+1|7158|England, Uk
Playing today on one of the EA UK servers on the second round of playing on Wake Island this guy joins [fr-=TOUTOUNA=-] and another guy DEMON_RIPOU these two then take the chopper and proceed to hover above the island where the American artillery is and kill every one who spawns so people spawn on the carrier instead. Then when finally these guys f*** off to rearm we get a few of the points but every time we get a point these two guys just came and hovered over the spawn point so as soon as you spawned you where dead. The main reason that these two guys where able to do this was that although it was a 64 Player Server there was only about 30 people on it as this time and there seemed to be no anti air around any where.
Am I the only one that thinks noobs like this are the worst thing you can have on a server when playing BF2?
Fortunately after this level the level changed to FuShe Pass and I proceeded to have three really good rounds coming first every time and also managed to get my Meritorious Unit Ribbon.
If you check out this screen shot you will see the score that this guy managed to rack up with his helicopter noobing.

Last edited by ssj4gogeta (2005-10-23 01:59:03)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

ok all respect to you etc, but if he's able to rack up 229 points, i think you guys are the n00b. seriously. spawn below the carrier, go AT or something, no more attack heli. Jesus if someone did that to me i think i'll flip.
Thehehahahahaha ...I agree on that
+1|7158|England, Uk
I do agree with you in some ways there was properly a lot of ways around it but seriously if you had been on that server you would have seen what ever any one tried he seemed to be able to avoid. I managed to take him out a few times myself. One time I took him out by getting in a plane and trying to shoot him down but he tried to dodge and I went up as well not deliberately but I ended up flying into him and killing him. Then he starts going on about me being a noob.
Ok I agree that maybe he was just a good pilot but don’t people think that just sitting over a spawn point mowing people down is wrong plus through out that whole round I don’t think he made one kill outside the chopper so in my book that makes him a noob.
noob on tour
Same thing happened to me a while ago at Sharqui. Two guys in their Mi28 hovered directly in front of the tv station and took everyone out right after respawn. I tried to take him out with the AT-rocket but just as I moved out of my cover I was dead. The Commander placed an UAV so I was able to see that no enemy was even close to cap the station (they were all trying to capture the construction site) and those guys didn´t made any attempt to cap it themself. After everyone saw it was useless to spawn there They came for the construction site where tey again hovered while two MEC capped the tv station at last. And then there were two choppers and I left the server.

In the begining I was eager to get those clowns out of the air but in the end I was just annoyed that there weren´t enough votes for a kick.

I think such behaviour is Spawncamping/Base raping in it´s purest version as annoyes the hell out of everyone who wants to play a fair game and should be punished with a kick.

Last edited by Tigg@lot (2005-10-22 11:46:27)

+1|7158|England, Uk
Yea Tigg@lot you are right i am glad that some one else understands that people like this are scum.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

ssj4gogeta i feel you too man. Spawn camping is a screwed up thing that will never be fixed. But for him to rack up 110 kills?!

If a tank/heli/black hawk was parked in my last uncappable base, i'll go down at MOST 3 times to him. Then i'll do a suicide run or something. Why didn't some people spawn @ the 2nd spawn point (underneath the carrier where the boats are). A mass support/AT volley would've driven them back for sure. You have 2 planes + 1 attack heli, he can't take out all 3 that quickly can he? Scatter and you'll get at least one aerial vehicle up.

Admittedly its a lot more screwed up in sharqi cuz you don't have an easy way to defend yourself against the chopper (you're up on the 13th floor ffs). and the AA emplacement is WAAAAAY to far away. But wake island?!

Last edited by polarbearz (2005-10-22 14:58:22)

noob on tour

polarbearz wrote:

You have 2 planes + 1 attack heli, he can't take out all 3 that quickly can he? Scatter and you'll get at least one aerial vehicle up.
As a Wake veteran I can tell you exactly what will happen as soon as the guy is distracted. Everyone gathers around the attack chopper/plane and either they will tk themself getting in (even C4 sticked on the vehicle is common to blow you as soon as you lift off) or the attacker will notice this close formation to get many kills with only a few shots.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

whoa then your team sucks lol. then the guy got lucky
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
I mean come on, 1 chopper taking out 2 jets 1 attack heli and 1 black hawk + several boats is unreal.
Atleast SOME1 could have do something ?
+1|7158|England, Uk
Maybe you would have had to be there its not just like there was just him there where planes and stuff around as well. I am sure you have all been in situations where there is one guy that just keeps fu**ing every one over, or a situation where there are loads of tanks around or somthing so you die as soon as you spawn.
Plus the fact that noobs kept stealing the planes and crashing them into the sea really did not help.
I do agree that there was proberly alot of ways around the situation but whatever we seemed to do even when we shot him down he seemed to be back in less than a minute right above the closest spawn point waiting.

