I understand that the cycle of depression at being fat can cause them to eat more and I do feel for them and they need treated, more phycilogically than anything else. Unfortunately its treated almost like a disease rather than a mental disorder of sorts.Ticia wrote:
What a shitty argument. So patients loose their dignity by getting sick?JahManRed wrote:
Patent dignity? Don't want to be harsh, but they lost their dignity when they nearly eat themselves to death to need an ambulance in the first place. What, should we erect curtains around them when we are moving them to protect their dignity? Should they be in a separate ward to protect their dignity? Fucking protect your own dignity, its your own responsibility. Don't eating like a horse.
Dignity? Id fucking roll them outta the house and down to the hospital like a beer keg. They lost their dignity a long time ago.
Just because someone needs treatment doesn't mean they're stripped from their basic rights.
Its the whole dignity argument more than anything else that annoys me. Yes its going to be shitty for a 40stone man to be lifted with a digger outta his bed into a semi trailer. But his dignity went long before that. And spending money creating better ways to transport fat people would be better spent treating their problem at the core. It almost like society is admitting that morbidly obese people are now an acceptable part of our society by creating specifics for them. Its like they are here to stay and we are cool with it. Well fuck that. Its not ok and the more we make it normal the easier it is for the rest of society to forget about them. " The fattys got their truck sized ambulances paid by my taxes................that's my conscience clear and I can put them outta my mind"
Its harsh times, recession etc etc. Being able to afford people dignity is gone. Ask the man out begging to feed his family because he has no work about dignity.