you need to quit smoking stress
Tu Stultus Es
Haven't tried Amsterdam, but, from what I understand your right. I hear they have quite a selection.jord wrote:
Amsterdam> US/Canada
They really are on this subject. Tazz and Jay, just be quiet, you both are making asses of yourselves.eleven bravo wrote:
you guys are bloody morons
eleven bravo wrote:
you guys are bloody morons
You know, I shouldn't have lowered myself to name calling. Mind you, I was retaliating to being called "retarded". Anyway, I can only appoligize for lowering myself to such a imature level even in retaliation. I would hope that others would try to conduct themselves in a similar fashion and try to have a mature conversation without name calling just because you are in disagreement with something I or someone else has said.jaydevil2003 wrote:
Blow me bitch!UnkleRukus wrote:
You're fucking retarded.jaydevil2003 wrote:
Is this sarcasm? If not, here is a simple awnser, one reason Weed is illegal simply because the pharmaceutical companies lobby to keep it illegal because they don't want you to grow your own medicine.
Your cap locks are stuck again. What are you High???
5 guys go to a party, they drink beer and do a few shots. At the party they get into fight, where one of them gets arrested, they speed home, and drive through a red light, But, they luckily get home okay, drunk they pass out, vomit on the floor, the others keep drinking until one of them gets sent to the hospital with alcohol poisoning.
Same 5 guys go to a party, but, decide to not drink but, smoke a joint, they decide there too tired to pick a fight and drive home. they drive 30 KM/H under the speed limit, then spend 20 min at the same streetlight. They still get home ..... Eventually, no one vomits, but, they do eat all the food in the house and stay up a few hours playing videogames until they all fall asleep.
Nah all the dealers in Cheadle are shit!jord wrote:
sams high on superskunk.
13/f/taiwan wrote:
Be quiet negative nancy.11 Bravo wrote:
13/f/taiwan wrote:
lolSamTheMan wrote:
i see myself in third person
just did this holy fuck.SamTheMan wrote:
i see myself in third person
I've had that happen to me before. True out of body experience. I was pretty baked when that happened, though. More paranoid than Osama bin Laden, too.SamTheMan wrote:
i see myself in third person