
What Religion is Barack Obama?

Christianity47%47% - 41
Judaism3%3% - 3
Buddhism2%2% - 2
Islam19%19% - 17
Hinduism3%3% - 3
Other5%5% - 5
No religion17%17% - 15
Total: 86
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

Mekstizzle wrote:

Harmor wrote:

My Islamic law because his father was a Muslim, he is automatically a Muslim.  And if he were to denounce this he would be considered an apostate

Islam (al-Bukhari, Diyat, bab), believes in the death penalty for apostates.  God I hope they don't still follow that.  Islams needs a reformation to moderate.
So on one hand you're hyping up that he's a Muslim because Islamic law says so, and then the next you're denouncing it because it's archaic and crazy.

You have to choose one or the other, either you beleive in the Islamic system and refuse to acknowledge that Obama is anything but a Muslim or you look at your own American laws and see what they say about someone's religious status.

Islamic laws says alot of things about alot of people, doesn't mean I have to give two shits about it. You guys suddenly love Sharia now that it fits your political agenda.
But he's not American! He was born in Indonesia or Kenya or something!

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

JohnG@lt wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Harmor wrote:

My Islamic law because his father was a Muslim, he is automatically a Muslim.  And if he were to denounce this he would be considered an apostate

Islam (al-Bukhari, Diyat, bab), believes in the death penalty for apostates.  God I hope they don't still follow that.  Islams needs a reformation to moderate.
So on one hand you're hyping up that he's a Muslim because Islamic law says so, and then the next you're denouncing it because it's archaic and crazy.

You have to choose one or the other, either you beleive in the Islamic system and refuse to acknowledge that Obama is anything but a Muslim or you look at your own American laws and see what they say about someone's religious status.

Islamic laws says alot of things about alot of people, doesn't mean I have to give two shits about it. You guys suddenly love Sharia now that it fits your political agenda.
But he's not American! He was born in Indonesia or Kenya or something!

His moms a muslim too.
O Canada
+1,596|6553|North Carolina

ghettoperson wrote:

I was talking to Alex Jones about this, and it turns out he's actually Jewish. Who'd have thought it.
Well, Jones told me that he was Satanist.  He also mentioned that he was Martian.  I recently saw a press dinner clip where Barack Obama admitted that he was from the planet Kal-El though.   And then there was this article in Star magazine....
+632|6763|do not disturb

Harmor wrote:

My Islamic law because his father was a Muslim, he is automatically a Muslim.  And if he were to denounce this he would be considered an apostate

Islam (al-Bukhari, Diyat, bab), believes in the death penalty for apostates.  God I hope they don't still follow that.  Islams needs a reformation to moderate.
If apostasy in Islam is anything like apostasy in Christianity, you have to "walk in the faith", profess it, then reject it and never return to it. If at one point he was a Muslim, then I guess so.

Phrozenbot wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Who cares what religion he follows, the point is he's not Bush.
The point is He makes Bush Sound like Winston Churchill Read by Richard Burton - and makes Dan Quail look like a scientist !
And you don't make everyone else look smart?
alas I can't make you look smart, can anyone ?
+632|6763|do not disturb

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Phrozenbot wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

The point is He makes Bush Sound like Winston Churchill Read by Richard Burton - and makes Dan Quail look like a scientist !
And you don't make everyone else look smart?
alas I can't make you look smart, can anyone ?
I never claimed to be smart. You're just really bad at making Obama looking bad. You've basically called Obama brain dead and while there is much I disagree with him, I don't think he is that bad. He's about in league with Bush as far as I'm concerned, but we couldn't make an actual debate without you resorting to empty rhetoric.

JohnG@lt wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Who cares what religion he follows, the point is he's not Bush.
The point is He makes Bush Sound like Winston Churchill Read by Richard Burton - and makes Dan Quail look like a scientist !
Wow. I dislike Obama as much as the next guy, but to say Bush was more intelligent than him, or even on the same playing field is pure sour grapes. Out of two years on the political stage you have a handful of instances where a guy that gets paid to talk for a living messed up in his thought process. Two years, compared to what Bush would've done in two days.

Stop being such a Red Team cheerleader. You're proving to be just as brainless as anyone else that adheres to one of the two asinine party lines.
baseless insults yet you did not address one point of 7.

You also failed to make any points of your own.

Are you qualifed to judge other people ?

Please tell us why.

If both parties are " Assinine " please tell us about your party, ideas, etc. how and why it is so effective.

So far I see only insults with no substance. Does it make you feel potent to do so in the  safety of being anounomus. Is that what passes for Manhood and Swagger with you ?
+605|6696|San Diego, CA, USA
Like Obama's 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman's claim of being 'over-taxed'?

