" Would somebody with experience of islamic texts and scholarly research please present me with a credible translation please, "

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-09 15:34:14)

why exactly was the last one deleted? cause your OP was full of racist shite?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+2,382|6986|The North, beyond the wall.
I never got a chance to view the last topic, what happened?
he said he wanted to find an accurate translation of the koran because he wanted to check to make sure that none of the passages that were being vile to women, children and humanity in general were being translated into cuddle-fests for the arabic audiences. something along the lines of "i want to make sure that "if a woman wears lipstick cut her fucking head off!" isn't translated to "love women for they are thy equals" in the arabic version. it was fucking moronic. the quality of this OP speaks for itself.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+2,382|6986|The North, beyond the wall.
Oh, kinda sad I skirted around it for the music piracy thread.
Racist ?  I didn't know islam was a Race. But - yes I demured to your intellegent suggestion and wording for all the good it did.

Actually, Did not Coalition troops find boxes of Womens Polished nails that had been removed and stored at the police station ?
+632|6923|do not disturb

I am sure you can find an accurate version of the Koran in English. I'm unaware of it being "censored" like in your last OP. The Old testament has some verses that may offend some people unless it is a vast conspiracy by Muslims unless you can read Arabic.

edit: bleh

Last edited by Phrozenbot (2010-09-09 15:43:23)

i dunno, didn't the counter-inquisition find crates full of used condoms and dead boys at the catholic house-party?

shut up and make something D&ST worthy.

the pretense of sincerely wanting a real translation of the koran, so that you can educate yourself... is a very thin one. everyone is fully aware that your ostensible purpose is to vent your little gripes about islam into a thread, masquerading as a 'serious' study of their holy text. you're full of shit, lowing. go re-register yet again and try yet again.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

he said he wanted to find an accurate translation of the koran because he wanted to check to make sure that none of the passages that were being vile to women, children and humanity in general were being translated into cuddle-fests for the arabic audiences. something along the lines of "i want to make sure that "if a woman wears lipstick cut her fucking head off!" isn't translated to "love women for they are thy equals" in the arabic version. it was fucking moronic. the quality of this OP speaks for itself.
Thats pretty funny since it is now your exact words. ( cut and paste ) take the win.

I saw the error of a joke that offended and withdrew it. So now your just ranting about what exactly ?

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-09 15:43:40)

your complete insincerity and general right-wing doggerel
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+632|6923|do not disturb

I bet you could find it for free online.
except he's not really looking for it... as i said, just an excuse to make a few more side-cracks at islam
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Yet I did not make another  ~

So suggest a real koran I can read and educate me. I want to know what it really  teaches good or bad. My motivation I don't trust what i have been told. That's not good enough for you ? During and after WWII it was impossible to find a copy of Mien Kamf [sp] or Socialist writings that weren't " edited for clearer explaintion easier and better consumption ! You must see my point. Even if I did make a joke about it. Step back a bit.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-09 15:52:30)

© 2009 Jeff Minard

/close ?

Last edited by mafia996630 (2010-09-09 15:53:25)


Phrozenbot wrote:

I bet you could find it for free online.
best Idea yet - in a dearth of credible responses, I have an electronic book. But I am afraid I might get a vanilla version or one that makes an effort to highlight errors and reinterprets it to show secret conspiracies, violence or some such stuff.  I have seen those advertised. " Joe blow Exposes the koran etc. " just looking for the best example of an accurate translation.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-09 15:58:56)


Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Yet I did not make another  ~

So suggest a real koran I can read and educate me. I want to know what it really  teaches good or bad. My motivation I don't trust what i have been told. That's not good enough for you ? During and after WWII it was impossible to find a copy of Mien Kamf [sp] or Socialist writings that weren't " edited for clearer explaintion easier and better consumption ! You must see my point. Even if I did make a joke about it. Step back a bit.
okay i get your point but i think you are wildly misguided if you think western-translations of the koran have been doctored in any way, shape or form. mein kampf was censored, edited and circulated in such a fashion because, you know, the author had just torn apart an entire continent and committed genocide against millions of fucking people. the koran is a holy text. the islamic scholars are not all rushing to get out an american-friendly version that drops all the 'nasty' unchristian parts just because of 9/11. "step back a bit". be realistic.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

mafia996630 wrote:

/close ?
thanx Dude
+3,611|6928|London, England
Why do you care, if you really hate that shit then you wouldn't even want to read that shit.
because it gives them a pretense of having a 'factual' understanding, 'based' in 'real evidence' of scripture and theology.

it's like viewing a painting with red coloured-lenses over your eyes and trying to pick out the particularly sanguine parts...
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Does µzique really think that hunter is lowing?

lowing is completely lacking in any form of subtlety. Even though hunter's true intentions are fairly easy to discern, lowing has no concept of subtlety at all.

Uzique wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Yet I did not make another  ~

So suggest a real koran I can read and educate me. I want to know what it really  teaches good or bad. My motivation I don't trust what i have been told. That's not good enough for you ? During and after WWII it was impossible to find a copy of Mien Kamf [sp] or Socialist writings that weren't " edited for clearer explanation easier and better consumption ! You must see my point. Even if I did make a joke about it. Step back a bit.
okay i get your point but i think you are wildly misguided if you think western-translations of the koran have been doctored in any way, shape or form. mein kampf was censored, edited and circulated in such a fashion because, you know, the author had just torn apart an entire continent and committed genocide against millions of fucking people. the koran is a holy text. the islamic scholars are not all rushing to get out an american-friendly version that drops all the 'nasty' unchristian parts just because of 9/11. "step back a bit". be realistic.
Jezsus F***xXXst ? of course I think have been wildly misguided WHY do you think I want the koran. And sorry  I don't trust ether side to play me strait. And the only muslims I ever hear about  they tell me are planning " genocide against millions of fucking people " and So FAR that's been my only personal experience with their actions and efforts. Yet I know they have a story to tell themselves.

So on the whole I feel like Im being pretty cool by trying to secure a koran.
+2,382|6986|The North, beyond the wall.
Well lowing goes and a guy that hasn't posted in 2 years starts regularly posting. Its quite a coincidence. Moreso they are both hard right americans that frequent dst.

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Does µzique really think that hunter is lowing?

lowing is completely lacking in any form of subtlety. Even though hunter's true intentions are fairly easy to discern, lowing has no concept of subtlety at all.
substitute CLEAR CUT for  "lacking in any form of subtlety " and see how it sounds -

jord wrote:

Well lowing goes and a guy that hasn't posted in 2 years starts regularly posting. Its quite a coincidence. Moreso they are both hard right americans that frequent dst.
it seems left handed to shut this down but I think I got what I need.
Maybe I will try and find a Really skewed one also ?
for your information..
thats 1 child per year " Hard Right American "* Thank you ! This is what I am. I never try to hide it or Claim to be something else to give my opinion any kind of spin. * Bumper Sticker ! mabye with a picture of a Rifle in the backround !

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-09 16:22:00)


Maybe they're related, brothers or cousins or something.

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