
What Religion is Barack Obama?

Christianity47%47% - 41
Judaism3%3% - 3
Buddhism2%2% - 2
Islam19%19% - 17
Hinduism3%3% - 3
Other5%5% - 5
No religion17%17% - 15
Total: 86

Stupid quote games. -_-

Phrozenbot wrote:

lol, you new to the internet? I don't pretend to be tough behind a computer screen.
would you speak like that face to face  ? if not, Then avoid it here it tend s to make people lokk - feeble a best and hard to take sierius and it sidelines the thread.

Caution Read Below this point if you DARE

I can't believe it has degraded to such a level.. but its kinda fun in a silly way !

Phrozenbot wrote:

Ever heard Bush speak, especially when it wasn't script?
yes, Strong accent too ! Ever here obama speak without a tele-promter ?
It is a few steps down from Billie Boggs.

He even uses it during press confrenses, he wouldn't even talk to elementary school children with out it.

Phrozenbot wrote:

He also has monkey ears. That's why he gets depicted as a monkey.
Lol  At least Bush was a Presentable young man once. Ever see obamas ears HolyCow " Speed Brakes " 

Plus he has the Body of a Gibon - Lets not mention Mi-She-malle His wife !

Phrozenbot wrote:

Anyways, instead of making a wall of text, I'll just say refer to John's reply.
So you have nothing to say other than

" I'll just say refer to John's reply "

Yet I have to field acusations of
" Cheerleading "

comments like
" Do you have any thought that wasn't planted in your brain by right wing dogma? "

" Reading your posts is a carbon copy of reading FoxNews.com. "

What the ***

You people are a trip

Phrozenbot wrote:

I agree with it and see no need to type that all out again.
Is this what passes for your

" own opinions instead of relying on others to form them "

Roflmaof shooting fish in a barrel
off to the Football game Wide Receiver baby !
+632|6763|do not disturb

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

1' The Muslim / Christian thing doesn't really bother me.

  My problem is that the media is so blatant in its attempt to cover for him.
That is an issue with the media, not the president then. Is he supposed to chastise the media for that? His religious beliefs should be personal.

2. He needs that Christian title to really carry the black vote in its entirety.
Why just black people? Anyways, it doesn't matter what his religion is as far as being an effective president goes. We've had both good and awful presidents who were Christian. I wouldn't consider Thomas Jefferson a Christian, so it's not the first time we've had presidents who didn't share the same faith as the majority, if Obama is indeed a Muslim.

3. He converted at the start of his political aspirations.
That is hard to say.

4. He slips and refers to himself as a Muslim. ( I never Accidentaly call myself a Jew )
It must really bother you if he is Muslim. Goodness forbid a Muslim be the leader of the free world.

5. We weren't allowed to hear his Pastors sermons during the Election. ( we were Racist !  )
I don't really care.

6. He also thinks there are  59 States in The United States of America.


  Clearly there was a deep Flaw in his Education Process.
Everyone has their dumb moments. Embarrassing, yes, but can't you find something better than that to disregard him?

7. Again they covered for him, Yet They still ride  Quayle over the Potato potato spelling. ? Hmmm ? years ago it was spelled that way.

But 60 states ? It seems Not only did he ride the Short bus but he wore a hockey helmet while he licked the glass.
What would you think of me if I called Bush a retard?

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Phrozenbot wrote:

lol, you new to the internet? I don't pretend to be tough behind a computer screen.
would you speak like that face to face  ? if not, Then avoid it here it tend s to make people lokk - feeble a best and hard to take sierius and it sidelines the thread.
Face to face about what? That I'm not arrogant and brutish? Uh... I guess. You clearly missed the point. If you mistook me as an internet tough guy, I was attempting to clarify that I'm not and I'll make more of an effort not to come off that way.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England
Don't even bother trying to talk to him. He's a fucking moron.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+632|6763|do not disturb

I felt compelled to when he said I lack my own opinion. He reminds me of lowing. Every point you make disregards the facts. Never, ever, ever wrong.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Phrozenbot wrote:

Does it really matter?
It does to Harmor.

My 1493rd karma wrote:

He claims to be a christian but doesn't act like one -- harmor
I apologize for getting back on topic, but Harmor is a fucking retard.

Last edited by Doctor Strangelove (2010-08-29 12:52:07)

O Canada
+1,596|6553|North Carolina

Phrozenbot wrote:

I felt compelled to when he said I lack my own opinion. He reminds me of lowing. Every point you make disregards the facts. Never, ever, ever wrong.
We may vehemently disagree on economics, but at least we agree on HJ.
+632|6763|do not disturb

Turquoise wrote:

Phrozenbot wrote:

I felt compelled to when he said I lack my own opinion. He reminds me of lowing. Every point you make disregards the facts. Never, ever, ever wrong.
We may vehemently disagree on economics, but at least we agree on HJ.
I know insults are thrown around here on being dense and such, but this guy is literally a brick wall.
11 Bravo
+965|5385|Cleveland, Ohio

alexb wrote:

It doesn't matter tbh.
it doesnt?  it sure as hell does.  i wont vote for someone who believes in some man in the clouds controlling everything.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

