
FEOS wrote:

The best Palin can/should hope for is a Cabinet job in the next Republican administration, to prove that she's not the caricature she's been made out to be. Much like Hillary has done, though she's had less of a challenge on the caricature side..
The " caricature " you speak of is a creation of the left. The people who actually see this caricature are seeing "the Emperors Clothes" Most of them see the clothes in a pitiful effort to march to the loudest drum.

If we compare Character. We would have to recognise that hillary let people rub Sh*t in her face and hair for 10 years just so she could have her seat in power.

Palin came up on her own using her own will and resources to control 1/5 of the USA, 30 percent of its energy supply and gave Alaskans a Huge Tax refund. Palin has much better resume and references than obama's. Anyone who contests this last point is just lying. In the real job market obama could not be a baggage handler. " He'd be gettin us coffee ! "

Spark wrote:

She can speak much better than obama. obama with no TelePrompter is the definition of the would " Disabled ".
I hope your not falling into a herd mentally.
Delicious irony.
Here we go again ! 2 people does not make a herd. 165 leftest does qualify however.

For the record, why doesn't someone point out just where I am following or echoing others ?

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-10-02 05:58:14)

+2,382|6832|The North, beyond the wall.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

high negatives? the womans a fucking retard

Harmor wrote:

She's doing a lot better than you.

FatherTed wrote:

that literally doesn't make sense, but ok
I think he means - She has a book out that went best seller over night, She's wealthy, young, attractive, successful and respected by her peers and implying your are not.

I am not sure how you missed the implications.

Harmor wrote:

So how long before this thread gets locked because this `debate` is becoming a flame hate fest against Sarah Palin?
NEVER lol.
On what do you base the opinion 
the womans a fucking retard
Sources speeches quote etc. ?  She can speak much better than obama. obama with no TelePrompter is the definition of the would " Disabled ".
I hope your not falling into a herd mentally.
She is neither young, attractive nor respected. She may be wealthy but that isn't really a gauge of being intellectually well rounded, realistically capable of running a country of 300 million or politically adept enough to be voted into power. Like I said earlier, America isn't going to have a capable leader for the next 20 years and the sooner you accept that the easier it will be.
Young for her field. Are you being contrary for the sake of being contrary ? Jesus You have to admit that at least. Palin came up on her own using her own will and resources to control 1/5 of the USA, 30 percent of its energy supply and gave Alaskans a Huge Tax refund. Palin has much better resume and references than obama's. Anyone who contests this last point is just lying. In the real job market obama could not be a baggage handler. " He'd be gettin us coffee ! "

Who for that matter Knew of Patton in 1939. Leaders are out there. We just have to let them step up and hear there words when they speak. Not listen to some talking head tell us who to vote for and why.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-10-02 06:04:08)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6829|Canberra, AUS

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Spark wrote:

She can speak much better than obama. obama with no TelePrompter is the definition of the would " Disabled ".
I hope your not falling into a herd mentally.
Delicious irony.
Here we go again ! 2 people does not make a herd. 165 leftest does qualify however.

For the record, why doesn't someone point out just where I am following or echoing others ?
Yes and babbling on with this TelePrompter tripe is the height of incisive political wit.

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+2,382|6832|The North, beyond the wall.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Young in her field. You have to admit that at least
I'll grant you young in her field, wealthy and successful. The rest I oppose.

Spark wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Spark wrote:

Delicious irony.
Here we go again ! 2 people does not make a herd. 165 leftest does qualify however.

For the record, why doesn't someone point out just where I am following or echoing others ?
Yes and babbling on with this TelePrompter tripe is the height of incisive political wit.

It shows he cant speak in HIS OWN WORDS.

jord wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Young in her field. You have to admit that at least
I'll grant you young in her field, wealthy and successful. The rest I oppose.
You oppose the size of Alaska ?
+2,382|6832|The North, beyond the wall.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

jord wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Young in her field. You have to admit that at least
I'll grant you young in her field, wealthy and successful. The rest I oppose.
You oppose the size of Alaska ?
I oppose the notion she is widely respected and your view she is attractive. Her daughter perhaps... at a stretch.

Last edited by jord (2010-10-02 06:11:05)

Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

The best Palin can/should hope for is a Cabinet job in the next Republican administration, to prove that she's not the caricature she's been made out to be. Much like Hillary has done, though she's had less of a challenge on the caricature side..
The " caricature " you speak of is a creation of the left. The people who actually see this caricature are seeing "the Emperors Clothes" Most of them see the clothes in a pitiful effort to march to the loudest drum.

If we compare Character. We would have to recognise that hillary let people rub Sh*t in her face and hair for 10 years just so she could have her seat in power.