Last edited by ssj4gogeta (2005-10-22 15:38:08)

noob on tour
A nice thing that has also happend often to me were APCs that used those situations to drive into the landing bay of carriers wich makes those spawn points unusable. And for the APC it´s quite easy to defend his position inside the belly of the carrier as on most of the maps you can´t stand because the water is too deep, so you would have to get onto a boat or climb up a ladder...
What do you expect the guy to do?  If they have all of the land points and thats the last point there then I don't see what else he would do.  Just go fly around and do tricks or what??  If you have your enemy on the ropes why would you decide to let up and let them back in the game.  If the server has rules against spawn camping then that would be different.  Some do and some don't, but if it allowed it I don't see a problem with it...
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX

thunderpuss wrote:

What do you expect the guy to do?  If they have all of the land points and thats the last point there then I don't see what else he would do.  Just go fly around and do tricks or what??  If you have your enemy on the ropes why would you decide to let up and let them back in the game.  If the server has rules against spawn camping then that would be different.  Some do and some don't, but if it allowed it I don't see a problem with it...
The problem with spawn camping is the logic behind it.

Spawn campers do it to get their kill count higher and to get more points not to win the game. There really isn't any other point to doing it unless you count being bored or being an asshole as a valid point. What they fail to realize is this.

Keeping them to one base and never letting them leave while you spawn camp/rape will make certain that the tickets go down faster and hence the game end sooner. This means less points in the end. Also in often means that the team that is being spawn raped will simply disconnect instead of respawning or they will not respawn and watch their team get blown to bits. Why screw up your own ratios if you don't have to and there is little hope of gaining a foothold again?

Obviously winning isn't on their mind because if it was then they would simply take the flag, clean up the remainders and end the game.

Now on the maps that have an uncaptureable flag, like Karkand, Spawn Rapers know they have an unlimited source of respawns and that since there is no flag to take it seems perfectly reasonable to take advantage of this disadvantage on the other team. However many of these uncapturable bases allow you to spawn in more than a single location. A counterstrike can be mounted and won with a good skilled team. So spawn raping doesn't happen for too long on these maps.

On the example of Wake island that simply is no contest. Keep them pinned at one of the bases at the end of either side of the island. You hold both the carrier and the airfield if you are American and you continously bomb the crab out of anything that moves. Constant UAV and Radar Scans as well as artillery will show you exactly where the sneaky ones are trying to break out. When it comes to the Chinese well they are fighting a defensive battle against an off shore carrier that is Uncapturable. The Chinese are obviously at a disadvantage if the US gains a strong toe hold.

So what have we learned? Spawn campers do it to get their kill count higher and to get more points not to win the game. There really isn't any other point to doing it unless you count being bored or being an asshole as a valid point.

The End
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

I mean come on, 1 chopper taking out 2 jets 1 attack heli and 1 black hawk + several boats is unreal.
Atleast SOME1 could have do something ?
I agree, sounds like not enough people got together to take these guys out. I know everyone hates 'spawn campers', but like people say, 'it won't be fixed'. You just have to adapt to make sure they don't take too much of a liberty.

