I'll take two
+132|6959|Perth, Western Australia
I was playing Gamespace Karkand 24\7 server (yes I know forgive me father for I have sinned and played on a 24\7 Karkand server, but hey its been a while since I played on that map), and I have recently heard of the Armour Whoring probs. I saw them in action, with the US tank and APC 'owning' my team. Then I noticed that no one on our team was using the tank. So, after I died (fairly fast on that map what with armour and m203) I hopped in the tank and after that the Americans ddi not manage to take 1 point for the whole map. Sure, I died a few times, but I stopped the armour with armour.

What do you guys think?
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|6956|The Hague, Holland
Only fair to fight fire with fire eh
Radioactive Glo
+130|7011|A Small Isle in the Tropics

that's how it should be played.. that's why there is imbalance if one side has no heli or jet pilots, the other team will own the match.

i have never seen such a liberal use of the word "whoring" until i played BF2. what "whoring", if no one is using that asset, i am going to use it and play it to death.

Last edited by mikeshw (2005-10-24 06:15:45)

purple sticky punch
+0|6988|englewood FL.
ya, i happen to be one of the newest members of the tank whore scene...( u can check my stats i jus started)lol..but ya on Kar... i was ownen..then bam a whole squad of ani-tank..then 1 C4 monkey..and then the us tank....duh..they stopped my whoren real quick...but i gave them props...i mean u jus spawn at new point wit bigger guns!!!  my thought!!!
More annoying than getting owned by Tanks and APC is the tendency ppl have to cling to their favourite kit despite something else (read: AT) is needed for the moment. When the tank/APC is destroyed there will be heaps of kits nearby, just choose which one you want and press G. There are a wide range of tactics based on switching kits so it's good to be aware of the possibility.
+1|6946|Brisbane, Australia

mikeshw wrote:

that's how it should be played.. that's why there is imbalance if one side has no heli or jet pilots, the other team will own the match.

i have never seen such a liberal use of the word "whoring" until i played BF2. what "whoring", if no one is using that asset, i am going to use it and play it to death.
Didn't you ever play DC or '42? I was a regular chopter whore (Hind D/Littlebirds in particular), in fact many people I personally know were either: Chopper, Plane, Tank, AT or Heavy Assault whores and acknowledged it. I was a AT/Chopter specialist. So I would whore it up in the Chopter, and when I wasn't in one I would prevent others from whoring in Tanks or Aircraft

Chopter duels between two whores were as prestigeous as knife fights were back then. As sometimes the battle between the two would go for minutes and were virtually ignored by everyone else.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7011|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Incontrovertible wrote:

mikeshw wrote:

that's how it should be played.. that's why there is imbalance if one side has no heli or jet pilots, the other team will own the match.

i have never seen such a liberal use of the word "whoring" until i played BF2. what "whoring", if no one is using that asset, i am going to use it and play it to death.
Didn't you ever play DC or '42? I was a regular chopter whore (Hind D/Littlebirds in particular), in fact many people I personally know were either: Chopper, Plane, Tank, AT or Heavy Assault whores and acknowledged it. I was a AT/Chopter specialist. So I would whore it up in the Chopter, and when I wasn't in one I would prevent others from whoring in Tanks or Aircraft

Chopter duels between two whores were as prestigeous as knife fights were back then. As sometimes the battle between the two would go for minutes and were virtually ignored by everyone else.
no man..brand new to online gaming. n00b, newb, newbie or whatever is the favorite derogatory term (or l337speak) is applicable in my case. been playing CoD and StarWars Battlefront before this, as recent as 7 months back.

i am getting to be a tank whore since i m so scared chicken shit with close combat, and just hide behind the DU armor and got my vet engie badge and armored service ribbon in one round just this morning.
+1|7018|San Antonio, TX
If they do it to me then I do it to them. But I think also that sitting at a spwn point and killing em isnt fair. Drive around and kill the poor bastard!
Get C4, here!

I would define tank whoring as driving around in an APC shooting anything that moves... but you don't cap points, at all.
I tank a lot.  Everyone calls me a whore, so I ask "you want to drive?"; They usually respond with 'no' or silence.  The tanks are there to be used, if the other team isn't using their tanks it's their own fault
Yep, i do it, all the time, ended up with a KD of 55:5 once, dam i love the APC

Last edited by dan500 (2005-10-24 08:12:54)

I keed :P
I don't see the problem... just take them out, or spawn somewhere else. If you don't like it hot, there are plenty of free seats on defense.
Do you mean spawncamping with the tanks or simply them being able to use them?
If the former, yeah that sucks bigtime. Was playing a game 2 nights ago with like 6vs6 people and the enemy CONSTANTLY drove into our bases (even though they had like only 2 flags) and kept spawncamping.
Then the other sides commander, who also drove into our bases, had the audactity to complain about me, the commander/engi, being in the base... well o/c I had to stop spawncampers and repair my stuff.