Palin came up on her own using her own will and resources to control 1/5 of the USA, 30 percent of its energy supply and gave Alaskans a Huge Tax refund. Palin has much better resume and references than obama's. Anyone who contests this last point is just lying. In the real job market obama could not be a baggage handler. " He'd be gettin us coffee ! "
Hence why I used the term "caricature".

Quit knee-jerk reacting, HJ.

And the description of Alaska, while accurate, is not necessarily precise. The governor of Alaska doesn't "control" those things. The are the executive of the state government. Most of the land is "controlled" by the federal government. Most (if not all) of the energy supply is "controlled" by the corporations that invested in the extraction and transport of that energy from the ground. And the "huge tax refund" is a function of the Alaska constitution, not the governor.

It's easy to dismiss Hillary Clinton's accomplishments without actually looking at what she's accomplished. You're so focused on your impression of what she supposedly put up with to get to where she is that you're ignoring what she's actually accomplished in the job.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
I don't much care for Hillary Clinton's politics, but I'll give her credit for  'paying her dues' and putting in the time in lower levels of government.

Ever since she was First Lady, it's been apparent she wants to be President.
Rather than jump straight into Presidential politics, she's been a Senator, then Secretary of State.
(The Secretary of State not entirely her first choice in jobs, but she didn't just sulkenly pick up her toys and go home after 2008)
She's been putting in her dues, biding her time for at least 20 years.
The woman's got the patience of a black widow spider.

On experience and qualifications, she beats Obama or Palin.
Politically, I would vote for a feral shit-flinging crack-addicted chimpanzee before I'd vote for any of the three of them, though.

  • Obama - inexperienced 1st term junior Senator from the most corrupt political machine in the US, and Alinsky Alumni. No-go.
  • Palin - Formerly decent Governor of Alaska, apparently lost her mind when she went national. No-go.
  • Clinton - Experienced, knows D.C. from many angles, but her political views are tied for loony-tunes with Nancy Pelosi.  No-go.
  • Biden - Perhaps one of two men in D.C. that can make Junior's speeches look polished and eloquent.  No-go.
  • McCain - Another example of a good man, and a fine Senator.. that f'ing loses his mind whenever he's in a Presidential race.  No-go.
  • Chris Christie - NJ Governor, and a favorite 2012 Presidential contender amongst the GOP faithful I know. Irish-Italian with ties to the Genovese crime family.  Fuhgeddaboudit.

i agree with the assessment, rdx - i just have to wonder, why is the office of president term-limited by Constitutional decree, when governers, senators, and members of the house are not?

there should be a national lottery, and some unwilling joe schmoe should be made president, and senator, and congressman, and governor. one and done, like military service in some countries. fuck tha machine . . .
eleven bravo
+1,399|5413|foggy bottom
harmor 4 prez
Tu Stultus Es
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Why would she write her own Life story ? She isn't an author. You dictate it to a professional. She has a real story and list of accomplishments to tell at least. Few people completely write their own. So you think obama came up with " white folks' greed runs a world in need " on his own ? You ever hear him without a TelePrompter "...uhg um err ah oogh umm.duh kill whitey arrg om. . "
Why do you keep bringing up Obama? He has nothing to do with why I think Palin is a horrible choice.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmar wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Why would she write her own Life story ? She isn't an author. You dictate it to a professional. She has a real story and list of accomplishments to tell at least. Few people completely write their own. So you think obama came up with " white folks' greed runs a world in need " on his own ? You ever hear him without a TelePrompter "...uhg um err ah oogh umm.duh kill whitey arrg om. . "
Why do you keep bringing up Obama? He has nothing to do with why I think Palin is a horrible choice.
don't be so harsh, Kmar. hunter/munter is a shy girl seeking approval on the internet.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6829|Canberra, AUS

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Spark wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Here we go again ! 2 people does not make a herd. 165 leftest does qualify however.

For the record, why doesn't someone point out just where I am following or echoing others ?
Yes and babbling on with this TelePrompter tripe is the height of incisive political wit.

It shows he cant speak in HIS OWN WORDS.
I give up.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

rdx-fx wrote:

I don't much care for Hillary Clinton's politics, but I'll give her credit for  'paying her dues' and putting in the time in lower levels of government.

Ever since she was First Lady, it's been apparent she wants to be President.
Rather than jump straight into Presidential politics, she's been a Senator, then Secretary of State.
(The Secretary of State not entirely her first choice in jobs, but she didn't just sulkenly pick up her toys and go home after 2008)
She's been putting in her dues, biding her time for at least 20 years.
The woman's got the patience of a black widow spider.

On experience and qualifications, she beats Obama or Palin.
Politically, I would vote for a feral shit-flinging crack-addicted chimpanzee before I'd vote for any of the three of them, though.