Yesterday on Karkand, a guy in an APC taking out everyone he sees by spawn camping, this guy is parked right up against a fence and no matter what anyone did, it had no effect. Turns out that on the other side of the fence was an engineer... so, take out engineer, take out APC... easy peasy lemon squeasy .

ssj4gogeta, I feel your pain, but nothing's going to change. We've all been on the end of these types of situations, it's no fun, it can be personally frustrating, but you just have to find ways around it..... otherwise (no offence intended here), go elsewhere
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra

ssj4gogeta wrote:

Playing today on one of the EA UK servers on the second round of playing on Wake Island this guy joins [fr-=TOUTOUNA=-] and another guy DEMON_RIPOU these two then take the chopper and proceed to hover above the island where the American artillery is and kill every one who spawns so people spawn on the carrier instead. Then when finally these guys f*** off to rearm we get a few of the points but every time we get a point these two guys just came and hovered over the spawn point so as soon as you spawned you where dead. The main reason that these two guys where able to do this was that although it was a 64 Player Server there was only about 30 people on it as this time and there seemed to be no anti air around any where.
Am I the only one that thinks noobs like this are the worst thing you can have on a server when playing BF2?
Fortunately after this level the level changed to FuShe Pass and I proceeded to have three really good rounds coming first every time and also managed to get my Meritorious Unit Ribbon.
If you check out this screen shot you will see the score that this guy managed to rack up with his helicopter noobing. …
i see your point but the fact is, just because they play the game different to you doesnt mean they are playing it wrong?

good on them if they can get that many points in a round, i personaly wouldnt play like that but they obviously have fun doing it so good on them.

afterall thats why everyone bought the game, for fun!!!!!!!!!!
and if the way they play takes away from your fun, swap servers or hunt them down or whatever, but dont complain because they get points in a different way to you...
Major Payne
damn i saw his kill strike 337 that isnt normal he's just a resawn killer
In response to killroys post the map that they were playing at was wake Island and the team that was getting spawn killed was USMC.  In my opinion if the Chinese can push the Americans back to their carrier and hold them there it is USMC's fault for having crappy teamwork and a crappy strategy.   The carrier is uncapable and if their is no other spawn point i would hover there with a helicpter too.   There is 3 choppers and 2 jets and 2 boats, if they are not able to establish any force on the land with 7 vehicles in the begining of the game things are going to turn ugly at the end.  I agree that if it was capturable they just should of done it and got it over with... but it wasnt.

Last edited by thunderpuss (2005-10-23 04:13:01)

thunderpuss, I may be wrong, but I think what Kilroy's post was saying is that, a base was being left for the USMC to spawn purely for it to be 'base raped' and that not 'taking the flag' meant that any USMC spawning there would get 'spawn killed'.... he's right you see, by not capturing all the flags, the USMC assumes the flag that's on the island is a safe place to spawn, whereas in reality, it's just being base raped for those that like to rack up the points.... there's no skill involved there at all..... and if it is that last flag on the map, it is capturable.
You're also right in saying, "There is 3 choppers and 2 jets and 2 boats, if they are not able to establish any force on the land with 7 vehicles in the begining of the game things are going to turn ugly at the end". Which suggests, no one was working as a team, probably 32 lone wolves

thunderpuss wrote:

What do you expect the guy to do?  If they have all of the land points and thats the last point there then I don't see what else he would do.  Just go fly around and do tricks or what??  If you have your enemy on the ropes why would you decide to let up and let them back in the game.
do tricks? thats what I do lol. Personally I don't go anywhere near that carrier in a heli not with that AA gun that thing is scary. I just hang back killing boaters and other choppers as they come. As for campers I don't mind them i find it fun to try and kill them, its a challenge. most of them aren't so bright and either hover steady or in a pattern which is easily hittable with an AT missile. most of the time one missile is enough to make them run scared which gives you plenty of time to do what you need to do.

as for Sharqi. you know that heli base has 2 spawns right? spawn at the lower one and shoot him from there they wont notice you until you hit them and a lot of the time they will ignore it because they are too dumb to fly away.
+31|7101|Barrie Ontario
look at his stats......3 hours total play time....over 2 hours in a helicopter. GG we got our selves a new Helo noob
Raiders of the Lost Bear

new account definitely.
+1|7158|England, Uk
Yea that’s what I was just thinking looking at his stats, he has only really played on wake island on this account I am going to keep and eye on him if I see him online its time to go noob hunting.
Hehe, do tricks   I like to do double barrel rolls and see how many times i can go end over end.   We should get a blue angels helicopter team going on BF2.  That would require way too much effort to make it fun but ya..... stupid idea.
I gotta try this one, thanks for the tip!

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