I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6763|Melbourne, Australia
people call karkand , sharqie , mash ... infentry maps... that is so not true if it was there wouldent be tanks / choppers apcs...i realy wish e.a would come out with an infentry map .. seeing as the closest maps atm are the most played they should see that allready  ..

P.S - sorry about the grammar guys i just cbf =]   ( CHRIS SPEAK TO ME!! )
+4|6708|Marshall, IL
I'm totaly with you on this. But watch out you might get a bad karma mark from an asshat thinking he knows what he is talking about...
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6763|Melbourne, Australia
karma doesent mean nothing .. especially when its giving to me by "asshats thinkin they know what there talkin bout"
+4|6708|Marshall, IL
We need more people like you! +1 karma man, lol
+8|6726|Chapel Hill
infantry FTW
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6763|Melbourne, Australia
lawl cheers guys \=]
+163|6690|Odessa, Ukraine
Go play CS , there is no tanks , APC , helo's etc . It is Battlefield 2 man , and you yourself choose this game , so don't cry about maps without vehicles , vehicles is main fiture in BF2 .

p/s I'm not an armor whore , I play infantry on infantry maps .
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6763|Melbourne, Australia

Longbow wrote:

Go play CS , there is no tanks , APC , helo's etc . It is Battlefield 2 man , and you yourself choose this game , so don't cry about maps without vehicles , vehicles is main fiture in BF2 .

p/s I'm not an armor whore , I play infantry on infantry maps .
about time u total shitcunts rocked up.. im not having a cry / bitch / moan about viechles.. im saying that there is no infentry maps in bf2 but people believe some maps are... which is not true ... and im prooving a point which is the closest thing to infentry maps are the most played so if ea were goin to create a new map (no way in hell) i suggest they atleast make it pure infentry  so after u read dis u can go have a cry cuz i wrecked u in half Massive Own bitch
whats a karma?   sounds tastey!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Bf2 IS bf2 because its not infantry only
+163|6690|Odessa, Ukraine
If EA & DICE will make one pure infantry map , 90% players will play only one map . I thinked about the question "why everybody play city maps?" and find an answer - because most of players are ill with their stats & points , stats sistem is total bullshit , the only thing that they needed to place in stats was points , rank , unlocks . And no k\d ratio , most are worryfied about playing "non-infantry" maps because of shitty ratio and points , because of totally vehicle ownage on this maps .

Thats all I wanted to say .
I can tell you why I love to play "Infantry Maps".
Theres no plane/heli whore, or atleast they are easy to stop.
My favourite map is Sharqi, you can get the helis almost everywhere if you look out.

+ Those "I need the heli but will crash it into the next tree" pilots have to work their way through it on the ground.
Happens so often to me that on a "plane" map you are dominated by one single bomber jet.
But as soon as the map changes to Sharqi or Mashtur/Karkand the very same players score almost nothing.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6708|NT, like Mick Dundee

I thought BF2 was BF2 because of the Teamwork element that the different kits brought in ALONG with the vehicles....

Correct me if I'm wrong but Berlin was vehicle free.... I think, dodgy memory though.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+4|6708|Marshall, IL
flecco, yes yes yes!
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6708|NT, like Mick Dundee

Longbow wrote:

If EA & DICE will make one pure infantry map , 90% players will play only one map . I thinked about the question "why everybody play city maps?" and find an answer - because most of players are ill with their stats & points , stats sistem is total bullshit , the only thing that they needed to place in stats was points , rank , unlocks . And no k\d ratio , most are worryfied about playing "non-infantry" maps because of shitty ratio and points , because of totally vehicle ownage on this maps .

Thats all I wanted to say .
Odd reasoning in your answer... I come under that heading of people who only play a few different maps apparently... I play those maps because of shitty load times on 2 rounds a map servers.... I stick to Wake because it is balanced... With a good US side anyway...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
I'm sorry but I really have to do this because its annoying the hell out of me.

I-N-F-A-N-T-R-Y not infentry. All I can say is if you don't like using armor then don't use it, but don't get pissed because some people prefer running you over with a tank.  Playing the game is ultimately about having fun and winning is fun, and nothing beats the warm fuzzy feeling you get from whoring out a tank for 15 + minutes, because people are too stubborn to deal with the fact that you have been in the tank the whole round, to play the AT kit and SRAW your ass to next tuesday.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6718|Canberra, AUS

Flecco wrote:

I thought BF2 was BF2 because of the Teamwork element that the different kits brought in ALONG with the vehicles....

Correct me if I'm wrong but Berlin was vehicle free.... I think, dodgy memory though.
Nah, each side had a tank.

If we're getting raped by an APC (like we were today) then I berate my team for not giving me SpecOps/AT support (I'm already SpecOps )

Last edited by Spark (2006-05-09 03:36:20)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
I think it's fair to call them infantry maps because the most dominant kind of battle is infantry battle.

Some call them city maps as in city maps = infantry maps but that's not right. They are city maps as well but if you put enough vehicles on a city map it will not be dominated by infantry battle anymore. Likewise, remove vehicles from any map and it will be more infantry dominated, regardless of it being "city" or not. I have not played BF Vietnam but some jungle maps there must have been infantry dominated. Those who have played DC Urban Siege knows you survive longer there if you have a vehicle - until the jet takes you.
+190|6668|Home of the Escalade Herds
Mashatuur (sp?)is the closest to a pure infantry map. If both teams take each others tank spawns, no tanks

Even with tanks, dealing with them isn't too bad.

Flecco wrote:

I thought BF2 was BF2 because of the Teamwork element that the different kits brought in ALONG with the vehicles....
If they are used right...
Have you ever.. I mean EVER seen a tank providing suppressing fire for the inf to advance on a normal Rank Server?
Or have you ever experienced a round where the jets did not tk at all.
Or a full BH at Round start to transfer a lot of people to a flag.
I havent... sadly.
It's more like a team Deatchmatch with a Le Mans start... who gets the vehicles first.
Except Clan Wars of course.

BUT I must say, this all got worse after 1.2+
Before I had a few nice rounds in a full BH with Supporters, Engineers and Assault Team gunning.
Or a nicely working Tank /Infanterie team.

Take Gulf of Oman for example... at first there might be a certain degree of teamplay because all spawn simultaneously at the shore.
But as the round continues basically everyone goes to hunt flags and drives around aimlessly.
I've even seen Commanders not telling their teams where to go anymore, because they hardly ever listen or do as they are told.
Happens to me very very often that I order a tank to guard a flag, he hits yes and drives to the enemy flag where he can rack up more kills.
However, the kit system still works and without it bf2 wouldnt be as fun as it is.

sidenote: Thanks for fixing the engineer mines... they are usable finally and do what they were intended to do. ^^
Death StatPadder
+228|6812|Human Meat Shield
I knew the 'go play CSS' would come up eventually. That is coming from probably a tank or vehicle person. People know that vehicles get you the most points and fast. If you want pure infantry and tactics - try some night maps or Warlord. Tanks don't last long in there.
I dont persist on no vehicles maps.
I only wish some would use them wiser...
I'm a pretty good tankwhore myself, but I do follow orders and aid the infatntry if needed.

Flecco wrote:

I stick to Wake because it is balanced...
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm NO.
Username II

polarbearz wrote:

Bf2 IS bf2 because its not infantry only
Exactly. BF2 maps make a crappy infantry game.

It could be a great infantry game, but it's clearly meant to involve vehicles. If you're in a vehicle, your primary prey is infantry. The vehicles rarely increase the fun for infantry, unless you're...in a helicopter with your squad or some thing like that.

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