perhaps, just perhaps you should listen to her rather than someone speaking of her. I only wish we had been able to do that with obama. Better yet read the book ? Wont hurt you.
+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA

Turquoise wrote:

...However, it's kind of hard to believe someone with as dimwitted of a demeanor as Palin would actually be intelligent enough to understand the complexities of economic policy....
And Obama is doing a grand job with the economy.  At least she's for making the Bush tax cuts permanent, which I can't say our President is for.

She doesn't have the pedigree like Professor Obama I grant you, but at least you believe what she says because she means it.

But I'm not going to change our mind about her so we'll agree to enjoy SNL skits with her :-)

what did McCain say?

Candidate McCain wrote:

The fundamentals of the economy are strong
right before he suspended his campaign to go back to Washington.

Republicans suck, Democrats suck, and together, they will suck the life out of this nation . . .
+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA

burnzz wrote:

what did McCain say?

Candidate McCain wrote:

The fundamentals of the economy are strong
right before he suspended his campaign to go back to Washington.

Republicans suck, Democrats suck, and together, they will suck the life out of this nation . . .
And what is Obama say now when he's actually a sitting President about the Summer Recovery?  Don't get me wrong, McCain, a Ruling Class RINO was looking on the 'bright-side' like the current administration that hypes the economy while we have 9.6% unemployment, 16.6% real unemployment, and an anemic growth rate of MAYBE 1.2% this year...pitiful.

So then I'll assume you would agree with Sarah Palin about making the Bush Tax cuts permanent then, right?
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

Harmor wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

...However, it's kind of hard to believe someone with as dimwitted of a demeanor as Palin would actually be intelligent enough to understand the complexities of economic policy....
And Obama is doing a grand job with the economy.  At least she's for making the Bush tax cuts permanent, which I can't say our President is for.

She doesn't have the pedigree like Professor Obama I grant you, but at least you believe what she says because she means it.

But I'm not going to change our mind about her so we'll agree to enjoy SNL skits with her :-)
Well, for the record, I subscribe to neither Krugman's view nor Palin's.

Candidate McCain wrote:

The fundamentals of the economy are strong
right before he suspended his campaign to go back to Washington. and b.o. " multitasked " us into the septic tank

Compared to today they were.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-10-01 13:03:57)


Harmor wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

...However, it's kind of hard to believe someone with as dimwitted of a demeanor as Palin would actually be intelligent enough to understand the complexities of economic policy....
And Obama is doing a grand job with the economy.  At least she's for making the Bush tax cuts permanent, which I can't say our President is for.

She doesn't have the pedigree like Professor Obama I grant you, but at least you believe what she says because she means it.

But I'm not going to change our mind about her so we'll agree to enjoy SNL skits with her :-)
Personally, I'm all for tax increases. Seriously. I've thought about this for a while, and whilst I don't like paying taxes, it seems really obvious when you actually visit places that differ to what you're accustomed to. The UK is a fucking shithole, whereas if you visit places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands, which have much higher taxes, they seem really nice and organised in comparison. I've come to the conclusion that I'd much rather live in a decent country and have less spending money than live in an utter shithole and have more money.

EDIT: I'm going to turn this into an entire topic I think.

Last edited by ghettoperson (2010-10-01 18:37:06)

+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA
You live in Europe.  You have socialism and look at what is given you - Greece will be where you'll eventually end up.

You must thank the Americans for without their military power you wouldn't be able to afford Socialism.
The UK is a fucking shithole,
You will be happy to know we are following in the U.K.'s footsteps then !
if you visit places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark which have much higher taxes, they seem really nice and organised
Do Norwegians Swedes and Danes live there ? We have all sorts of people living here. It is also safe to say, there are places we could let Americans drive at autoban (sp) speeds but with some what different results than they have in Germany.

     When you let the government take more of your money, your basically letting them spend it for you, They buy your Art, Heath Care, decide on and provide the transportation you need. Basically you'd trade the cost, responsibility and freedom of making your own decisions for the convenience of having the government provide them at a cheaper price, Am I correct ? Do you pay taxes yet ? If so what percentage of your salary does the government take ? The U.S.A. isn't a total " shithole " yet. Just the places where the Government has intervened to manage peoples affairs for them.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-10-01 18:59:46)

Palin 2012?

Fuck off, go away, and NO! 

Amateur Hour at the White House is officially over in 2012. 

Republicans got their boy Junior, Democrats got Rev. Dr. Hopey-Changey and the Wingnut Allstars Band

It's someone else's turn to elect a paste-eating window-licker for the rest of the world to point and laugh at.
Russia gets a KGB badass & PR master, France gets a supermodel for 'first lady', and even the Ukraine gets a semi-hot woman for PM.

