Ive seen this question posted alot, and while I do like the advice that the UBAR gives, I feel that it could also be good to compare the weapon's effectiveness to each other as well.  So, for those players looking for an average player's view on unlocks and what kit to take, look no further.

Let me start off by introducing myself.  My username is the same as my forum name - DrDestruction.  Ive been playing BF2 since a few days after it came out (with a one month leave because I couldn't get the 1.02 patch to work).  My stats are fair, in my opinion, I have a kill/death ratio of a little above one, and I play a wide range of kits almost every round - Im what you would call a "Utility Player" - I basically take whatever kit is needed to get the current job done.  Tank at a base?  Im AT.  Need to take a base?  Assault.  Need to help a squad?  Medic.  You get the point.  I am also proficient in the use of most vehicles.  Just look at my stats - nothing great in any one category, but fair positions in most (minus support).

My unlocks are the following, in the order that I got them:  L85A1, DAO-12, M95, G3, G36c, and my last two will be the PKM and then the Jackhammer, in that order.  I have the Jackhammer on another account, and I have played with the PKM often.  I feel I am qualified to do this guide because I am not a specialist - I use a wide variety of kits at any given round, and I feel I am experienced with all of them, to a point (Support being the only I am not good with).

Now to the point.  I see many guides on the internet on this topic, but all of them seem to have a fairly neutral view on the unlocks, focusing on each particular weapon as opposed to comparing them to the basic weapons for their kits, and even to each other.  I am aiming to give a complete analysis of each unlock and compare it to both basic unlocks.  I am not going to blind you with numbers, statistics about a real gun of the ype, etc., just analyze the gun as it is in BF2, from MY OPINION.  Also keep in mind, Unlocks ARE MOSTLY A PLAYER'S PREFERENCE - that is, you should NOT use my guide to absolutely decide your unlock.  Use my guide as a judge if you are having trouble deciding - always be sure to select the weapon YOU WANT and you can USE MOST EFFECTIVELY - you will have the most fun doing that.

NOTE:  This is NOT meant to debunk the UBAR.  I am simply giving another view on the unlocks.

I will state the kit - unlockable gun, then give a description of my use with the gun, and compare it briefly to each of the basic guns for that kit, and give a final conclusion.

So, let's begin:


The G36c is, in my opinion, highly overrated.  I like the gun, but I do not find its accuracy to be all it is cracked up to be, and I am one of those that prefers the laser scope of the M4 or AK74U.  I have this gun, and I always use it while playing spec ops, but I sometimes regret making this gun my 5th unlock.  The accuracy, while probably third on the unlock lists in terms of accuracy (behind the first place M95 and second place L85A1), just lacks the power that most Spec Ops guns lack.  In other words - if you find yourself up against someone with an assault kit, shotgun, pretty much anything besides the basic Anti-Tank gun, you are more than likely going to lose unless you are very good and play spec ops often (or can use the spacebar well ;-)).

M4 (US Basic) vs. G36c - Tie.  I don't find the G36c to be any more powerful, but it's accuracy may be slightly better.  I prefer the laser scope of the M4, however.

QBZ-97 (China Basic) vs. G36c - G36c.  The QBZ has the same iron scope, and seemingly the same power, but I prefer the slightly increased accuracy of the G36c.

AK-74U (MEC Basic) vs. G36c - G36c.  The AK-74U seems to be the weakest of the Spec Ops guns by far, and despite its laser scope, I want something that has more power.  The accuracy of the G36c seems better by my tests, as well.

CONCLUSION:  The G36c is a good unlock in comparison to other weapons of its class - however, I just don't like how this gun, while a slight accuracy and power improvement to previous guns of its type, still lacks that something extra that gives it that extra kick in huge battles.  Just my view though.  Unless you play Spec Ops often, don't bother unlocking this one until later (maybe fifth or sixth).

OVERALL RATING of G36C compared to basic guns:  6.5(maybe 7)/10.


The G3 is noted as one of the strongest guns in the game, and through my playing time with it, I have to say that next to the PKM, it is the strongest rapid firing weapon in the game (sniper rifles like the M24 and M95, for example, are stronger but bolt-action guns).  However, one thing I constantly find to be a problem with this gun - accuracy.  I find that it has the worst accuracy of any assault gun in the game (yes, worse than the AK-47), and no where near the "high accuracy" rating EA Games gives it.  Im not the best shot, but in a gun with high accuracy, I should be able to single shot people over medium distances without having to spend my entire clip, like I can with the M-16 and AK guns.  While many note the 20 round clip as a problem, and I do admit I reload often with this gun, I rarely live long enough as assault to actually request more ammo.  The lack of a grenade launcher is both a good and bad thing - I almost never use the grenade launcher, but there are situations where I could use one (in a non-"n00b" way) to hit someone that would run away from a grenade.  However, I have also found the grenades useful too, particuraly on rooftops and around corners.

