Ditto. The lag is my only complaint about this game.UnkleRukus wrote:
Yeah, i do. No idea how to fix it, it's exceptionally annoying when I'm fighting large groups of guys.Big McLargehuge wrote:
Is anybody else getting stupid amounts of lag in the this game, even running on the lower settings? I ran Fallout 3 on the 'High' setting and it didn't lag as much as New Vegas does on 'low'.
I took these shots while I was moving forward
http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9558 … 358.th.png
http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/7215 … 432.th.png
Notice the frame rate in the upper left corner
Might be a lighting issue since it only happens to me when explosions go off, or I'm near a lot of fires.Big McLargehuge wrote:
Ditto. The lag is my only complaint about this game.UnkleRukus wrote:
Yeah, i do. No idea how to fix it, it's exceptionally annoying when I'm fighting large groups of guys.Big McLargehuge wrote:
Is anybody else getting stupid amounts of lag in the this game, even running on the lower settings? I ran Fallout 3 on the 'High' setting and it didn't lag as much as New Vegas does on 'low'.
I took these shots while I was moving forward
http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9558 … 358.th.png
http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/7215 … 432.th.png
Notice the frame rate in the upper left corner
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Man, fuck Caravan. The game makes no sense at all. I'll stick to blackjack with my shitty 200 caps per hand limit.
How do I get the Kings Gambit quest? I've done the "Things That Go Boom" quest and I haven't progressed with Yes Man, Mr. House or Caesar's Legion..
Fuck quests are so prevalent but so buggy sometimes.
Fuck quests are so prevalent but so buggy sometimes.
Why the fuck do people still use Imageshack in 2010. It's fucking awful. New, FAR SUPERIOR image hosting sites are out. Use them.

ending sucked
unarmed is OP
not enough quests
unarmed is OP
not enough quests

That's what you say Lucien, but I'm telling you that if you've beaten it in this amount of time, you've missed a lot of quests.
Ending is in the top 10 worst game endings ever. Overall a big let down. FO3 is better.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
It's all fun and games until you get raped by a flock of cazadors.
I'm also having the problem with a massive drop in framerate when looking in certain directions (most commonly when more than 5-6 characters are on-screen...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Try downloading this (nVidia video card) or this (ATI/AMD video card)Big McLargehuge wrote:
Ditto. The lag is my only complaint about this game.UnkleRukus wrote:
Yeah, i do. No idea how to fix it, it's exceptionally annoying when I'm fighting large groups of guys.Big McLargehuge wrote:
Is anybody else getting stupid amounts of lag in the this game, even running on the lower settings? I ran Fallout 3 on the 'High' setting and it didn't lag as much as New Vegas does on 'low'.
I took these shots while I was moving forward
http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9558 … 358.th.png
http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/7215 … 432.th.png
Notice the frame rate in the upper left corner
I can't tell you if this worked for me, since i don't have FNV for PC, but I hear it works for a lot of people.Fallout decides its render path based on one of two things. The first is the name of your video card. This is an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons; Fallout tends to guess information about your card wrong because of this and the result is terrible slowdown. This .dll lies to Fallout about what card you have, resulting in much better performance with no visual quality hit (unless you’re unlucky or Fallout hates you)
Last edited by henno13 (2010-10-28 18:10:36)
i installed that file. i'll let y'all know how it worked out next time i play. hope it fixes it.henno13 wrote:
Try downloading this (nVidia video card) or this (ATI/AMD video card)Big McLargehuge wrote:
Ditto. The lag is my only complaint about this game.UnkleRukus wrote:
Yeah, i do. No idea how to fix it, it's exceptionally annoying when I'm fighting large groups of guys.I can't tell you if this worked for me, since i don't have FNV for PC, but I hear it works for a lot of people.Fallout decides its render path based on one of two things. The first is the name of your video card. This is an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons; Fallout tends to guess information about your card wrong because of this and the result is terrible slowdown. This .dll lies to Fallout about what card you have, resulting in much better performance with no visual quality hit (unless you’re unlucky or Fallout hates you)
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Sounds good.. will look into it tomorrow-ishTimmmmaaaaH wrote:
download that .dll fix and this disappears.FloppY_ wrote:
I'm also having the problem with a massive drop in framerate when looking in certain directions (most commonly when more than 5-6 characters are on-screen...
I used to get like 15 fps in populated places, now I never drop below 60.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Holy shit! I can't believe how well that worked. The Strip, Free Side and all other places I would go to that would lag the shit outta my game are absolutely no problem now. I'm running the game on 'high' now at a constant 50 to 60 frames per second. Thanks.henno13 wrote:
Try downloading this (nVidia video card) or this (ATI/AMD video card)Big McLargehuge wrote:
Ditto. The lag is my only complaint about this game.UnkleRukus wrote:
Yeah, i do. No idea how to fix it, it's exceptionally annoying when I'm fighting large groups of guys.I can't tell you if this worked for me, since i don't have FNV for PC, but I hear it works for a lot of people.Fallout decides its render path based on one of two things. The first is the name of your video card. This is an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons; Fallout tends to guess information about your card wrong because of this and the result is terrible slowdown. This .dll lies to Fallout about what card you have, resulting in much better performance with no visual quality hit (unless you’re unlucky or Fallout hates you)
Last edited by Big McLargehuge (2010-10-28 19:24:16)
it worked for me as well
I thought you couldn't install it without steam?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Well I didn't really care enough tbhCybargs wrote:
Looks like a bunch of you don't know how to use a google search. Fixed my framerate bullshit an hour after the game came out.
Albeit, I wouldn't have had to go through all the trouble if the game was released with proper optimization, but still.
Thought it was just my GFX card coughing up blood over poor optimization...
You used the fix posted earlier I take it?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Downloaded that .dll file. also, i posted earlier that you can type "toggleemotions" and "tg" into console to increase performance as well. I dont drop below 60-70 fps in the even the most intense on screen shenanigans.FloppY_ wrote:
Well I didn't really care enough tbhCybargs wrote:
Looks like a bunch of you don't know how to use a google search. Fixed my framerate bullshit an hour after the game came out.
Albeit, I wouldn't have had to go through all the trouble if the game was released with proper optimization, but still.
Thought it was just my GFX card coughing up blood over poor optimization...
You used the fix posted earlier I take it?
btw I know using console commands disable achievements, but I read if you save, close and reopen the game after e.g. modifying your SPECIAL to 10s, achievements work again?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me