Fuck this.  We're done having the dumbest, least competent leadership on the planet.
We get to elect someone competent in 2012 (not Palin), and then we can all go back to laughing at the UK;
'The touching story of Dumbo the Boy-Prince and his faithful Horse:  The Charles and Camilla story' next on BBC-1
+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA

rdx-fx wrote:

Amateur Hour at the White House is officially over in 2012.
The man-child we have in charge is currently doing Amateur Hour...

rdx-fx wrote:

Fuck this.  We're done having the dumbest, least competent leadership on the planet.
Palin couldn't do any worst than Professor Obama.  Running up the debt and attacking prosparity is all he's doing.  So lets get used to the higher taxes coming January 1st, 2011 and the so called recovery we been having for the last year.

rdx-fx wrote:

Amateur Hour at the White House is officially over in 2012.

Harmor wrote:

The man-child we have in charge is currently doing Amateur Hour...
Yes, Rev. Dr. Hopey-Changey and the Wingnut Allstars Band
Fortunately, their Maestro/Conductor is leaving for Chicago.
(I have the mental image of little rats wearing cute little life preservers as they jump from the deck of the Titanic...)

rdx-fx wrote:

Fuck this.  We're done having the dumbest, least competent leadership on the planet.

Harmor wrote:

Palin couldn't do any worst than Professor Obama.  Running up the debt and attacking prosparity is all he's doing.  So lets get used to the higher taxes coming January 1st, 2011 and the so called recovery we been having for the last year.
No, we couldn't much do worse than the last two clowns.  We'd have to try really hard.

Now, out of 300 Million people, you'd think we could find someone slightly more qualified for the job than the previously mentioned clowns.
Screw it - if we're rolling the dice on a political unknown, elect Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates.

The idea is to find the best person for the job. 
Not the one that's least qualified but can still get elected.

Palin did a fair enough job as Governor of Alaska, before she went national (viral?).
After that, she seems to have lost everything that made her decent, and become a shallow Barbie Doll caricature of the old Gov. Palin.
Don't need a plastic bobble head doll giving the 2013 State of the Union Address, live from Bill O'Rly's dashboard.
Little BaBy JESUS
No offence, but Palin would be the death of America's credibility in my eyes.
Palin is a nogo, if for no other reason than the left 40% of the population has already put her in a neatly labeled box and filed her away.
She has been packaged, labeled, and dismissed by too large a chunk of the population to be electable.

There is no more thinking or discussion about her from the left.
Neatly labeled, stereotyped, packaged, and dismissed.
Like a box of last years paperwork. Palin - (File under: MILF, GOP, donchaknow, clueless, talking head)

Once your opponents in D.C. have pre-packaged you in a neat, tidy, well defined stereotype, you're done.  Unless you have another (better) spin-doctor give you another 'package' to wear, you're through in D.C.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

rdx-fx wrote:

Palin is a nogo, if for no other reason than the left 40% of the population has already put her in a neatly labeled box and filed her away.
She has been packaged, labeled, and dismissed by too large a chunk of the population to be electable.

There is no more thinking or discussion about her from the left.
Neatly labeled, stereotyped, packaged, and dismissed.
Like a box of last years paperwork. Palin - (File under: MILF, GOP, donchaknow, clueless, talking head)

Once your opponents in D.C. have pre-packaged you in a neat, tidy, well defined stereotype, you're done.  Unless you have another (better) spin-doctor give you another 'package' to wear, you're through in D.C.
sounds like the way the right placed obama before he was even inaugurated
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

sounds like the way the right placed obama before he was even inaugurated
And there's enough Truthiness™ in Advertising that we shouldn't have any of them in the White House.

We're stuck electing the Homecoming Couple to the White House, when we really should be looking for the Valedictorian.
+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA
One thing about Obama's experience...he was a little more than a year in the Senate when he announced he would be President (no accomplishments in the Senate...can you name one?), and was a notably a Community Organizer before that.

Anyhow, that's all water under the bridge now.

I can not refute that Palin, as you guys noted, has high negatives that would be difficult or near impossible to reduce because of her treatment.  So I did some researched and pull up this CNN poll: that matched known Republicans to Obama back in April:

CNN wrote:

The poll shows Obama topping Romney 53 percent to 45 percent, beating Huckabee 54 percent to 45 percent, defeating Gingrich 55 percent to 43 percent and topping Palin 55 percent to 42.

"It is important to remember that at this stage of the game, candidate matchups are largely driven by name recognition, and at least a quarter of all Americans are unfamiliar with Romney, Huckabee and Gingrich. As a result, Obama has an 8- to-12-point edge over each of them in hypothetical matchups," adds Holland.
So ANY Republican would loose to Obama, even with his ~42% approval rating.  The poll continues with:

CNN wrote:

"But in a previous CNN poll, Obama managed no better than a tie against an unnamed Republican."
which is telling me that the Public is itching for another candidate they don't know yet or hasn't made themselves known on the national stage - this is encouraging (perhaps a Tea Party Candidate???).