M16A2 (US Basic) vs. G3 - G3.  While some people prefer the accuracy of the M16 and the grenade launcher it carries, when I play assault, I do it to go into a base against a large number of troops - for that, Im usually in close quarters combat (CQC) and want something with power, and accuracy is less of a requirement.  I prefer the G3 in this situation.

AK-47 (China Basic) vs. G3 - G3.  Again, for the same reasons above.

AK-101 (MEC Basic) vs. G3 - G3.  Once again, the same reasoning applies.

CONCLUSION:  The G3 is a good gun - no doubt about that - WHEN USED PROPERLY.  I have the belief that as an assault soldier, you should be right in the middle of the fray, fighting close quarters, not off in the distance trying to snipe.  If you are one of the players that likes to "assault" from medium range, you will likely prefer the basic guns to the G3 - despite being slightly weaker, the accuracy is much higher.  However, if you are the kind that likes to throw yourself into battle, take the G3.  It will save you more often than hurt you.  Just watch the ammo - you tend to lose it quickly in the heat of battle.

OVERALL RATING of G3, compared to basic guns:  7/10.


The M95 is an interesting weapon.  Whenever a BF2 player hears of this gun, usually the first thing they think about is its famous piece of kitsch - the ability to shoot through glass of vehicles and aircraft.  Now, this may seem very cool and attractive to newer players of the game, but I think many veterans will agree with me that however cool of an ability this is, the circumstances to use it are far too rare and in between to warrant the selection of this gun FOR THAT PURPOSE.  Besides, it isn't a wonder weapon with homing bullets - you still have to be one hell of a shot to hit a target like that (especially when moving).  I, on the other hand, took the M95 for a more practical approach - to give myself a weapon COMPARIBLE to the M24 when I play on the China and MEC sides.  See, I very much dislike the lower accuracy and damage of the SVD and the Type 88.  Despite the fact it is a bolt-action rifle, and thus quick shots are not exactly possible, the M95's increased accuracy and damage mean that even if you don't kill with your first shot, a Kill damage assist is well on its way.  Also, headshots are much easier with a gun that can kill on one hit.  When I play US, however, I take the M24 just as much as the M95.  I rarely bother with vehicles and aircraft, and I focus on a sniper's duty - infantry from a distance to support CQC ground teams.  Unloading two clips into a helo is a waste of time if your ground team is getting nailed by enemy snipers and infantry.  Damage?  Despite what people say, I find the M95 to do the same amount of damage as the M24 - that is, all but two bars left with one shot (I think that's what it is).  This definately beats the SVD and Type 88, both of which I find to be essentially BB Guns.

M24 (US Basic) vs. M95 - M24.  I know, I know, but Im judging this as a "regular use basis".  I rarely find myself shooting people out of vehicles, and I love the fact that the M24 does not seem to have any bullet drop with extreme distance shots.  I still use the M95 occasionally as US however - mainly because I love the sexy sound it makes when it fires, lol.

Type 88 (China Basic) vs. M95 - M95.  The increased damage and accuracy is well worth losing the high rate of fire.  Think about it - the only reason these guns have a high rate is because their accuracy and low damage need it.  Some mention how they like being able to have a chance if someone sneaks up on you - well, in my opinion, that is what the pistol/claymores are for, and Im usually far enough out of the way that it doesn't happen.  And if someone does sneak up on me and kill me like that?  Then my hat is off to him.  He put the time into sneaking around me and I was stupid enough to let him do it.

SVD (MEC Basic) vs. M95 - M95.  Same reasoning as above.

CONCLUSION:  The M95 should NOT be taken for its ability to shoot people out of vehicles.  The opportunities are far too rare to warrant the gun for that sole purpose.  However, I find the increased damage and accuracy to be indispensable when playing for the China/MEC sides - THAT is why this gun should be unlocked, and why I consider it one of the better unlocks in the game.  Still consider the M24 when playing US, however.  It is even better vs. infantry.