Maybe they should only let him speak from a teleprompter?  Oh wait...
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

The point is He makes Bush Sound like Winston Churchill Read by Richard Burton - and makes Dan Quail look like a scientist !
Wow. I dislike Obama as much as the next guy, but to say Bush was more intelligent than him, or even on the same playing field is pure sour grapes. Out of two years on the political stage you have a handful of instances where a guy that gets paid to talk for a living messed up in his thought process. Two years, compared to what Bush would've done in two days.

Stop being such a Red Team cheerleader. You're proving to be just as brainless as anyone else that adheres to one of the two asinine party lines.
baseless insults yet you did not address one point of 7.

You also failed to make any points of your own.

Are you qualifed to judge other people ?

Please tell us why.

If both parties are " Assinine " please tell us about your party, ideas, etc. how and why it is so effective.

So far I see only insults with no substance. Does it make you feel potent to do so in the  safety of being anounomus. Is that what passes for Manhood and Swagger with you ?
Wow. Just wow.

See? I was right in a previous post. If I'm on the Blue Team I'm the enemy. If I'm on the Red Team I'm a friend, and if I'm not on either team I'm a pussy that refuses to choose a side. I'm a libertarian, which you would've gotten if you bothered to read anything on this board instead of showing up every few months, tossing out a ridiculous comment and then disappearing again. Do you have any thought that wasn't planted in your brain by right wing dogma? Reading your posts is a carbon copy of reading FoxNews.com. I should know since that is my news source of choice. I'm just smart enough to form my own opinions instead of relying on others to form them for me.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+2,382|6826|The North, beyond the wall.
I think anyone who aligns all their beliefs and opinions with what party they belong to shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Form some of your own opinions and take a step back.

Phrozenbot wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Phrozenbot wrote:

And you don't make everyone else look smart?
alas I can't make you look smart, can anyone ?
I never claimed to be smart. You're just really bad at making Obama looking bad. You've basically called Obama brain dead and while there is much I disagree with him, I don't think he is that bad. He's about in league with Bush as far as I'm concerned, but we couldn't make an actual debate without you resorting to empty rhetoric.
Im sorry -
Is one of my 7 points empty ?

Can you address 1 point of 7, ? or just focus on one shot I took at obama ?

There were cartoons here of President Bush morphing into a monkey.

If I did that to obama here or Anywhere I'd be called out as Racist. Why ? Insults to Bush were Lauded.

Clearly there is an unbalance. If you can't acknowledge it or properly defend or even address it

maybe you should avoid the personal attacks here. Lets face it, it is a Very Safe place for tuff talk, Do you agree ?

Ps. I am far right of the " Red Team " sic

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-08-29 09:56:59)

+605|6696|San Diego, CA, USA
I find nothing wrong with Fox News.  Its in my daily rotation of news sites.  Its refreshing to see a news agency that actually reports the news instead of trying to indoctrinate you into their world view like so many other news agencies (Huffpo, MSNBC, etc...).

If you believe `Right Wing Dogma` is the same as Conservatism then I believe it wholeheartedly.  As a Libertarian there are many things we agree on, more than say a Marist or Socialist, so in the political spectrum we're brothers instead of adversaries.

Often I think if you rephrase the issue you'll be surprised how much we agree.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

1' The Muslim / Christian thing doesn't really bother me.

  My problem is that the media is so blatant in its attempt to cover for him.
Yes, the media is a bunch of Obama cheerleaders. Who cares? Who actually watches the news?

2. He needs that Christian title to really carry the black vote in its entirety.
Every president needs that Christian title or he ends up with Fox News making a big stink about him not honoring the yearly Day of Prayer bullshit.

3. He converted at the start of his political aspirations.
Prove this.

4. He slips and refers to himself as a Muslim. ( I never Accidentaly call myself a Jew )
Umm, who gives a fuck?

5. We weren't allowed to hear his Pastors sermons during the Election. ( we were Racist !  )
Weren't allowed? What was stopping you from driving to Chicago and attending the service?

6. He also thinks there are  59 States in The United States of America.


  Clearly there was a deep Flaw in his Education Process.
Oh no, a tiny soundbite where he was wrong. Who gives a flying fuck?

7. Again they covered for him, Yet They still ride  Quayle over the Potato potato spelling. ? Hmmm ? years ago it was spelled that way.

But 60 states ? It seems Not only did he ride the Short bus but he wore a hockey helmet while he licked the glass.
Jesus Fucking Christ. Fox News has been blowing up every tiny mistake the guy has made over the past year and a half. It's a daily occurrence. Zomg, Obama took a brown shit today! This means he's the anti-christ. All good American loving Christians take green shits.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

Harmor wrote:

I find nothing wrong with Fox News.  Its in my daily rotation of news sites.  Its refreshing to see a news agency that actually reports the news instead of trying to indoctrinate you into their world view like so many other news agencies (Huffpo, MSNBC, etc...).

