
What Religion is Barack Obama?

Christianity47%47% - 41
Judaism3%3% - 3
Buddhism2%2% - 2
Islam19%19% - 17
Hinduism3%3% - 3
Other5%5% - 5
No religion17%17% - 15
Total: 86
"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries."

"The Cambridge police acted stupidly."

The O has never stopped campaigning.  Furthermore some of the stupidest things I've ever heard have come from the mouths of the most educated people I've ever met.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5324|foggy bottom
db, youve never stopped campaigning bro.
Tu Stultus Es
*looks down... true.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

eleven bravo wrote:

burnzz wrote:

i thought Obama was born in Hawaii.
its either indonesia or kenya
I can't believe this didn't get more attention than my little Cheer. It's a whole thread poll and more !
+605|6614|San Diego, CA, USA

m3thod wrote:

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
Like just now when Dinner Jacket threatened the United States at his speech at the United Nations with a "War Without Boundaries" comment.
Would it really matter what religion he is? I don't see why people are getting so uptight about it.
+605|6173|Birmingham, UK

CapnNismo wrote:

Would it really matter what religion he is? I don't see why people are getting so uptight about it.

CapnNismo wrote:

Would it really matter what religion he is? I don't see why people are getting so uptight about it.
Because they're idiots and haven't got anything better to do.

ghettoperson wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:

Would it really matter what religion he is? I don't see why people are getting so uptight about it.
Because they're idiots and haven't got anything better to do.

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

Even obozo has reffed to himself as a musilm on occasions and had to be corrected by a complaint, left pandering media

Barry : " . .  My muslim Faith ! "

Hard hitting No nonsense Reporter : " You mean Christian ~ your a Christian "

Barry :" OH AH YEA uh yea uh umm ah err - ? what was I sayin now ? Breathelater - Breathomter ? "

I just think its funny and so obviously hypocritical Bush never said anything 1/10 as Dumb as "

Barry : I been to 57 states so Far I think I got 1 to go they're not gonna let me go to Alaska and Hawaii "

the point is,  suggesting that obama is some kind of secret muslim is just as fucking retarded
the point is, anyone who didn't wear a Brand on their hip thought obama was fucking retarded if they had even one eye open during the campaign. Shh he's um.. Be nice to him play, nice  !

I know they look the other way during clinton and gore's rape allegations, is there anything the left won't excuse for one of their own ?
look what happens to a Gay man if he isn't a member of the Left !
Get a life.
Bring a valid argument.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-22 14:18:27)


Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Bring a valid argument.
bring a valid OP.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

Even obozo has reffed to himself as a musilm on occasions and had to be corrected by a complaint, left pandering media

Barry : " . .  My muslim Faith ! "

Hard hitting No nonsense Reporter : " You mean Christian ~ your a Christian "

Barry :" OH AH YEA uh yea uh umm ah err - ? what was I sayin now ? Breathelater - Breathomter ? "

I just think its funny and so obviously hypocritical Bush never said anything 1/10 as Dumb as "

Barry : I been to 57 states so Far I think I got 1 to go they're not gonna let me go to Alaska and Hawaii "

the point is, anyone who didn't wear a Brand on their hip thought obama was fucking retarded if they had even one eye open during the campaign. Shh he's um.. Be nice to him play, nice  !

I know they look the other way during clinton and gore's rape allegations, is there anything the left won't excuse for one of their own ?
look what happens to a Gay man if he isn't a member of the Left !
Get a life.
Bring a valid argument.
The irony is of course lost on you.
Clinton and Gore rape allegations? WTF?

Hunter, let's see you hit the campaign trail for over a year and see if you don't make a few mistakes. Hell, I say some truly stupid grammatical shit when I speak English since I have learned German so I think it's entirely understandable that someone makes a slip like that. Easily could have been thinking about a 7 days a week thing. Never made a mistake before? Fuck sakes.

ghettoperson wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:

Would it really matter what religion he is? I don't see why people are getting so uptight about it.
Because they're idiots and haven't got anything better to do.
I didn't expect you to read the whole Thread but it would be nice if you did before weighing in, it's less than ten pages.

1 The Muslim / Christian thing doesn't really bother me.

  My problem is that the media is so blatant in its attempt to cover for him. So it matters to the Media.