OVERALL RATING of M95 compared to basic guns:  8.5/10.


The L85A1 (Hereby referred to as L85) was my first unlock, wayy before the patch came out, and I knew it would be a long time before I got to get another one.  I took it because at the time, I played medic quite often.  I have to say that when it came down to it, I was very disappointed.  The L85, while having high accuracy, just didn't seem to cut it for me in close range.  The gun, while accurate in single shot mode prone, has a horrible accuracy when moving at all or holding the button down for more than 3-4 automatic shots - making it almost useless for me in CQC.  This might not have been so bad had the damage been higher, but it just hurt me more at the time.  One miight think "Well, Destruction, it has a scope and is good from a distance!"  Bullsh*t.  Im a believer that if you are a medic, you should be right in there with the assault kit guys and healing/reviving them, using your gun to help kill AT CLOSE QUARTERS.  You shouldn't be off in the distance sniping with an assault rifle.  Besides, even with a scope and single shot, the gun is basically a less accurate SVD/Type88.  This has to be the most disputed unlock in the game because of these reasons.  Nowadays, how do I use it?  About 1/3 of the time.  I still take the AK-101 and AK-47 when I play MEC and China, but I take the L85 when playing US - while the damage is about the same as the M-16, and the accuracy at close range is slightly worse (when standing and moving, etc.), the ability for full-automatic fire makes this gun a better choice for me.

M16A2 (US Basic) vs. L85A1 - L85A1.  Again, the ability for full auto firing at close range makes this my weapon of choice when playing as a US medic.  Accuracy and damage are close, if not the same. 

AK-47 (China Basic) vs. L85A1 - AK-47.  Keep in mind, I feel a medic should be right in the fray, not sniping from a distance.  While the L85A1 is good for long range shots, with better accuracy, the AK-47 will blast it in close range, where accuracy is not as necessary.  It is also more accurate when moving or holding down the trigger than the L85A1.

AK-101 (MEC Basic) vs. L85A1 - AK-101.  Same as above.

CONCLUSION:  The L85A1 should be, if you play medic like I do, one of your last unlocks.  In my opinion, it is the least effective gun of all the unlocks, because the only thing it offers over its peers is accuracy, and even then only from a distance and single shot.  It gets murdered in CQC by the China and MEC guns, and is comparable to the M16A2 (although the M16A2 is better when moving).  Take this gun only if you like to be a Medical-Sniper, or as a last unlock.  If I had known how this gun was really going to perform and wasn't decieved at the time by EA Games's praising description, I would have taken the DAO-12.

OVERALL RATING of L85A1 compared to basic guns:  4.5(maybe 5)/10.


This gun, in my opinion, offers the greatest improvement over basic weapons of its class out of any unlock in the game.  The submachine guns that make up the basic guns for this kit - the MP5, Type 85, and PP-19, are practically useless (Check out the top rated Submachine gun player - even he has a K/D ratio of below 1!).  They lack both range, power, and CQC Accuracy - the three most important aspects of any BF2 gun (minus sniper rifles).  The DAO-12, by comparison, lacks only range.  Its power is infinately better than that of any submachine gun, its CQC accuracy is fair and made even better by its ability to spray a ton of bullets in any location quickly with a quick trigger finger, and I even find myself killing many medium-range targets just by the fact that with 12 rounds, I can pretty much miss half the time and still kill my target.  Besides, nothing is better than "DAOwning" someone with this gun.  The only negative is the long reload time, but this can be avoided in many cases by simply reloading after firing 4-5 rounds at a target - because each round is individually loaded, you can reload mid clip.  If you run out of ammo in a fight, take out your pistol and hope for the best - that is, in my opinion, the gun's only downfall (besides accuracy - but you can't snipe with the basic guns of this kit either).

MP5 (US Basic) vs. DAO-12 - DAO-12 by a landslide.  While the MP5 lacks range, power, and CQC accuracy, the DAO-12 lacks only range.  However, you aren't going to snipe with the MP5 anyways - if you want to hit distance targets, take another kit or blast them with the rocket launcher.

Type 85 (China Basic) vs. DAO-12 - DAO-12 by a landslide, again.  Same reasons as above.

PP-19 (MEC Basic) vs. DAO-12 - DAO-12 by (guess what?) a landslide, yet again.  Again, same reasons as above.

