Hurricane2k9 wrote:
DBBrinson1 wrote:
People who have rallies to make fun of other people that have rallies are just lame.
Honestly, that's what I thought at first, but after hearing about how it went and seeing a lot of the signs etc I realize it was really just a gathering of the calm. Maybe the moderate..
The fact Huffington Post sponsored bus rides, and pushed it as a response to the Beck/Fox News kinda negates the whole point. … 76540.html Huffington is the Glen Beck of the left. This whole thing is crap.
One of the comments on HP's puts it pretty well-
terroh8er wrote:
You know, from reading comments here and other places, it seems that the message has really passed some people by. Without having seen the video of the rally yet, most comments suggest that "liberalism = sane," while "conservatism = insane, BAD." Sure, Fox News is a terrible source for unbiased news, but the message was to fight extremism on both sides. Unfortunately, the far left appeared to join moderates (and vice versa) at this rally, not realizing that they are part of the problem, too. If moderates don't equally condemn the far left's rhetoric, you can't expect it to be remembered as anything but a "left vs. right" thing.
I like both Stewart and Colbert. I also think that this rally probably did some good to some people. But if you want to take the message to heart, learn a bit about [traditional] conservative philosophy. If you don't see the merit in it, then you were not open minded enough. The philosophies of both the left and right are equally valid in their purest form.