If you believe `Right Wing Dogma` is the same as Conservatism then I believe it wholeheartedly.  As a Libertarian there are many things we agree on, more than say a Marist or Socialist, so in the political spectrum we're brothers instead of adversaries.

Often I think if you rephrase the issue you'll be surprised how much we agree.
Are you serious? Are you fucking goddamn serious? Fox News is so blatantly trying to indoctrinate people it's not even fucking funny. You are NOT a fucking goddamn libertarian you fucking fruitcake. You're a right wing zealot and we have fuckall in common.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+2,382|6826|The North, beyond the wall.

Harmor wrote:

I find nothing wrong with Fox News.  Its in my daily rotation of news sites.  Its refreshing to see a news agency that actually reports the news instead of trying to indoctrinate you into their world view like so many other news agencies (Huffpo, MSNBC, etc...).

If you believe `Right Wing Dogma` is the same as Conservatism then I believe it wholeheartedly.  As a Libertarian there are many things we agree on, more than say a Marist or Socialist, so in the political spectrum we're brothers instead of adversaries.

Often I think if you rephrase the issue you'll be surprised how much we agree.
It will come as no surprise to anyone you think fox news is a credible news source. Shame really.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

jord wrote:

Harmor wrote:

I find nothing wrong with Fox News.  Its in my daily rotation of news sites.  Its refreshing to see a news agency that actually reports the news instead of trying to indoctrinate you into their world view like so many other news agencies (Huffpo, MSNBC, etc...).

If you believe `Right Wing Dogma` is the same as Conservatism then I believe it wholeheartedly.  As a Libertarian there are many things we agree on, more than say a Marist or Socialist, so in the political spectrum we're brothers instead of adversaries.

Often I think if you rephrase the issue you'll be surprised how much we agree.
It will come as no surprise to anyone you think fox news is a credible news source. Shame really.
It is a credible news source, you just have to strip out the shock articles and filter out the dogma bullshit. They tend to report on a lot of stuff that CNN or MSNBC won't touch which is why I go to the site for my news.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+2,382|6826|The North, beyond the wall.

JohnG@lt wrote:

jord wrote:

Harmor wrote:

I find nothing wrong with Fox News.  Its in my daily rotation of news sites.  Its refreshing to see a news agency that actually reports the news instead of trying to indoctrinate you into their world view like so many other news agencies (Huffpo, MSNBC, etc...).

If you believe `Right Wing Dogma` is the same as Conservatism then I believe it wholeheartedly.  As a Libertarian there are many things we agree on, more than say a Marist or Socialist, so in the political spectrum we're brothers instead of adversaries.

Often I think if you rephrase the issue you'll be surprised how much we agree.
It will come as no surprise to anyone you think fox news is a credible news source. Shame really.
It is a credible news source, you just have to strip out the shock articles and filter out the dogma bullshit. They tend to report on a lot of stuff that CNN or MSNBC won't touch which is why I go to the site for my news.
It pains me to watch it or go to that site, if I didn't laugh id have cried.
11 Bravo
+965|5385|Cleveland, Ohio
it pains me jord that you dont know what news is
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

jord wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

jord wrote:

It will come as no surprise to anyone you think fox news is a credible news source. Shame really.
It is a credible news source, you just have to strip out the shock articles and filter out the dogma bullshit. They tend to report on a lot of stuff that CNN or MSNBC won't touch which is why I go to the site for my news.
It pains me to watch it or go to that site, if I didn't laugh id have cried.
Why? You're doing the same thing as them, you've formed an opinion based on what you've been told instead of what you've experienced.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+2,382|6826|The North, beyond the wall.

JohnG@lt wrote:

jord wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

It is a credible news source, you just have to strip out the shock articles and filter out the dogma bullshit. They tend to report on a lot of stuff that CNN or MSNBC won't touch which is why I go to the site for my news.
It pains me to watch it or go to that site, if I didn't laugh id have cried.
Why? You're doing the same thing as them, you've formed an opinion based on what you've been told instead of what you've experienced.
I've formed my opinion from watching and reading the site, I already stated that. I haven't in the last year though, so unless they've drastically changed my opinion is from experiance.
+632|6763|do not disturb

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Phrozenbot wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

alas I can't make you look smart, can anyone ?
I never claimed to be smart. You're just really bad at making Obama looking bad. You've basically called Obama brain dead and while there is much I disagree with him, I don't think he is that bad. He's about in league with Bush as far as I'm concerned, but we couldn't make an actual debate without you resorting to empty rhetoric.
Im sorry -
Is one of my 7 points empty ?

