What scum these people are. What harm did she do, she was there trying to help them.
http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/ai … 3%7C176506
http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/ai … 3%7C176506
[sarcasm] She was a Westerner, an Infidel, a Woman.. so, of course, deserving of death. [/sarcasm]Hunter/Jumper wrote:
What scum these people are. What harm did she do, she was there trying to help them.
http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/ai … 3%7C176506
That's the harm she did. If she helped the people, they wouldn't have any reason to turn to the Taliban.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
What scum these people are. What harm did she do, she was there trying to help them.
http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/ai … 3%7C176506
That applies to most religions.rdx-fx wrote:
Bunch of delusional, homicidal, sociopathic savages.
uziqe will find you !Dilbert_X wrote:
That applies to most religions.rdx-fx wrote:
Bunch of delusional, homicidal, sociopathic savages.
sadly...FEOS wrote:
That's the harm she did. If she helped the people, they wouldn't have any reason to turn to the Taliban.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
What scum these people are. What harm did she do, she was there trying to help them.
http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/ai … 3%7C176506
Perfectly said. This is the takeaway lesson from Afghanistan.FEOS wrote:
That's the harm she did. If she helped the people, they wouldn't have any reason to turn to the Taliban.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
What scum these people are. What harm did she do, she was there trying to help them.
http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/ai … 3%7C176506
Last edited by rdx-fx (2010-10-10 09:28:10)
rdx-fx wrote:
Bunch of delusional, homicidal, sociopathic savages.
To varying degrees, delusional yes.Dilbert_X wrote:
That applies to most religions.
rdx-fx wrote:
rdx-fx wrote:
Bunch of delusional, homicidal, sociopathic savages.To varying degrees, delusional yes.Dilbert_X wrote:
That applies to most religions.
Homicidal and sociopathic, not quite so much. The Wahabiists, Taliban, and other Sunni extremist sects take homicidal and sociopathic to such an extreme, it makes any other excess by a modern religion look like 'having a case of the Mondays'.
I've not heard of any Lutherans beheading Atheists on CNN lately.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Baseball Announcer voice: "Aaaaand, there's the pitch, ladies and gentleman! Lets see what our batter does with it! Straight pitch down the center of the plate.. looks like it's ... yeah.. looks like it'll get returned right down the center of the field, right through the Israeli observer box..
They are not really sociopaths.rdx-fx wrote:
rdx-fx wrote:
Bunch of delusional, homicidal, sociopathic savages.To varying degrees, delusional yes.Dilbert_X wrote:
That applies to most religions.
Homicidal and sociopathic, not quite so much. The Wahabiists, Taliban, and other Sunni extremist sects take homicidal and sociopathic to such an extreme, it makes any other excess by a modern religion look like 'having a case of the Mondays'.
I've not heard of any Lutherans beheading Atheists on CNN lately.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Baseball Announcer voice: "Aaaaand, there's the pitch, ladies and gentleman! Lets see what our batter does with it! Straight pitch down the center of the plate.. looks like it's ... yeah.. looks like it'll get returned right down the center of the field, right through the Israeli observer box..
Actually have anything to add?11 Bravo wrote:
good lord
i quoted what i wanted to add. you got anything to add besides asking someone to add something?Macbeth wrote:
Actually have anything to add?11 Bravo wrote:
good lord
Since you are one of the people who likes to throw around the sociopath label a lot I thought you could at least back it up.
Are you from 1860 or something? Savages, really?rdx-fx wrote:
Bunch of delusional, homicidal, sociopathic savages.
Sociopaths "smarter than most people?" Please, tell us where you discovered this! It is certainly not in the mainline definition.Macbeth wrote:
Throwing around the label of sociopath really really really degrades the meaning of the word. They don't have empathy, they don't care about anything but themselves, they are smarter than most people, and they know how to make it not show. A religious moron killing someone over an ideal or belief is not anywhere near a sociopaths MO.
cuz he is one and thinks he is smartRAIMIUS wrote:
Sociopaths "smarter than most people?" Please, tell us where you discovered this! It is certainly not in the mainline definition.Macbeth wrote:
Throwing around the label of sociopath really really really degrades the meaning of the word. They don't have empathy, they don't care about anything but themselves, they are smarter than most people, and they know how to make it not show. A religious moron killing someone over an ideal or belief is not anywhere near a sociopaths MO.
rdx-fx wrote:
Bunch of delusional, homicidal, sociopathic savages.
Let's look at the definition of savage, shall we?Superior Mind wrote:
Are you from 1860 or something? Savages, really?
