When i'm out of ammo usually when i'm anti tank i push the "need ammo" button, but no one seems to care.
Often when i'm right next to a support guy and i say that i need ammo he doesent even notice me and runs off. What the hell is this? Cant they see my damn ammo request or what?
Anyone else that have this problem`?
Pojebany Hlop
+1|7153|Sicily, Italy
i feel ya,

same thing with a medic, you call him as he's standing right in front of you and then he just runs away levaing you there screaming for a medic, is it that hard to drop a bag and go?
Yeah, I have it too, with both medics and supports, as well as repairs from engineers.  You would think people would want the points, but I guess not.

In my opinion, the people that choose to play these classes should be doing their jobs - Medics should not be leading assault teams, supports should not be jumping right into the middle of a battle but hanging back and giving covering fire, and engineers should not be in large scale battles at all, unless they are healing tanks or the battle comes to them.

However, with mindsets these days, you are always going to run into people that have no idea of how to properly play their class.  It's much harder to play them with a group of guys you dont know, either, mainly because actual tactics rarely exist when you are in a squad with people you don't know or can't talk to.
+1|7086|Brisbane, Australia

McCullough wrote:

When i'm out of ammo usually when i'm anti tank i push the "need ammo" button, but no one seems to care.
Often when i'm right next to a support guy and i say that i need ammo he doesent even notice me and runs off. What the hell is this? Cant they see my damn ammo request or what?
Anyone else that have this problem`?
Are you kidding? I use to love you AT guys. If i ran into one of you I would stick to you like glue, cause when you fired your Rockets I got a point Now if I see you I will see what's going on, chuck you a pack if nesseccary, and see what needs to be done next.

I have noticed a distinct lack of people playing Support.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
+0|7076|Nebraska, United States
I think its because either people just want the gun, or they are trying to get a badge of some sort.

Either that, or they are complete idiots.

Probably the latter. But If I see you, I will certainly give you some ammo.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
Recently while playing Support I've noticed that when someone asks for Ammo nothing special happens to their Icon on the Minimap. No red bubble showing they called for ammo or anything. Basically I have to just look around at people spaming I need Ammo and see if their name flashes yellow. The game is just fucken broken and I'm tired of these bugs. The other day it took me more than 10 seconds just to figure out that the guy next to me was the one calling for Ammo. I had no idea and no clue as to which person was calling for it. Whatever happened to the special icon that identified the person calling for Ammo or Healing?  Also sometimes the bar doesn't even show up showing their ammo status.

The game is just broken. So sometimes it really isn't their fault.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+1|7086|Brisbane, Australia
lol, true, but for me on the mini-map everyone needs ammo :S
+8|7080|Kannapolis,North Carolina
while we are on this subject i would like to add something on the reverse side. Im a veteran commander, i play the position alot. What people who dont play as commander need to realize is that all requests cannot be granted right away. Once supplies are dropped it takes approximately 3 minutes to recharge. That might not seem like alot of time, but when multiple requests are made, unfortunately some are going to get denied. And if repairmen refuse to do thier job and fix my artillary and radar, i wouldnt have to drop supply box's on them and fix them myself. Ive since learned to just spawn as an engineer and fix them with my "can fix anything" cresent wrench. That way i can be a "gooood commander and at least grant some requests. Same with UAV, it has to recharge for about 30 seconds after it goes off the map. And yep, same with scanning and artillary. Everything has to recharge once its been used.

The reason all the non-cammanders need to realize this is im am too often nominated for a vote kick because i didnt get supplies to someone fast enough. And its usually a lone wolf playing off all by himself not creating or joining a squad and doing the teamwork thing. You know, badge whores. Ive been lucky enough to beat out all the attepts, but sooner or later im gonna get the boot.
Don't worry, DMFD - I feel your pain.  I rarely play commander, but I always vote no in mutinys for that crap.  Stupid players are stupid players, and 99.9% of the time you will have enough smart people on a server to outlast the vote.