2. He needs that Christian title to really carry the black vote in its entirety. So it matters to his backers.

3. He converted at the start of his political aspirations. It is obvious that for whatever reason " Christianity mattered " to him.
    This speaks to his character, duplicity or both.

4. He slips and refers to himself as a Muslim. ( I never Accidentally call myself a Jew )
   This speaks to his lack of focus and mental capability.

5. We weren't allowed to hear his Pastors sermons during the Election. ( we were Racist !  ) This speaks to his intention to deceive.

6. He also thinks there are  59 States in The United States of America. Forgetting the Number of states is like forgetting what where you live not where you are. This speaks to a lack of legitimate academic achievement.

   Clearly there was a deep Flaw in his Education Process.

7. Again they covered for him, Yet They still ride  Quayle over the Potato potato spelling. ? Hmmm ? years ago it was spelled that way.

But 60 states ? It seems Not only did he ride the Short bus but he wore a hockey helmet while he licked the glass.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-22 15:32:47)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6779|Purplicious Wisconsin
Don't forget this comment "The bomb that fell on Pearl Harbor". Surely he didn't think the atom bomb dropped on Pearl Harbor did he?

Oh and 8-10 years in office. 10 years as president?

Last edited by War Man (2010-09-22 15:20:48)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
This thread makes me feel so good about myself.

I mean, there is no way I could ever be this big a moron even if I actively tried to.

CapnNismo wrote:

Clinton and Gore rape allegations? WTF?

Hunter, let's see you hit the campaign trail for over a year and see if you don't make a few mistakes. Hell, I say some truly stupid grammatical shit when I speak English since I have learned German so I think it's entirely understandable that someone makes a slip like that. Easily could have been thinking about a 7 days a week thing. Never made a mistake before? Fuck sakes.
If that's true it should cut both ways, it doesn't. I guess you have to read what I wrote above. .
" Clinton and Gore rape allegations? WTF? ".
If you have never heard of either one, I guess you'd have to admit there is a heavy left wing bias in the Media.
I heard Bush was A.W.O.L. from T.A.N.G. and it turned out he wasn't.
+3,611|6686|London, England

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

...Again they covered for him...
Who's they? Fox News/Fox is the biggest media outlet in the US and they hate everything about that guy.

I never understood you media conspiracy types, we get the same shit over here. People don't even realise that the biggest media in both our countries are Murdoch style conservative and not the so-called Liberal elite

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Bring a valid argument.
The irony is of course lost on you.
You can't use " irony " in it's proper context. That isn't lost on me. Stop derailing the thread with personal attacks. If it makes you feel good to insult while safely anonymous do it in a PM. Bring DS&T. If you are against it your a hypocrite at best.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Bring a valid argument.
The irony is of course lost on you.
You can't use " irony " in it's proper context. That isn't lost on me. Stop derailing the thread with personal attacks. If it makes you feel good to insult while safely anonymous do it in a PM. Bring DS&T. If you are against it your a hypocrite at best.
My use of the word "irony" would have proper context if you were able to realize who ironic your asking me for a valid argument is. There wasn't anything ironic with my statements, as I never claimed to put fourth a valid argument.

Now PM me if you must. I'll not read them but instead forward them to people like burnzz who might get a kick out of your inanity and point missing.

Mekstizzle wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

...Again they covered for him...
Who's they? Fox News/Fox is the biggest media outlet in the US and they hate everything about that guy.

I never understood you media conspiracy types, we get the same shit over here. People don't even realise that the biggest media in both our countries are Murdoch style conservative and not the so-called Liberal elite
Fox is one network and there are quite a few. People Freak about FOX. They are absolutely *Rabid !
( do a BF2S search with just  " FOX " then get back to me. )
But If you bring to light a list of similar offenses on the Left "[i] It is a conspiracy ![/b] ". I don't buy that logic.

* Capitalization is for emphasis !

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

The irony is of course lost on you.
You can't use " irony " in it's proper context. That isn't lost on me. Stop derailing the thread with personal attacks. If it makes you feel good to insult while safely anonymous do it in a PM. Bring DS&T. If you are against it your a hypocrite at best.
My use of the word "irony" would have proper context if you were able to realize who ironic your asking me for a valid argument is. There wasn't anything ironic with my statements, as I never claimed to put fourth a valid argument.

