I2elik wrote:
But here's my question, why, pray tell, does America only choose to assist other countries when they are threatened or attacked? Whatever happened to humanity eh?
Time for someone to pick up a history book.
I2elik wrote:
WW2 : The USA, once again, goes back to it's isolationist ways, and yet again chooses to hold back until they are directly threatened. But their assistance was needed in the Pacific theatre, though I might add that the Japanese had abandoned efforts to invade Australia by then, and chose to expand more into China and countries surrounding it.
You have heard of Lend Lease? You are aware that the British war effort was supplied by the US long before Germany declared war on the US? Roosevelt was practically BEGGING the Germans to declare war so we could get into it (he couldn't just jump in because, strangely enough, most Americans don't like it when we go to war).
I2elik wrote:
Korean War: An attempt to stop the "threat of communism" or the opposite of Democracy, during the whole "Communism Paranoia" thing.
And this is selfish how? In an area where we had few interests we sought to prevent a form of government which was known to be tyrannical from overthrowing one which was had the potential to be more free. There's the humanity you were looking for...eh.
I2elik wrote:
Vietnam : A war that probably had the largest amount of opposition to, there was no real reason to fight there, unless the "threat of communism" would last, oh right, Berlin Wall? The Iron Curtain coming down over Russian and Eastern Europe? Oh no, they aren't important, because Communism lasts forever right?
You sound like someon who is too young to know what he is talking about. Before Perestroika, nobody had any reason to expect the decline of Communism, as it had done nothing but expand from 1917 to the 1980's.
I2elik wrote:
Gulf War: No complaints there, just more media frenzies, something for the american press to get something interesting instead of the usual "Which Toothpaste/Diswasher/Cola is best?" crap you get nowadays.
So basically, even when we win, we lose? Well, that's known as Anti-Americanism. You won't like the US no matter what it does.
I2elik wrote:
Iraq War : Not necessarily a war, but something that started when America was directly threatened, they obviously knew that Saddam wouldn't stop torturing and kill thousands, but they let him stay in power after the Gulf War, what gives? Well they finally realised their retarded mistake and took the Neo-Hitler out of power.
Actually, I have more of a problem with this one myself. But as far as leaving Hussein in power the first time around there was a very good reason for that: George H.W. Bush promised that was what we were going to do...so that's what we did. He was a more honorable man, and better president than his son. Your comments seem to indicate that a value judgement is a good enough reason to go to war and remove a government...as long as they are YOUR value judgements.
I2elik wrote:
No, America is not an aggressor, it's more of a selfish country that only helps out when it's own ideals (albeit, some are highly flawed) are in danger, or in other words, indirectly or directly attacked, heck, it's the new age Democracy more and more countries are conforming too.
This is simply an uninformed rant which is not consistent. The basic premise is that action is ok when you approve of it, and not ok when you don't. Forgive us, but I don't think consulting your 'highly flawed' ideals is a good basis for a system of government.