+9|6807|Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Honestly, I have been trying for that damn WCR for months but I'm still only 1.64. According to BF2s I need 1070 wins to get it. I'm not into team switching so it has been bloody hell trying to get it. I'm the leader of my clan called STRS. It's a great clan with a great bunch of guys but they aren't helping me get that damn WCR cause they just aren't active enough. We have a 32 man server with TS, a website, and message boards, and we're all friends so I like playing with them and that's why I made that clan, but like i say, they just don't play as much or as seriously as me. You might say...well then join another clan. I say nah, put to much work into this one and they are my friends.  So I suppose what this thread is about is a proposal to all guys that just want to play in a serious squad and win every round with me. You can find me at hefty1979 on xfire and you can join my clan if you want, or we can just battle together on a daily basis. It's not so much a clan that I need right now as just a bunch of guys looking to get this damn ribbon.

xfire hefty1979
BF2: Heffty

good luck   

you do realize that thats 1070 wins in a row with no losses

if you loose you have to win more to make up for the loss.
+9|6807|Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Yeah, just yesterday I only had 1055 but my team licked balls and now I need 1070. Ugh.
if you really want it i would say make a new character
I must have won about 40 games now without a single loss. Im up to 1.92 now with 392 wins to go. I still figure ill be going after 1500 wins to 500 losses though. Im at 697-363.
+9|6807|Calgary, Alberta, Canada
And lose 10 months of stats? I really would rather not. I think this is what most guys do, they just start a new account. I guess that's another reason I can't find the right guys. Nobody is like me who just wants to keep their stats and go for it...even though  it will be hard and it will take forever to get it.  I could only imagine the day I do get it though...I will be so happy. So like I say, anyone who is in the same boat as me...come battle with me! I want to get wins...points are nice too and if you get enough good guys together then points and wins will be had together, but wins are more important to me than points if you understand what I mean.
+45|6833|South Cybertown, Texas
Heffty, check this out!


It's just a little something I have been working on for a while!

I'm at 2.17 with 700 + more win to go!

It would be great to get a group of players together that "want" towin at all costs!

Last edited by -=S8M=-Phoenix (2006-05-06 14:20:46)

Try creating a squad called WCR and see what happens.
+1|6687|Savannah, GA
I would be interested.  I need 771 wins to get that damn ribbon.

Last edited by BBradley (2006-05-06 14:31:14)

i feel ur pain m8, i been going at it for about 2 months, im at 2.10 right now so if u ever want to team up add me to ur xfire, its the same as this and we can work to get it together cause i am serious about it cause i have every other ribbon its the only 1 left, also ea r changing the requirements for the medals and ribbons so they might lower it to 2 - 1 im hoping so cant wait for 1.3 gonna be great.
I want my money, or my bud!
WCR and BF2 are serious business!!! 

  It is just a ribbon.  Play for fun.  YOu are making it sound like a job ffs.

Oh well,  wouldnt it be funny if you went to all the trouble and were 3 wins away from the ribbon and ea nerfed it? 

   Well I would laugh...
+2|6736|Houston, Texas
Bigwrm has a point that its not a job or anything, but it does show that you played alot in the game and even be repected more. I guess that what drives most people into getting a ribbion or a rank in the game.
was .86 a month ago now 1.9 with like 200 wins 2 go its easy if u run a server and can switch teams but for the ppl that dont have one its hard as f^$^k 2 do it lol :"(
i do it cause i got all ribbons but thaat one so i am doing it so i can have all ribbons in game, it gives me something to do and i get respect
Usual Suspect
Play Wake Island and be on the chinese side and if you want to guarantee the winning become commander sit at airfield with a tank put arti strikes continuosly at the carrier that of course if you want that wcr.
+1|6687|Savannah, GA
Badges and ribbons are cool and all but I think I'm just sick of bustin' my ass for a loss that I technically need 3 wins to make up for.

Last edited by BBradley (2006-05-06 14:51:30)

I don't want to join your clan but I would be more than happy to help out.
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

more than 1000 wins...
that's hard, I needed less than700 in total
Honestly, I think the WCR is nearly impossible to get for you without a new account.
I feel your pain...
+9|6807|Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I think I will get it in 1 year
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

I like patient people. Good luck and +1
If the reqs for the WCR are ever nerfed, there's a risk it will be nerfed to 2:1 ratio or something like that (they usually go for the simple solutions). That would mean it goes from "impossible" to "hard as hell" for a lot of people, so they shouldn't relax completely just because they've given up hope now. Besides, a good win loss ratio is something to strife for by itself.

Last edited by voltage (2006-05-07 05:29:43)

Does it count as a loss if you leave the server before round ends?
I mean that could be really helpful. I have a W:L Ratio of 1.25 and 2 days ago I had 1.35. Hmm it's those crappy teams I always have to play on. But to my point, isn't it actually one way to do it?
Leave server if your team loses and join again for next round or stay if you're winning.
The command stuff is just easy and comes with the W:L thing
Headshot Specialist
+104|6877|Woodland Hills, Ca
I hope you have played commander a lot, after the 1.3 patch the WCR is literally going to be given away... Thats all im saying. I cant post the official changes to the award! But yeah EA is working on getting rid of team switching, squad hopping, and high point servers.
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

Fabbi_Kanin wrote:

Does it count as a loss if you leave the server before round ends?
I mean that could be really helpful. I have a W:L Ratio of 1.25 and 2 days ago I had 1.35. Hmm it's those crappy teams I always have to play on. But to my point, isn't it actually one way to do it?
Leave server if your team loses and join again for next round or stay if you're winning.
The command stuff is just easy and comes with the W:L thing
You'll still get the loss (or the win) even if you leave the server so this doesn't help.
Want some advice for the WAR COLLEGE RIBBON....You need 2 things

1-You need to be a good dam Player whit lots of combat tactics

2-Get a good team...Priority  Always cap flags and keep an eye on the UAV...in mini map
and of corse get a good COMMANDER...

Last edited by PHOENIX_PT (2006-05-07 07:28:46)

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