http://uppix.net/2/e/e/170bf745efad3eae … dac2d7.pnghttp://uppix.net/3/8/6/485cd04fba716bfe … 3e9fd2.pnghttp://uppix.net/1/d/f/4abf9febfbd375c5 … 30c87c.pngThe Shadow Broker looks like:
http://uppix.net/5/d/c/b8f6920c2e36ab90 … e4145a.pngSpoiler (highlight to read): I was guessing it was going to be an AI or Feron, I think choosing an "unknown race" is abit of an easy way out for the devs. <3
http://uppix.net/b/e/0/cbdd4c581168f05f … 720c3e.pnghttp://uppix.net/6/d/a/0ea07e363ab34568 … 4ba931.pnghttp://uppix.net/8/7/b/53b8be6481d13aa4 … 6c1ff1.pngSpoilerLuLz:
http://uppix.net/6/3/0/6fdf8efd0930e33d … 54923c.pngAh yes, the days of OmniGel

Miranda is using a dating service and she's picky when it comes to health

(Also, Miranda can't have kids

The Illusive man likes his hoes

Liara: Their attacks are disorganized, they'd be more effective if they all attacked at once
Shepard: Please don't give the mercs ideas
Liara: There is big wave of mercs incoming
Shepard: You just had to give them tactical advice *sigh*
Udina gets violent O.o

Anderson gets violent with Udina (again)

The life of a reporter:

Udina's relative?

Anderson in a shootout???

What's Anderson doing talking to Cerberus

BioWare confirms the rumor:
Liara's father IS Matriarch Aethyta (the bartender from Illum)!

And she's a tough one

Some other funny shots not from LotSB:

Firefly reference much?!

Ohno.. I made it angry


Soldier focus + Sniper rifle to the face = lulz

pfew... That was a ton of writing and uploading... hope some of you enjoy... I know finray wont