CONCLUSION:  Best unlock with relation to basic weapons in the game.  The DAO is simply indispensable, and turns the Anti-Tank from a Tank-only combat role to actually being effective in CQC situations - I actually take this kit occasionally JUST for the DAO in CQC combat, putting rockets and even the assault/medic kits aside.  This shotgun is that good.  Just be sure to reload it whenever possible.  Again, people complain about the range of this weapon - IT ISNT MEANT FOR SNIPING!  Besides, it isn't even like you have any range with the basic guns of this class - their range is about the same as that of the DAO-12, but with the DAO-12 you have some serious stopping power at close range.  Beware of a player with this gun who has a very quick trigger finger (like me ;-)) - it will blow the Jackhammer away in terms of firing rate.

OVERALL RATING of DAO-12 in compared to basic guns:  10/10.  Yes, it is that good.


The Jackhammer is a fair unlock - I have it on a seperate account from my main one, and it is a good help in CQC against people with quicker firing weapons than the basic shotguns.  However, this gun has a serious drawback - its low clip size is almost too low, in my opinion, for full-auto mode.  You will often fire 2-3 more shots than necessary to kill a target, because his body wont fall fast enough after getting killed for you take your finger off the trigger!  Because of this, you will find yourself reloading quite often, and often overmatched against multiple enemies in CQC, because you will kill one and die damaging or trying to damage the other guy.  This gun is good when used properly, however - as a self-defense weapon.  Engineers should focus on healing tanks and commander assets, and laying mines - NOT combat.  On my other account, I use this gun because it is good for the one or two guys I end up facing in combat while an engineer - most of the time, I hide behind tanks and heal them or stay at my base to heal commander assets.  If you want to fight the bad guys, take another kit more suited to the task, like assault.

M11-87 (US Basic) vs. Jackhammer - Jackhammer.  The two guns are basically the same, although the pump-action of the M11-87 often leads to demise as you enemy takes some damage from the initial shot and kills you as you pump.  Again, however, it should still only be used as a self-defense weapon.

Nor982 (China Basic) vs. Jackhammer - Jackhammer.  Same reasoning as above.

S12K (MEC Basic) vs. Jackhammer - Jackhammer.  Although the S12K is essentially the Semi-Auto version of the Jackhammer, the Jackhammer's automatic firing rate is better in CQC.  Again, its self-defense - you shouldn't be assaulting with it.

CONCLUSION:  The Jackhammer is a good gun for its purpose - self defense.  The engineer's job is to heal assets, repair your team's tanks and other vehicles, and lay mines for the enemy.  The shotgun is perfect for this role - it keeps engineers on task instead of giving them a long range weapon so they can sit back and snipe like many medics do.  The Jackhammer is perfect for this - it actually provides an improvement over existing shotguns, the ability of full auto fire, which is excellent for killing the occasional enemy you run into.  For those that actually complain about the lack of ammo per clip, it is MY belief that those engineers should stop running into large groups of enemies without support from teammates and stay back to heal tanks/commander assets.  Of course, there will be times where you will run into enemies - these are the times you just need to hope for the best.  If you dont like that?  Take another kit.  Veteren engineer players know their job and use their unlocked Jackhammer correctly - in self defense.  Those looking for a good assault weapon need to look somewhere else, and take a different kit.

OVERALL RATING of JACKHAMMER compared to basic kits:  8/10.  Use this one properly, otherwise it won't seem as good.  Remember - self-defense.


The PKM is, out of all the unlocks, the one I have the least experience with.  Thus, keep this in mind while I rate it.  The PKM to me is better than the rest of the support guns - however, it offers only minor improvements in most categories (it IS significantly more powerful than the other guns), being only a bit more accurate in CQC and having a tiny bit more range.  It is well suited for its role - laying down a heavy belt of strong covering fire and killing large, clumped, groups of infantry by spraying bullets.  Again, however, the lack of range is the reason I rarely take Support - while I would like this gun to have more range, I will not judge it based on that - range is not the PKM's (or any support gun's, for that matter) purpose.

M249 SAW (US Basic) vs. PKM - PKM.  Damage is the main reason for the choice of the PKM over the SAW.  Accuracy, while slightly better with the PKM, is still relatively similar between the two guns, and the PKM should not be taken for its accuracy but its power.

Type 95 (China Basic) vs. PKM - PKM.  Same as above.

RPK-74 (MEC Basic) vs. PKM - PKM.  Same as above, again.