  • Obama - inexperienced 1st term junior Senator from the most corrupt political machine in the US, and Alinsky Alumni. No-go.
  • Palin - Formerly decent Governor of Alaska, apparently lost her mind when she went national. No-go.
  • Clinton - Experienced, knows D.C. from many angles, but her political views are tied for loony-tunes with Nancy Pelosi.  No-go.
  • Biden - Perhaps one of two men in D.C. that can make Junior's speeches look polished and eloquent.  No-go.
  • McCain - Another example of a good man, and a fine Senator.. that f'ing loses his mind whenever he's in a Presidential race.  No-go.
  • Chris Christie - NJ Governor, and a favorite 2012 Presidential contender amongst the GOP faithful I know. Irish-Italian with ties to the Genovese crime family.  Fuhgeddaboudit.
I don't agree 100% but- Well Done, in my opinion.

Spark wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Spark wrote:

Yes and babbling on with this TelePrompter tripe is the height of incisive political wit.

It shows he cant speak in HIS OWN WORDS.
I give up.
Cheers !

burnzz wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Why would she write her own Life story ? She isn't an author. You dictate it to a professional. She has a real story and list of accomplishments to tell at least. Few people completely write their own. So you think obama came up with " white folks' greed runs a world in need " on his own ? You ever hear him without a TelePrompter "...uhg um err ah oogh umm.duh kill whitey arrg om. . "
Why do you keep bringing up Obama? He has nothing to do with why I think Palin is a horrible choice.
don't be so harsh, Kmar. hunter/munter is a shy girl seeking approval on the internet.
Burnzz is a confused boy looking for love in all the wrong places.

Kmar wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Why would she write her own Life story ? She isn't an author. You dictate it to a professional. She has a real story and list of accomplishments to tell at least. Few people completely write their own. So you think obama came up with " white folks' greed runs a world in need " on his own ? You ever hear him without a TelePrompter "...uhg um err ah oogh umm.duh kill whitey arrg om. . "
Why do you keep bringing up Obama? He has nothing to do with why I think Palin is a horrible choice.
Because he's a fucking moron?
Some of the dumber comments I've read in a while. 

Obama, who has many faults, is eloquent, insanely intelligent, and outright anal about trying to not say the tiny, miniscule, pointless hot buttons that would send the crazies reeling. 

It's quite apparent to anyone with a brain that his stuttering, and slow delivery are deliberately to try his best not to run into any loaded language that would instantly explode the "Obama is a Muslim" domain name sales. 

Comparing Palin to Obama, while pointless, isn't even possible.  Being the leader of a community project in the Southside of Chicago, I can almost guarantee has more believable challenges, threats, and uphill battles than being mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.  Shit, being president of the Harvard Law Review probably has more requirements than mayor of Wasilla.  Fuck, being a manager at McDonalds requires more "real life" skills than mayor of Wasilla. 

Palin is an outright joke bro, hope that kool-aid taste is worth it.  Put Hilary on stage in Debate with Palin.  Set no rules other than 2 mins a side to just argue.  Palin would maaaaaaaybe make it to the 2nd round.  Regardless of what you believe, you know that's true, I know it, and so does everyone else.  She's a high schooler trying to play in the NFL. 

She doesn't, never will, and never did have any attributes that makes her politician material.  She's a beauty queen who's gotten where she is by being pretty, saying dumb things and not acknowledging it, and sucking off whomever it takes to get a gig. 

There's no way in hell I will EVER believe that ignorant excuse for a figurehead has any place in our political system.

ghettoperson wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Why would she write her own Life story ? She isn't an author. You dictate it to a professional. She has a real story and list of accomplishments to tell at least. Few people completely write their own. So you think obama came up with " white folks' greed runs a world in need " on his own ? You ever hear him without a TelePrompter "...uhg um err ah oogh umm.duh kill whitey arrg om. . "
Why do you keep bringing up Obama? He has nothing to do with why I think Palin is a horrible choice.
Because he's a fucking moron?
From your vapid response I would say the term defines you much better.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Why do you keep bringing up Obama? He has nothing to do with why I think Palin is a horrible choice.
Because he's a fucking moron?
From your vapid response I would say the term defines you much better.
You criticize people for their responses to your inane and content-less posts.


Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Because he's a fucking moron?
From your vapid response I would say the term defines you much better.
You criticize people for their responses to your inane and content-less posts.

People expect you to read a page or so if you can't handle more than three. That seems to be your case. To read the very last line and expect to sound credible gives only comic relief - See below.

If they bring nothing but four letter words as an argument they are stupid and deserve a " content-less " response, as do you.

If you destroy there post point by point line by line with examples, they pout and say " I aint can't read all that ! "

Either way it makes me laugh and what else could you ever really hope to accomplish in your life but that ?
So cheer up !

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-10-03 16:30:19)



for the love of all that is holy, turn on your spell checker, at the very least.

you*re just proving a stereotype if you don't.

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