I never play support because I just don't like the inaccuracy of the base guns, and I don't play MEC enough to warrant the use of the RPK.  I will be unlocking the PKM next, and hopefully that will entice me to play the kit more (I already have the Jackhammer, my other unlock option, on another account, and want something different this time).
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX

DMFDxUconn wrote:

The reason all the non-cammanders need to realize this is im am too often nominated for a vote kick because i didnt get supplies to someone fast enough. And its usually a lone wolf playing off all by himself not creating or joining a squad and doing the teamwork thing. You know, badge whores. Ive been lucky enough to beat out all the attepts, but sooner or later im gonna get the boot.
Yes I often am Engineer as Commander so I am able to fix my own assets and also place mines around the flag I am closest to. BTW a hint, I sometimes place a mine inside the flag perimter to act as a alternate form of C4 charge. One gernade on the mine and BOOM it kills all sorts of infantry all around it. I also sometimes play Sniper so that I can remain hidden and also guard assets taking out those Spec Ops before they blow my stuff up.

As for people asking for supply drops or anything and not getting them. If I can grant them their request I will but only after I check their area and make certain their request is valid. Also if a lone squad leader is requesting a supply drop and obviously doesn't need one I enjoy telling them over Team Chat or stating over VOIP that their request isn't needed and that I am waiting for a squad that actually needs it. This seems to quell any sort of mutiny from anyone else most of the time and they look like asses starting it in the first place. Good Squad Leaders know I am on their side and will give them exactly what they want. They learn this very soon in the game and enjoy my constant spotting and babysitting of their effective squads.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+8|7080|Kannapolis,North Carolina
Nice reply, im gonna remember that and call em out next time. lol, good idea.
Results May Vary
I was chasing down a support guy today yelling for ammo.  WTF?!?!  Hello????

Last edited by BWAG (2005-10-23 06:13:59)

+17|7107|Dayton, Ohio
The ONLY kits i play as commander are engineer and sniper.  for much the same reason as Kilroy.  Though i can place an order to a squad to repair an asset, i find response lacking often.  Thus since i don't get combat points  as a CO i find it best to repair/protect my own goodies while supporting my troops as best i can.

Not to get side tracked though.  I too have been frustrated with support players NOT lending support...uhm duh!!! it's your kits it!!!  I find it hard to believe that when i'm in a squad and i'm screaming that i need ammo that my calls go unheeded by a fellow squad member who's support...even when i'm using VOIP and standing right beside the 'tool'.

As for the PKM...i have it and love it...though if i had to make the tough choice between the PKM or the jackhammer at a promotion i would choose the jackhammer 99.9% of the time.   That's just me though, since i love to play engi.

Now that the kit requirements have been lowered to get veteran badges, as well as rank unlocks,  i'm certain that  you will be seeing more of people 'not performing their duties' in order to get that 'shiney trinket'.  It's truely a shame that some people are so driven by that shiney piece of metal they are willing to ignore their teamates.  I too love my 'shiney trinkets', but i try not to let my all consuming lust for them override my task as a teamplayer.

Last edited by WormGuts (2005-10-22 22:11:07)

mista sinista
i always like chasing after guys with 1 bar of health with my medic bag just to see them get mowed down, there are stupid ppl on both sides of the fence.. doesnt worry me 2 much i normaly get a revive from it.

07>sin wrote:

i always like chasing after guys with 1 bar of health with my medic bag just to see them get mowed down, there are stupid ppl on both sides of the fence.. doesnt worry me 2 much i normaly get a revive from it.
Yes thats another similar problem, you see this guy with very low health screaming for a medic and ofcourse you want to help him but when you trie to heal him he wont stand still so you cant heal him. Once i chased a guy across the map trying to heal him as he constanly called for a medic. whatv are they thinkng?
If you need a medic stay put and someone will help you. dont run away.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX

McCullough wrote:

07>sin wrote:

i always like chasing after guys with 1 bar of health with my medic bag just to see them get mowed down, there are stupid ppl on both sides of the fence.. doesnt worry me 2 much i normaly get a revive from it.
Yes thats another similar problem, you see this guy with very low health screaming for a medic and ofcourse you want to help him but when you trie to heal him he wont stand still so you cant heal him. Once i chased a guy across the map trying to heal him as he constanly called for a medic. whatv are they thinkng?
If you need a medic stay put and someone will help you. dont run away.
If there was a way for you to yell Medic Here or Supply Here or Engineer Here without having to throw anything out. Simply a voice call alerting those around you that you are there. This would solve quite a bit of problems. The only way I can tell a person in a vehicle (Tank or APC usually) that I am here to repair them is to run to them as they are on the go and do a single quick repair or two. They usually then figure out that someone is trying to repair them and they stop or maneuver to a more stationary position.