CONCLUSION:  The PKM is an excellent choice for support players - as long as such players understand their duty - to lay down heavy belts of covering fire and killing large clustered groups of infantry.  Players who try to snipe or go into long/long-medium range combat with this gun will often be left disappointed, or dead.  Again, for players that understand the purpose of the Support class, this gun is indispensible - it is probably the second best improvement upon basic guns for unlocks in the game - after the DAO-12.

OVERALL RATING of PKM compared to basic guns:  9/10.

I hope this has helped you in some ways to decide your unlocks.  Keep in mind, unlockable weapons are YOUR choice, and you should choose the gun YOU want to suit YOUR needs.  If you play as a Sniper 95% of the time, then don't use your first unlock on the DAO-12, for example, just because I gave the DAO-12 a better rating.  Make sure to take the kit that will help you most - put all other factors aside.

See you on the Battlefield.
Death StatPadder
+228|7034|Human Meat Shield
It's a nice opinion, thanks..I was drawn between the PKM and the DAO. I have the L85, I didn't think it was that bad, I had my best k/d ratio on it so far, usually my deaths overbear my kills, with the L85 they got better. DAO'ers don't stand a chance with the SAW, the only thing that does is more than two people ambushing. Thats why I am torn, if people have opinions that the PKM is better, I play AT alot because of the tank whores. But in flag cap ASSIST, the SAW does wonders so far. I imagine if you flag cap you would be DAO for anyone that sneaks up on you just one shot....
I'll take two
+132|7051|Perth, Western Australia
Actually, concerning spec ops, the AK 74u does more damage all of the other three, and the Chinese gun is the most accurate of the lot, better than the G36 even.
+1|7038|Brisbane, Australia

DrDestruction wrote:


The PKM is, out of all the unlocks, the one I have the least experience with.  Thus, keep this in mind while I rate it.  The PKM to me is better than the rest of the support guns - however, it offers only minor improvements in most categories (it IS significantly more powerful than the other guns), being only a bit more accurate in CQC and having a tiny bit more range.  It is well suited for its role - laying down a heavy belt of strong covering fire and killing large, clumped, groups of infantry by spraying bullets.  Again, however, the lack of range is the reason I rarely take Support - while I would like this gun to have more range, I will not judge it based on that - range is not the PKM's (or any support gun's, for that matter) purpose.

M249 SAW (US Basic) vs. PKM - PKM.  Damage is the main reason for the choice of the PKM over the SAW.  Accuracy, while slightly better with the PKM, is still relatively similar between the two guns, and the PKM should not be taken for its accuracy but its power.

Type 95 (China Basic) vs. PKM - PKM.  Same as above.

RPK-74 (MEC Basic) vs. PKM - PKM.  Same as above, again.

CONCLUSION:  The PKM is an excellent choice for support players - as long as such players understand their duty - to lay down heavy belts of covering fire and killing large clustered groups of infantry.  Players who try to snipe or go into long/long-medium range combat with this gun will often be left disappointed, or dead.  Again, for players that understand the purpose of the Support class, this gun is indispensible - it is probably the second best improvement upon basic guns for unlocks in the game - after the DAO-12.

OVERALL RATING of PKM compared to basic guns:  9/10.

I hope this has helped you in some ways to decide your unlocks.  Keep in mind, unlockable weapons are YOUR choice, and you should choose the gun YOU want to suit YOUR needs.  If you play as a Sniper 95% of the time, then don't use your first unlock on the DAO-12, for example, just because I gave the DAO-12 a better rating.  Make sure to take the kit that will help you most - put all other factors aside.

See you on the Battlefield.
I'm just gonna cover the PKM from my point of view since it was my first unlock. EDIT: lol, not on the linked account in my profile, another one

SUPPORT - PKM (Player Killing Machine)

The PKM was my first unlock. After about 10 hours with only base support guns the PKM takes a while to get use to. It's rate of fire is much slower then the base guns, but it makes up for this with stopping power. Like the G3 the PKM will kill a target in around 3-4 shots. It is however highly inaccurate, up to the point of long range combat vs infantry being only a distraction. It does alot of damage to vehicles, if you can buddy up with another PKM guy then soft vehicles won't be getting far. This weapon pre-1.03 was great for taking out BH whores. I would lie down near cover, and open up on the BH gunners, it would damage both BH and enemy alike. Sometimes I cleared the entire BH before it's pilot realised what was going on. This is a great all-round unlock for the support trooper.