Again, by the numbers,Macbeth wrote:
They are not really sociopaths.
I hate how whenever someone does something that someone doesn't agree with, or does something that is pretty self interested, or does something that takes a little bit more of a 'hardened' person to do how everyone labels them a sociopath.
Throwing around the label of sociopath really really really degrades the meaning of the word. They don't have empathy, they don't care about anything but themselves, they are smarter than most people, and they know how to make it not show. A religious moron killing someone over an ideal or belief is not anywhere near a sociopaths MO.
Note the distinction between classical Islam, where it was an honorable profession to be a learned expert in the Koran, and spend your life debating the logic and philosophy of the Koran with other learned individuals, then pass these learned interpretations on to the 'secular' population. No such job title in the Taliban - you follow one interpretation, you do not ask questions, you do not rationally debate a topic, you do not learn to read, or you will be harshly punished, mutilated, or killed.wrote:
And the delusional bit, just for the sake of completeness;
de·lu·sion - A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness
Violently, aggressively inflicting their belief system? A fictional father figure diety? Selective interpretation of the Koran? Sounds like a textbook pile of delusion to me.
Last edited by rdx-fx (2010-10-10 13:44:33)
Macbeth wrote:
Throwing around the label of sociopath really really really degrades the meaning of the word. They don't have empathy, they don't care about anything but themselves, they are smarter than most people, and they know how to make it not show. A religious moron killing someone over an ideal or belief is not anywhere near a sociopaths MO.
RAIMIUS wrote:
Sociopaths "smarter than most people?" Please, tell us where you discovered this! It is certainly not in the mainline definition.
Sociopaths think they're smarter, more morally/ethically advanced, and generally the Nietzschean Übermensch (Overman).11 Bravo wrote:
cuz he is one and thinks he is smart
The Taliban's control over the civilians isn't manipulation or conning at all. They are a semi religious group which were power and controlled an area before the U.S. arrived. They were considered largely legitimate and their actions had the sanction of a lot of people in the country.* Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
As previosly observed, the aid worker was harming the Taliban by trying to help the civilians, this lessening Taliban control over them
They are religious people. The vast majority of religious people find justification for their actions through religion.Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
Because only they understand the will of Allah, they have the right to do whatever they will. They're the superspecial people, donchaknow. They're the Righteous, and everyone else exists only at their mercy and whim.
Their sometimes sophisticated attacks on the U.S./NATO show that they are not all impulsive jackassess.Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
See above. the more violent, more brutal - the better. Rape, honor killings, suicide bombers, beheadings, etc
Seriously? You really twisted the meaning of that point. Reread the point a few times and tell me how it fits with people not wanting any sort of formal Western style of education and instead preferring their religious education which has been the area norm for a very long time.Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
'Educashun? we don't need no stinkin' educashun! Madrassas teaching violent Islam, and memorizing parts of the Koran is all the edukashun we need!'
Last edited by Macbeth (2010-10-10 14:25:07)
A. I'm not a socipath.rdx-fx wrote:
Macbeth wrote:
Throwing around the label of sociopath really really really degrades the meaning of the word. They don't have empathy, they don't care about anything but themselves, they are smarter than most people, and they know how to make it not show. A religious moron killing someone over an ideal or belief is not anywhere near a sociopaths MO.RAIMIUS wrote:
Sociopaths "smarter than most people?" Please, tell us where you discovered this! It is certainly not in the mainline definition.Sociopaths think they're smarter, more morally/ethically advanced, and generally the Nietzschean Übermensch (Overman).11 Bravo wrote:
cuz he is one and thinks he is smart
Read Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment for a fictionalized case study.
(Note: you can generally borrow a copy of Nietzsche's works, and Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment from your local neighborhood highly educated budding sociopath. He may also have a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf available, for an insight into the mind of the world's most famous sociopath. If these are the only long, complex (non graphic-novel) books you own, then you may be the neighborhood sociopath.
Just remember to return them in a timely manner - the penalty for overdue books is usually something to do with your sister's cat being set on fire...)
Such sociopathy :rollseyes: most people (people like you) completely miss the point of Nieztche and get hung up on the Uberman thing and totally ignore the better and more important parts like his critique of Christianity and his concept of Master-Slave morality and the idea of Christianity as resentment.Amor fati is a Latin phrase coined by Nietzsche loosely translating to "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good. Moreover, it is characterized by an acceptance of the events or situations that occur in one's life.
The phrase is used repeatedly in Nietzsche's writings and is representative of the general outlook on life he articulates in section 276 of The Gay Science, which reads,
I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.