Therefore while I believe Sarah Palin has her heart and Conservative values in the right place she should play cheeerleader to someone new in the party.  How's that for a revelation?
+3,936|6653|so randum

Harmor wrote:

One thing about Obama's experience...he was a little more than a year in the Senate when he announced he would be President (no accomplishments in the Senate...can you name one?), and was a notably a Community Organizer before that.

Anyhow, that's all water under the bridge now.

I can not refute that Palin, as you guys noted, has high negatives that would be difficult or near impossible to reduce because of her treatment.  So I did some researched and pull up this CNN poll: that matched known Republicans to Obama back in April:

CNN wrote:

The poll shows Obama topping Romney 53 percent to 45 percent, beating Huckabee 54 percent to 45 percent, defeating Gingrich 55 percent to 43 percent and topping Palin 55 percent to 42.

"It is important to remember that at this stage of the game, candidate matchups are largely driven by name recognition, and at least a quarter of all Americans are unfamiliar with Romney, Huckabee and Gingrich. As a result, Obama has an 8- to-12-point edge over each of them in hypothetical matchups," adds Holland.
So ANY Republican would loose to Obama, even with his ~42% approval rating.  The poll continues with:

CNN wrote:

"But in a previous CNN poll, Obama managed no better than a tie against an unnamed Republican."
which is telling me that the Public is itching for another candidate they don't know yet or hasn't made themselves known on the national stage - this is encouraging (perhaps a Tea Party Candidate???).

Therefore while I believe Sarah Palin has her heart and Conservative values in the right place she should play cheeerleader to someone new in the party.  How's that for a revelation?
high negatives? the womans a fucking retard
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA

FatherTed wrote:

high negatives? the womans a fucking retard
She's doing a lot better than you. 

So how long before this thread gets locked because this `debate` is becoming a flame hate fest against Sarah Palin?
+3,936|6653|so randum
that literally doesn't make sense, but ok
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.

rdx-fx wrote:

Palin 2012?

Fuck off, go away, and NO! 

Amateur Hour at the White House is officially over in 2012. 

Republicans got their boy Junior, Democrats got Rev. Dr. Hopey-Changey and the Wingnut Allstars Band

It's someone else's turn to elect a paste-eating window-licker for the rest of the world to point and laugh at.
Russia gets a KGB badass & PR master, France gets a supermodel for 'first lady', and even the Ukraine gets a semi-hot woman for PM.

Fuck this.  We're done having the dumbest, least competent leadership on the planet.
We get to elect someone competent in 2012 (not Palin), and then we can all go back to laughing at the UK;
'The touching story of Dumbo the Boy-Prince and his faithful Horse:  The Charles and Camilla story' next on BBC-1
I'm not entirely sure what the UK and the royal family have to do with anything, but haven't you worked it out yet?

I'll enlighten you...

The inherent trait of having a massive population that is largely uneducated with regards to politics and logic means you lack the ability to democractically elect anything but a mediocre and below leader. The sooner you realise that for at least the next 20 years you aren't going to have anyone competent in the White house the less of a shock it will be.

Harmor wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

high negatives? the womans a fucking retard
She's doing a lot better than you. 

So how long before this thread gets locked because this `debate` is becoming a flame hate fest against Sarah Palin?
If it gets locked for that, it should have been locked on your fourth comment about Obama.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

The best Palin can/should hope for is a Cabinet job in the next Republican administration, to prove that she's not the caricature she's been made out to be. Much like Hillary has done, though she's had less of a challenge on the caricature side.

The beauty of that is that Sarah can be sent packing back to salmonland if she's as incompetent as her detractors make her out to be, and if not, it's a great way to publicly prove them all wrong. Just don't give her one of the big jobs (like State) at first.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

FatherTed wrote:

high negatives? the womans a fucking retard

Harmor wrote:

She's doing a lot better than you.

FatherTed wrote:

that literally doesn't make sense, but ok
I think he means - She has a book out that went best seller over night, She's wealthy, young, attractive, successful and respected by her peers and implying your are not.

I am not sure how you missed the implications.

Harmor wrote:

So how long before this thread gets locked because this `debate` is becoming a flame hate fest against Sarah Palin?
NEVER lol.
On what do you base the opinion 
the womans a fucking retard
Sources speeches quote etc. ?  She can speak much better than obama. obama with no TelePrompter is the definition of the would " Disabled ".
I hope your not falling into a herd mentally.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
She can speak much better than obama. obama with no TelePrompter is the definition of the would " Disabled ".
I hope your not falling into a herd mentally.
Delicious irony.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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