M249 SAW (US Basic) vs. PKM - PKM.  For sheer power the PKM is much better, but for sustained accuracy and rate of fire the SAW wins out. It is in my opinion that this gun is the better infantry killer. However against soft vehicles the PKM is better.

Type 95 (China Basic) vs. PKM - PKM.  Same as above.

RPK-74 (MEC Basic) vs. PKM - RPK-74.  Same as above, sorta. The RPK is IMO the best support gun. I will often carry this over the PKM anyday. It only does 10 less damage then the PKM, has a higher rate of fire and is more accurate. The only time I will take the PKM over the RPK is if soft vehicles are giving ALOT of trouble. But an RPK and PKM squad can handle almost anything

CONCLUSION:  The PKM is the best all-round support gun, it can handle any target except armour. Remember that to get any accuracy out of it you must be prone, crouching doesn't cut it. If we are on an infantry map you will more then likely find me running around with the base gun, but an all-rounder map such as sharqi or the wetlands expect to meet my PKM.

OVERALL RATING of PKM compared to basic guns:  8/10. 5/10 being the base gun SAW. Type 95 6.5/10. RPK 8/10.

Last edited by Incontrovertible (2005-10-22 20:19:03)

DogGunn Eats BF2!
Nice guide, and lol at Player Killing Machine!

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Actually, concerning spec ops, the AK 74u does more damage all of the other three, and the Chinese gun is the most accurate of the lot, better than the G36 even.
Again, I just took this from my point of view as a player.  The information that I provide here is very much "home schooling" - it is just what I have gathered from my playing time in the game.  If it is inaccurate, than I apologize - but I think I still get my point across.

Incontrovertible - thanks for the help - the PKM was the one gun that I felt I didn't have a good handle on.  Much appreciated!
Nice Guide

best combination of weapons that i've found for myself:
Spec Ops: M4A1
Assault: M16A2, AK101, G3
Medic: M16A2
Anti Tank: i just use the rocket launcher for everything
Engineer: Remington M11-87
Sniper: M95, M24 
Support: PKM, RPK-74
Aussie Outlaw
Generous guide, but its a matter of opinion - some people are better at weapons than others. Also, i'd work on your weapon stats for the purpose of guide credibility
+1|7038|Brisbane, Australia

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Generous guide, but its a matter of opinion - some people are better at weapons than others. Also, i'd work on your weapon stats for the purpose of guide credibility

DrDestruction wrote:

Now to the point.  I see many guides on the internet on this topic, but all of them seem to have a fairly neutral view on the unlocks, focusing on each particular weapon as opposed to comparing them to the basic weapons for their kits, and even to each other.  I am aiming to give a complete analysis of each unlock and compare it to both basic unlocks.  I am not going to blind you with numbers, statistics about a real gun of the ype, etc., just analyze the gun as it is in BF2, from MY OPINION.  Also keep in mind, Unlocks ARE MOSTLY A PLAYER'S PREFERENCE - that is, you should NOT use my guide to absolutely decide your unlock.  Use my guide as a judge if you are having trouble deciding - always be sure to select the weapon YOU WANT and you can USE MOST EFFECTIVELY - you will have the most fun doing that.
haha well I actually disagreed on many points to your guide. first off the g36 is far more accurate than any of the spec ops guns in semi auto (fire against a wall at a somewhat controlled rate) the g36 can fire faster with less loss of accuracy in semi auto than its base guns... however the M4 wins out in full auto. The M16 has quiote a bit better accuracy than the L85 plus to me the L85 feels more like a toy than the other guns.

In my opinion the M16 beats out the G3 maybe not in power but in firing rate and ammo count, the Assault pack M16 gets a whopping 7 clips (one loaded 6 carried) making it better for the long haul, and as an experienced played I tend to run out of clips before I dieseveral times whilst I do not as much with the M16.

The DAO- hit the nail on the head with that one, I find it very difficult to kill someone with a dao unless I have a DAO or the Jackhammer, in which case its an almost even match as the Jackhammer packs a bit more of a punch with each shot, this gun is indeed an upgrade.
(ps submachineguns should be fired in small bursts unless very close to the target, pp-19 can afford full auto a bit longer)

Jackhammer-yes it is meant for self defense, while you might be able to capture a flag by yourself with it, if theres more than 3 enemies you probably wont make it, and chances are slim if there ae  enemies. You probably wont manage more than 2 kills in a single clip with this puppy. but i must say that engineers are good fo r assault as well, the m11 and the nor have great stopping power and when used correctly (and skillfully) you can take down many enemies at once with them.