11 Bravo wrote:

alexb wrote:

It doesn't matter tbh.
it doesnt?  it sure as hell does.  i wont vote for someone who believes in some man in the clouds controlling everything.
Did you vote for Bush?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
11 Bravo
+965|5385|Cleveland, Ohio

JohnG@lt wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

alexb wrote:

It doesn't matter tbh.
it doesnt?  it sure as hell does.  i wont vote for someone who believes in some man in the clouds controlling everything.
Did you vote for Bush?
no.  i havent voted for a pres because all them either do believe in religion or lie about it just to get elected.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

11 Bravo wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

it doesnt?  it sure as hell does.  i wont vote for someone who believes in some man in the clouds controlling everything.
Did you vote for Bush?
no.  i havent voted for a pres because all them either do believe in religion or lie about it just to get elected.
Silly reason not to vote tbh. What a person believes in, outside of the zealots or people pandering to the far right, doesn't really have a whole lot of impact on their professional life.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+632|6763|do not disturb

11 Bravo wrote:

alexb wrote:

It doesn't matter tbh.
it doesnt?  it sure as hell does.  i wont vote for someone who believes in some man in the clouds controlling everything.
Even if he/she were to be a good president? :d
11 Bravo
+965|5385|Cleveland, Ohio

JohnG@lt wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Did you vote for Bush?
no.  i havent voted for a pres because all them either do believe in religion or lie about it just to get elected.
Silly reason not to vote tbh. What a person believes in, outside of the zealots or people pandering to the far right, doesn't really have a whole lot of impact on their professional life.
no its not silly.  someone who thinks some dude in the clouds is controlling everything is insanity.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

11 Bravo wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

no.  i havent voted for a pres because all them either do believe in religion or lie about it just to get elected.
Silly reason not to vote tbh. What a person believes in, outside of the zealots or people pandering to the far right, doesn't really have a whole lot of impact on their professional life.
no its not silly.  someone who thinks some dude in the clouds is controlling everything is insanity.
The majority of people in this country, let alone on this planet, believe in some higher power. Outside of the zealots, it doesn't do any harm really.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
11 Bravo
+965|5385|Cleveland, Ohio
says you.  i dont agree.  /discussion over
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

11 Bravo wrote:

says you.  i dont agree.  /discussion over
Why does it matter if someone believes in evolution or not in the grand scheme of things? How does that effect their ability to govern a war or keep congress in check?

I don't believe in god myself, but I don't let it effect my personal relationships or my view of others. If they want to believe, fine, it doesn't have any impact on my life either way (until they start trying to legislate morality).

Last edited by JohnG@lt (2010-08-29 13:18:29)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

JohnG@lt wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

says you.  i dont agree.  /discussion over
Why does it matter if someone believes in evolution or not in the grand scheme of things? How does that effect their ability to govern a war or keep congress in check?

I don't believe in god myself, but I don't let it effect my personal relationships or my view of others. If they want to believe, fine, it doesn't have any impact on my life either way (until they start trying to legislate morality).
Give up.

USM is using this as a way to justify the fact that he doesn't vote, as well as give himself a reason to feel superior to most other people.
I'm moving to Brazil
+354|6147|Vortex Ring State
on my god, H/J IS a brick wall

reminds me of a guy who tried to argue that the US was NOT racist against the Japanese-Americans in WWII.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5407|foggy bottom
people who think the planet is 6000 years old should not be elected to public office
Tu Stultus Es

11 Bravo wrote:

no its not silly.  someone who thinks some dude in the clouds is controlling everything is insanity.

eleven bravo wrote:

people who think the planet is 6000 years old should not be elected to public office

JohnG@lt wrote:

I don't believe in god myself, but I don't let it effect my personal relationships or my view of others. If they want to believe, fine, it doesn't have any impact on my life either way (until they start trying to legislate morality).
I think the idea is to vote for the least crazy people, to keep the most crazy out of power.
Though it would be a much better system if , on every ballot, there was the option for "X - None of the above, fuck off and try again when you have someone qualified to put up"

Strange (and statistically improbable) that at least half of the US military veterans that regularly post on BF2S are non-religious - myself included.
Atheist/Agnostic supposedly makes up 1% to 3% of the US military, depending on branch.

On my initial enlistment into the Army, I lined through and initialed the "So help me God" part.  This almost caused a shitstorm, but they let it slide when I made it clear I would not sign an enlistment without that lined out.  Chalk it up to being a stubborn idealist of a teenager.  Though I don't think I've changed too much since then.

Army Initial Enlistment Oath wrote:

I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States  against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States  and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God
Edit:  NICE!  They changed it officially now.  AR 601-210 v2007, para 6-18 "The words “So help me God” may be
omitted for persons who desire to affirm rather than to swear to the oath."

Last edited by rdx-fx (2010-08-29 15:13:09)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England
I affirmed Holdover from going to a Quaker high school is that I don't swear to anything.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
eleven bravo
+1,399|5407|foggy bottom
I was 17 and just wanted to get the fuck out of my house
Tu Stultus Es

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