:
I'm surprised he didn't go Patrick Bateman on them.
http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/4499 … 107ym3.jpg
Read the book. The movie is G rated compared to it. But Bale did an awesome job portraying Bateman.DesertFox- wrote:
I just watched that for the first time moments ago. Shit's fucked up.Wreckognize wrote:
I'm surprised he didn't go Patrick Bateman on them.
http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/4499 … 107ym3.jpg
Yea even though I loved the movie, the book is so much better IMO.SgtHeihn wrote:
Read the book. The movie is G rated compared to it. But Bale did an awesome job portraying Bateman.DesertFox- wrote:
I just watched that for the first time moments ago. Shit's fucked up.Wreckognize wrote:
I'm surprised he didn't go Patrick Bateman on them.
http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/4499 … 107ym3.jpg
Ya, I lol'd.OmniDeath wrote:
Anyone else just see Family Guy's take on this? Pretty funny.
"Do you hit your mother with that mouth?" - Peter
I don't think so... I mean as recent as this was leaked it seems they would have almost had to have added it last minuet. probably why there was no animation, just a tape deck, lol.Stimey wrote:
Ya, I lol'd.OmniDeath wrote:
Anyone else just see Family Guy's take on this? Pretty funny.
"Do you hit your mother with that mouth?" - Peter
It went on long though, they just used it as filler.
More than half the show is filler.Stimey wrote:
Ya, I lol'd.OmniDeath wrote:
Anyone else just see Family Guy's take on this? Pretty funny.
"Do you hit your mother with that mouth?" - Peter
It went on long though, they just used it as filler.