PKM- Personally this is one of my favorites as it has tremendous stopping power the SAW is almost as good but lacks the accuracy and power of the PKM, it makes up for it in fire rate and clip size however. But with the PKM it has more fire power, better accuracy, and it is easier to see with iron sights, the SAW makes a menacing flash and has a lot in the wa with ironsights, so spraying this weapon is kind of a guessing game as to where to shoot once you start flaring. The PKM doesn't have this problem but I find it easier to hit a horizontally sprniting target with the SAW. SAW also has a lot more recoil.

as for sniping its all in what you prefer I say m24 is the best but you might say "BUT HOW SHALL I EVER ACHEIVE THAT ELUSIVE THROUGH THE GLASS HEADSHOT!!!!" well you probably won't anyway but no matter how many times I tell myself this I still think "this time its through the glass baby! bang....o crap I missed now hes shoting me"

but like you said its all in opinion and technique! my favs are (in descending order from best down using only one from each kit)

ak101 (med and assault)
DAO 12

but keep in mind I play engineer most of the time But I'm usually in an armored vehicle when I am other than that I like Medic assault and support and I hate anti tank (because it means theirs an an enemy tank and I have to divert from my assault to kill it).

I unlocked in this order

M95,G3,PKM (all at the same time after the patch)
DAO-12 (shouldn't have done this one last)
Aussie Outlaw

Incontrovertible wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Generous guide, but its a matter of opinion - some people are better at weapons than others. Also, i'd work on your weapon stats for the purpose of guide credibility

DrDestruction wrote:

Now to the point.  I see many guides on the internet on this topic, but all of them seem to have a fairly neutral view on the unlocks, focusing on each particular weapon as opposed to comparing them to the basic weapons for their kits, and even to each other.  I am aiming to give a complete analysis of each unlock and compare it to both basic unlocks.  I am not going to blind you with numbers, statistics about a real gun of the ype, etc., just analyze the gun as it is in BF2, from MY OPINION.  Also keep in mind, Unlocks ARE MOSTLY A PLAYER'S PREFERENCE - that is, you should NOT use my guide to absolutely decide your unlock.  Use my guide as a judge if you are having trouble deciding - always be sure to select the weapon YOU WANT and you can USE MOST EFFECTIVELY - you will have the most fun doing that.
That is still an opinion, dude. Judging accuracies only has to do with the players personal skill.
+1|7038|Brisbane, Australia

ZZZargo333 wrote:

PKM- Personally this is one of my favorites as it has tremendous stopping power the SAW is almost as good but lacks the accuracy and power of the PKM, it makes up for it in fire rate and clip size however. But with the PKM it has more fire power, better accuracy, and it is easier to see with iron sights, the SAW makes a menacing flash and has a lot in the wa with ironsights, so spraying this weapon is kind of a guessing game as to where to shoot once you start flaring. The PKM doesn't have this problem but I find it easier to hit a horizontally sprniting target with the SAW. SAW also has a lot more recoil.
I regulary see the shots from a PKM go on insane diagonal vectors though, even in prone. I don't get that problem with the SAW. However the SAW sounds like a BB-gun when compared to the PKM

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Incontrovertible wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Generous guide, but its a matter of opinion - some people are better at weapons than others. Also, i'd work on your weapon stats for the purpose of guide credibility

DrDestruction wrote:

Now to the point.  I see many guides on the internet on this topic, but all of them seem to have a fairly neutral view on the unlocks, focusing on each particular weapon as opposed to comparing them to the basic weapons for their kits, and even to each other.  I am aiming to give a complete analysis of each unlock and compare it to both basic unlocks.  I am not going to blind you with numbers, statistics about a real gun of the ype, etc., just analyze the gun as it is in BF2, from MY OPINION.  Also keep in mind, Unlocks ARE MOSTLY A PLAYER'S PREFERENCE - that is, you should NOT use my guide to absolutely decide your unlock.  Use my guide as a judge if you are having trouble deciding - always be sure to select the weapon YOU WANT and you can USE MOST EFFECTIVELY - you will have the most fun doing that.
That is still an opinion, dude. Judging accuracies only has to do with the players personal skill.
... this whole thread is about opinion and field testing. If you want numbers here they are:


Last edited by Incontrovertible (2005-10-23 06:41:44)

+7|7102|California, USA
I field tested the SpecOps kit, seems to work pretty good.  Plus you the bonus of C4
Right, it's all opinion.  I am not claiming to be the best player in the world, hell, Im far from it and many of you have a ton of skills that I couldn't come close to in a million years.  However, because I stated it is my opinion, Im allowed to say anything I want - no one is forcing you to read this thread, and I find that the "statisitics" provided for the game on these wepons is quite often misleading.  It's the equivalent of predicting the weather through dopplar radar analysis.

