Thanks, guise
ONcE YOU'VE READ THE FIRST WORD OF THIS YOU CANT GET OUT. READ ON OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 P.M.9 years ago a person named Jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was belived haunted.The next day his friends waited for him out side the hous........................e............. They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic. He wasn't supposed... to sleep there.He was SUpposed to sleep in the living room They went into the attic. They saw Jerry's corpse and they just left because they were scared. But that night they all died because of their friend. He killed them all for making him sleep in that houseIf you don't send this to 11 comments you will die tonight by Jerry.Example 1:A man named Stewart Read this and didn't belive it. He shut off his computer and went through his day. That night while he was in bed he heard something outside of his door. He got up to look. And now he's dead.eXample 2:A Girl named Haley Read this in the morning and she got scared but she didn't send it. She wanted to know if it was true. She went to school (She was only 13 years old) and that night she died.
i stopped reading after the first sentence
ONcE YOU'VE READ THE FIRST WORD OF THIS YOU CANT GET OUT. READ ON OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 P.M.9 years ago a person named Jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was belived haunted.The next day his friends waited for him out side the hous........................e............. They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic. He wasn't supposed... to sleep there.He was SUpposed to sleep in the living room They went into the attic. They saw Jerry's corpse and they just left because they were scared. But that night they all died because of their friend. He killed them all for making him sleep in that houseIf you don't send this to 11 comments you will die tonight by Jerry.Example 1:A man named Stewart Read this and didn't belive it. He shut off his computer and went through his day. That night while he was in bed he heard something outside of his door. He got up to look. And now he's dead.eXample 2:A Girl named Haley Read this in the morning and she got scared but she didn't send it. She wanted to know if it was true. She went to school (She was only 13 years old) and that night she died.
i read one word less than last time
U wiLl dIe toNIgHT SerevEnT
Whats that mek?
Registered users online: 11
And yet still we're not talking
And yet still we're not talking
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
yeah but there's 35 guests... they're the real villains
edit: yes, you, reading this now
edit: yes, you, reading this now
Last edited by SEREVENT (2010-09-07 03:14:40)
I'm busy spying on a woman in a red dress at work
if its not your fiance, i'm telling her
She kinda looks a bit like Cut-Throat bitch from that one season of House.
I lol'd like hell!
I could translate it for you, but I think the message comes through just fine.
I could translate it for you, but I think the message comes through just fine.
I need around tree fiddy.
You may not karma the same person in a 24 hour period.DonFck wrote:
I lol'd like hell!
I could translate it for you, but I think the message comes through just fine.
This would've been better.Jenspm wrote:
Hair dresser dropped her prices panties, saved £10 \o/
Go blow a torsk
You get your hair cut by a womanJenspm wrote:
Hair dresser dropped her prices, saved £10 \o/
/nelson muntz
i get my hair cut by the guy who used to cut the members of duran duran's hair... apparantly he invented the emo fringe
They're called barbers you fucking fag.
he comes round to the house
edit: he cuts my friends hair, thats how we found out about him
edit: he cuts my friends hair, thats how we found out about him
Last edited by SEREVENT (2010-09-07 03:38:34)
ah no i forgot stone sour's album was out yesterday*
Last edited by SEREVENT (2010-09-07 03:42:01)