Frankly the problem here is not that they don't want your help it's that they probably don't know you are there.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Paper Is My Hobbyhorse

kilroy0097 wrote:

McCullough wrote:

07>sin wrote:

i always like chasing after guys with 1 bar of health with my medic bag just to see them get mowed down, there are stupid ppl on both sides of the fence.. doesnt worry me 2 much i normaly get a revive from it.
Yes thats another similar problem, you see this guy with very low health screaming for a medic and ofcourse you want to help him but when you trie to heal him he wont stand still so you cant heal him. Once i chased a guy across the map trying to heal him as he constanly called for a medic. whatv are they thinkng?
If you need a medic stay put and someone will help you. dont run away.
If there was a way for you to yell Medic Here or Supply Here or Engineer Here without having to throw anything out. Simply a voice call alerting those around you that you are there. This would solve quite a bit of problems. The only way I can tell a person in a vehicle (Tank or APC usually) that I am here to repair them is to run to them as they are on the go and do a single quick repair or two. They usually then figure out that someone is trying to repair them and they stop or maneuver to a more stationary position.

Frankly the problem here is not that they don't want your help it's that they probably don't know you are there.
No, they'd know you're there, cause as soon as they scream for medic/supply/repair, they can see the kits on the minimap and if one of them is close to them. People just don't pay attention to the minimap, that's the problem.
I think EA need to fix this, When you are screaming for ammo or a medic, a icon with a red cross or ammo symbol should pop up. Or make it more obvious that you want ammo or a medic.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX

McCullough wrote:

I think EA need to fix this, When you are screaming for ammo or a medic, a icon with a red cross or ammo symbol should pop up. Or make it more obvious that you want ammo or a medic.
I agree. They already make the name flash yellow to show that they are talking. Why not make it flash red or have a symbol next to it for Ammo or Medic calls?
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Paper Is My Hobbyhorse
It's all obvious for everyone...don't know what you want. A medic can easily see wounded teammates. Teammates can see if a medic is nearby when they scream for one. Same with ammo and repairs.
Even more pop-ups along with arty, supplies and uav would mess up the minimap seriously. You wouldn't be able to see anything anymore. Just think about how often you hear those "MEDIC!!!" calls...
Aussie Outlaw
People hate gaining points
+10|7088| Going Feral

Incontrovertible wrote:

McCullough wrote:

When i'm out of ammo usually when i'm anti tank i push the "need ammo" button, but no one seems to care.
Often when i'm right next to a support guy and i say that i need ammo he doesent even notice me and runs off. What the hell is this? Cant they see my damn ammo request or what?
Anyone else that have this problem`?
Are you kidding? I use to love you AT guys. If i ran into one of you I would stick to you like glue, cause when you fired your Rockets I got a point Now if I see you I will see what's going on, chuck you a pack if nesseccary, and see what needs to be done next.

I have noticed a distinct lack of people playing Support.
Ditto.  I love the AT guys when I play support.  I always hope they stay alive, because I get points for feeding them ammo.  Also, they pretty much are vulnerable in a mid- to long-range battle (unless they piss away their AT rounds to shoot infantry), so I try to watch their backs and lay down a stream of hot lead to help 'em out.
Δ > x > ¥

kilroy0097 wrote:

McCullough wrote:

I think EA need to fix this, When you are screaming for ammo or a medic, a icon with a red cross or ammo symbol should pop up. Or make it more obvious that you want ammo or a medic.
I agree. They already make the name flash yellow to show that they are talking. Why not make it flash red or have a symbol next to it for Ammo or Medic calls?
Have a symbol, please. If it flashes red, someone is bound to only see the red and shoot them.  Yet another excuse for a TK
I dunno about other guys but when I'm a medic or anything else I sometimes would run from one end of the map to other if somebody calls for a medic ( if it's an urban map )

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