okies did some digging into this as it intruiged me
points of intrest for the minigun [HMG_M134] ( which was done by the EA/DIce programmer called fli )
RPM =900
ObjectTemplate.velocity 500
ObjectTemplate.heatAddWhenFire 0.01
ObjectTemplate.coolDownPerSec 0.4
ObjectTemplate.overheatPenalty 3
[they took the next bit out by making the force 0] ObjectTemplate.detonation.explosionMaterial 40
ObjectTemplate.detonation.explosionRadius 0.25
ObjectTemplate.detonation.explosionForce 0
ObjectTemplate.detonation.explosionDamage 200
ObjectTemplate.minDamage 1
ObjectTemplate.damage 60
ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.deviationFactor 5
ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.maxVisualDeviation 18
ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.minVisualDeviation 2
Comparing it with a .50 cal from a USMC LJeep
ObjectTemplate.velocity 500
ObjectTemplate.heatAddWhenFire 0.02
ObjectTemplate.coolDownPerSec 0.4
ObjectTemplate.overheatPenalty 2
ObjectTemplate.tracerInterval 3
ObjectTemplate.tracerConvergeDistance 50
ObjectTemplate.minDamage 0.2
ObjectTemplate.damage 50
ObjectTemplate.deviation.minDev 0.25
Basically the bullet speed is the same and the dmg of the minigun is +10 more than the .50 cal - oh and the .50 over heats quicker.....
but - theres two areas which mention deviation - note that there not the same threads as well i couldnt find the matching ones (not there)
but basically the Minigun has a deviation off target of upto 5 every round fired - whereas the .50 has a minimum deviation of 0.25 ... basically what i read from that is that u miss morewith the minigun....
Oh and a comparison between the BH and a US heavy jeep ?
ObjectTemplate.createComponent Armor
ObjectTemplate.armor.maxHitPoints 1000
ObjectTemplate.armor.hitPoints 1000
ObjectTemplate.armor.defaultMaterial 31
wreck hitpoints 500
hitpoints 1000
armour6 helecopter
ObjectTemplate.createComponent Armor
ObjectTemplate.armor.maxHitPoints 1000
ObjectTemplate.armor.hitPoints 1000
ObjectTemplate.armor.defaultMaterial 71
wreck hitpoints 1000
hitpoints 1000
small arms -0.05 - 1
.50 -0.2 - 0.5
minigun -0.05 - 0.05
shotgun -0.05 - 1
25mm -0.5 - 0.04
tank -1.5 - 1
Minigun vs human (non armour) - 1
.50 cal vs human (non armour) - 0.5
So to conclude that mess of stuff up there - the mini gun is less accurate than the 50 cal
and does less damage to humans - (suuuuuuure thats what it was designed for???)
the BH has the same armour count as a heavy jeep but the material is different
the BH takes less damage from small arms , .50 cal and shotgun than the JEEP ...BUt takes more damage from an APC cannon and a Tank (why??)
so there we have it - choose a jeep over a blackhawk - it has a better troop killing gun and is more likely to survive a tank hit .
Last edited by ViP.ShooTa (2006-04-27 00:59:10)