If you mean the latter, being a good tanker in BF2 is hard.
I play a lot of FH and can tell you, death comes a LOT quicker there and you learn to be on your toes.
It takes skill to be a good tanker because you need to not only be a good shot/tactician but also to know your enemy.

Some tips:
Learn to hit your enemy at long distances. You can often get a few shots in before they know where you are and you probably will take them down before they figure it out.

Use stuff as coverage. This is similar to range.

Same as hide/range. If you keep the enemy guessing, they will be more cautious.

Hit the rear/top for the most effect.

Don't go anywere tight. Your changes of survival increase in open spaces where you can move.

Someone moving in a distance might be a nice target, but they might also be a decoy.

Learn to hit moving targets then learn to hit moving targets while moving.
This is the MOST important one. People have problems shooting moving targets and if you can move and hit the enemy at the same time, you will win.

A good tanker team can pretty much eliminate every obstical!
it's strange that the MEC doesent use the armor as much as they should in Karkand.

Last edited by McCullough (2005-10-24 08:40:37)

Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7018|United Kingdom
well 99% of the team spawn at the hotel and grunt it out from there, ive seen the apcs and tanks not touched at all when ive been on the us
SharkyMcshark, that's what it's there for. My honest opinion, you did a good job, I'm proud of you ... Fight fire with fire.
+1|7018|San Antonio, TX
What I love is when the MEC team complains of tank whoring (Sometimes) and they dont use there own tanks when there tank flags havent been touched. But I havent hurd of any complaints of tank whoring or 203 GP-30 whoring. I guess no one cares!
purple sticky punch
+0|6988|englewood FL.
actually i was ina server and a guy got banned for "m-203 whoren"
so i said thats kinda dum..
they said thats all he did and didnt kill wit anything i said ok ima tank whore...
i owned them for a few more maps..never got banned/kick...never left my tank
but the guys wernt that bad, so..i left them to get some wins

Last edited by US|dirtysouth (2005-10-24 16:44:02)

Get your body beat.
eww gamespace... internode the way to go.
+1|6946|Brisbane, Australia

mikeshw wrote:

no man..brand new to online gaming. n00b, newb, newbie or whatever is the favorite derogatory term (or l337speak) is applicable in my case. been playing CoD and StarWars Battlefront before this, as recent as 7 months back.

i am getting to be a tank whore since i m so scared chicken shit with close combat, and just hide behind the DU armor and got my vet engie badge and armored service ribbon in one round just this morning.
Ah, well if your a 'whore' and admit it, then being called a 'whore' is a good thing. It means your doing your job right. If you don't admit to being a 'whore' or take personal offense to the word, then thats just bad luck, cause they are just saing they wanna be as good as you.

Heh, I don't use vehicles much in BF2 anymore. But I do on occasion take chopters for a spin, that is if I can find an empty one...
+0|6937|Givataim, Israel

Last edited by morbesso666 (2005-10-25 10:56:18)

Is a 400px tall image in your sig really needed?
Once you get good with the at rockets, tanks are meat.

ArkAng37 wrote:

What I love is when the MEC team complains of tank whoring (Sometimes) and they dont use there own tanks when there tank flags havent been touched. But I havent hurd of any complaints of tank whoring or 203 GP-30 whoring. I guess no one cares!
Yep, people hardly take the tank. I wonder why.
When I play medic I make sure to allways take the tank to not only heal my teammates but also to give them cover.
+1|7018|San Antonio, TX
To me its there fault for the so called tank whoring. If they wanted to stop it they would use the tanks. But oh well shit happens!
Radioactive Glo
+130|7011|A Small Isle in the Tropics

morbesso666 wrote:

mikeshw wrote:

that's how it should be played.. that's why there is imbalance if one side has no heli or jet pilots, the other team will own the match.

i have never seen such a liberal use of the word "whoring" until i played BF2. what "whoring", if no one is using that asset, i am going to use it and play it to death.
whore, shit, ass, bang, fuck, motherfucker, cunt, bullshit, u havnt seen people say this word in games?
seem such an odd application of the word whore.. i was brought up to understand that you will find whores only in whorehouses..not in games whoring a tank? the image that comes to my mind is just so weird..

boys will be boys.. i just ignore the gaming expletives, and play it the way i want to play it. someone beats me to the tank, i let him have it. if someone was using a tank, got out, got killed, came back to claim, i hit 'E", get out and let him have it back..but a nice "thank you" would have been pleasant.. this was at Zatar three nights ago.

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