So, please feel free to submit your own opinion - that's what this thread is for - but lay off the "well you arent qualified" or the "that's stupid because accuracy is a player's fault" kind of stuff.  No one forced you to post.

DrDes, you should take some time in the UBAR Kits section. You have a few innacuracies in your post about, heh, the accuracies of the the guns as well as the comparative fire power and rates. UBAR lists, not only the base fire power and accuracy of every weapon, but also the added deviations for standing, crouching, proning, and multiple successive shots -- and those things are very important. (For instance, the G36C's kick back is lower than any others, so it will perform better in CQC on auto.)
awesome post man, really helpful to read. good job
+27|7037|Atlanta, GA USA
I thought it was a good post.  I just have one small point to make about the Jackhammer that a lot of people don't think about.  You can shoot it semi-auto if you use quick clicks of the fire button instead of holding it down.  I never thought to do this until I got the DAO12.  After using the DAO12, I started using the same methodology with the Jackhammer. CLICK CLICK CLICK dead.  This allows you to conserve ammo a little.  I sux that they lowered the magazine size on the Jackhammer from 10 to 7.

chuyskywalker wrote:

DrDes, you should take some time in the UBAR Kits section. You have a few innacuracies in your post about, heh, the accuracies of the the guns as well as the comparative fire power and rates. UBAR lists, not only the base fire power and accuracy of every weapon, but also the added deviations for standing, crouching, proning, and multiple successive shots -- and those things are very important. (For instance, the G36C's kick back is lower than any others, so it will perform better in CQC on auto.)
All accuracies are of my opinion, not official game stats.  Some people might find some weapons more accurate than others, despite what any hard-coded stats may say.

Again, YOU ARE FREE TO POST YOUR OWN OPINION, but stop telling me my "factual information" is wrong.  There is no factual information other than my opinion, and nothing is set in stone.
+1,230|7108|Alberta, Canada

this is all your opinion though...
I humbally suggest that this be stickied.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

p0wn wrote:

I humbally suggest that this be stickied.
I agree, this is an excellent guide, it convinced me to pick the DAO-12 as an unlock, and I could not be happier.  He is right, that gun is amazing.  It turns Antitank into its own class of assault troop.

Last edited by [Ahazi] Kaika (2005-11-03 08:22:36)

Carpe Noctem

[Ahazi] Kaika wrote:

p0wn wrote:

I humbally suggest that this be stickied.
I agree, this is an excellent guide, it convinced me to pick the DAO-12 as an unlock, and I could not be happier.  He is right, that gun is amazing.  It turns Antitank into its own class of assault troop.
LOL, I unlocked the DOA12 based on this guide as well.  Very, very happy with my decision!  Thanks!
+0|7062|Your Mom's House
I have to say that i disagree with your arguments for every unlock DrDestruction. I would just like to point out the concept of the headshot. If you can aim at all, then weapons like the SVD, Type 88, Ak74u, and all the basic assult weapons are much better then the unlocks. At medium to long range, just light single shots to the head from most of these weapons will dominate, and if you can aim well enough in CQB, headshots are even more effective. As for the engeneer, I have to say that its far from a defensive role. Grab a pump shotty and play some karkland; 200 damage a hit +  close quarters = win.
Hey, fair enough.  I respect your opinion.

However, I think the issue is that we disagree on how the classes should be played - for example, in my opinion, an engineer should be taken to heal assets and armor and such, not just because it has a cool gun for an unlock.  But hey, my opinion won't suit all playing styles.
+0|7062|Your Mom's House
True, engineers (the few you ever see in most servers) should keep up on assests and vehciles, and on most large maps, are the ones usually using the offensive vehicles. This, however, doesn't mean they can't play infrantry. If you're just hiding back repairing shit, then you've got a lot of idle time on your hands. I guess the jack is decent if you're only empting your clip on people trying to run up and c4 you, or defending yourslef when repairing against one or two units.

Last edited by Col-Khadafi (2005-11-04 13:50:32)

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