Now PM me if you must. I'll not read them but instead forward them to people like burnzz who might get a kick out of your inanity and point missing.
Still way of topic. Now if you could show me my " point missing " that would be appreciated. I took the trouble to number them for your convenience.
I never said I wanted to PM you. It was only eight lines of text yet some how you failed to comprehend and retain what I said.
So I would back of the personal attacks,

I always ask anyone who wants to insult while safely anonymous to do it in a PM. Reading is not a problem for me.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:

Would it really matter what religion he is? I don't see why people are getting so uptight about it.
Because they're idiots and haven't got anything better to do.
I didn't expect you to read the whole Thread but it would be nice if you did before weighing in, it's less than ten pages.

1 The Muslim / Christian thing doesn't really bother me.

  My problem is that the media is so blatant in its attempt to cover for him. So it matters to the Media.

2. He needs that Christian title to really carry the black vote in its entirety. So it matters to his backers.

3. He converted at the start of his political aspirations. It is obvious that for whatever reason " Christianity mattered " to him.
    This speaks to his character, duplicity or both.

4. He slips and refers to himself as a Muslim. ( I never Accidentally call myself a Jew )
   This speaks to his lack of focus and mental capability.

5. We weren't allowed to hear his Pastors sermons during the Election. ( we were Racist !  ) This speaks to his intention to deceive.

6. He also thinks there are  59 States in The United States of America. Forgetting the Number of states is like forgetting what where you live not where you are. This speaks to a lack of legitimate academic achievement.

   Clearly there was a deep Flaw in his Education Process.

7. Again they covered for him, Yet They still ride  Quayle over the Potato potato spelling. ? Hmmm ? years ago it was spelled that way.

But 60 states ? It seems Not only did he ride the Short bus but he wore a hockey helmet while he licked the glass.
I'm aware talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, so I'm only going to bother trying to reason with you on one point, at least at first.

The 57 states thing. Wherever you believe him to be from, he's lived in the US for well over the past 20 years. In that time he's going to have learned how many states there are. I know how many states there, and I'm sure at the very least half of Europe/the world does. It seems utterly implausible to think that he wouldn't know that. The only possibility here is that he misspoke.
Please keep in mind that, The was question was asked,

                " Why do people care about his religion ? "

I felt your answer was dileberatly misleading, and dissmisive.

I answered in 7 numbered points ( for easy reference. . . . I thought )

ghettoperson wrote:

I'm only going to bother trying to reason with you on one point, at least at first. The 57 states thing.
I would rather you had addressed all seven or any other as this one was the most trivial and along the lines of
" and people called Bush dumb "

ghettoperson wrote:

Wherever you believe him to be from,
The only one who thinks he may be from " Kenya or some other country " that I know of is Bravo11.
That's why I said " go baby go "  as it would have been the first time " a birth-er " thread open here to my knowledge.

I didn't expect you to remember that quote, but I would expect you to realize that
I never once questioned his being - a citizen

( I expect that's were you were going with this line ) or nation of birth.

For some one who constantly labels and critiques others,
you seem to have had trouble reading and retaining less than eight sentences.

So back off the insults,  please ? It doesn't seem to serve a purpose.

ghettoperson wrote:

he's lived in the US for well over the past 20 years.
I thought so.

ghettoperson wrote:

In that time he's going to have learned how many states there are.
Apparently not.

ghettoperson wrote:

I know how many states there, and I'm sure at the very least half of Europe/the world does.
Thanks for backing up my suspicions.

ghettoperson wrote:

t seems utterly implausible to think that he wouldn't know that. The only possibility here is that he misspoke.
Well during the previous administration any mistake was ridden for all its worth.
It seems obama errs  as much as Bush and he has 2 to 6 years still to go.
He went to Harvard Law but thinks the Constitution contains lines from the Declaration of Independence.
( Does he just say anything that comes up on the TelePrompTer ? )
We all saw many cartoons of Bush drawn as a monkey but if You did that to obama you'd be labeled a racist.
You will admit this much  I hope.

When you have time, instead of berating me personally can you address what I actually said ? Not what you think I said.

Thanks ! sorry about the spaces !

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-22 18:13:10)

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