Can you address 1 point of 7, ? or just focus on one shot I took at obama ?

There were cartoons here of President Bush morphing into a monkey.

If I did that to obama here or Anywhere I'd be called out as Racist. Why ? Insults to Bush were Lauded.

Clearly there is an unbalance. If you can't acknowledge it or properly defend or even address it

maybe you should avoid the personal attacks here. Lets face it, it is a Very Safe place for tuff talk, Do you agree ?

Ps. I am far right of the " Red Team " sic
lol, you new to the internet? I don't pretend to be tough behind a computer screen. If you actually knew me, you'd know I'm quite modest.

Ever heard Bush speak, especially when it wasn't script? He also has monkey ears. That's why he gets depicted as a monkey.

Anyways, instead of making a wall of text, I'll just say refer to John's reply. I agree with it and see no need to type that all out again.

JohnG@lt wrote:

jord wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

It is a credible news source, you just have to strip out the shock articles and filter out the dogma bullshit. They tend to report on a lot of stuff that CNN or MSNBC won't touch which is why I go to the site for my news.
It pains me to watch it or go to that site, if I didn't laugh id have cried.
Why? You're doing the same thing as them, you've formed an opinion based on what you've been told instead of what you've experienced.
we can get fox news over here... and in many holiday resorts, there are the american news-channels in all their glory.

ive spent many hours watching CNN, Fox News etc. both in and out of the states.

Fox News makes me feel physically ill to watch it. it's not news, it's a hollywood melodrama of right-wing issues.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+605|6696|San Diego, CA, USA

JohnG@lt wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

1' The Muslim / Christian thing doesn't really bother me.

  My problem is that the media is so blatant in its attempt to cover for him.
Yes, the media is a bunch of Obama cheerleaders. Who cares? Who actually watches the news?
You sir are correct about the media elite being cheerleaders for Obama.  You only need to look at the posts in the Journolist listserv emails and the fact that 88% of the political donations of ABC CBS NBC news persons go to Obama and Deomcrats.

Need I even mention Chris Mathews?

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5506|London, England

Uzique wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

jord wrote:

It pains me to watch it or go to that site, if I didn't laugh id have cried.
Why? You're doing the same thing as them, you've formed an opinion based on what you've been told instead of what you've experienced.
we can get fox news over here... and in many holiday resorts, there are the american news-channels in all their glory.

ive spent many hours watching CNN, Fox News etc. both in and out of the states.

Fox News makes me feel physically ill to watch it. it's not news, it's a hollywood melodrama of right-wing issues.
Right. I don't watch any news channels. They all make me feel that way. I simply read my news online or in the newspaper. I can emphasize what I want instead of listening to idiots rant for an hour about some ridiculously petty issue.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

HJ wrote:

baseless insults yet you did not address one point of 7.

You also failed to make any points of your own.

Are you qualified to judge other people ?

Please tell us why.

If both parties are " Asinine " please tell us about your party, ideas, etc. how and why it is so effective.

So far I see only insults with no substance. Does it make you feel potent to do so in the  safety of being anonymous. Is that what passes for Manhood and Swagger with you ?

JohnG@lt wrote:

1. I was right in a previous post.
please show us how ? where, Facts please.

JohnG@lt wrote:

2 If I'm on the Blue Team I'm the enemy.
Are you not an American ?

JohnG@lt wrote:

3 If I'm on the Red Team I'm a friend,
Not So Fast please,

JohnG@lt wrote:

4 if I'm not on either team I'm a pussy that refuses to choose a side.
Please walk me through  How You got that - from this

" please tell us about your party, ideas, etc. how and why it is so effective. "

Maybe you have some additional statistics I am not aware of ?

JohnG@lt wrote:

5. I'm a libertarian, which you would've gotten if you bothered to read anything on this board instead of showing up every few months,
2 Jobs, 2 income properties, 1 house, Building a pool and separate 3 car garage, Commute, 2 boys 2 baby girls, Hockey, Football. I will try and get on more, sorry please send me your Bio or at least how you feel qualified to judge others here and qeustion the level of their commitment ? (  lol ! )

JohnG@lt wrote:

6 tossing out a ridiculous comment and then disappearing again.?
what comment did not meet your required level of sobriety ?

JohnG@lt wrote:

7 Do you have any thought that wasn't planted in your brain by right wing dogma?
as a matter of interest - What post/thought do you feel was "planted"

JohnG@lt wrote:

8 Reading your posts is a carbon copy of reading FoxNews.com.
Examples please ? I tend to post Video links of the subjects themselves speaking in their own words or at least directly quote them.

JohnG@lt wrote:

9 I should know since that is my news source of choice.
Than again Perhaps you should speak only for yourself .

JohnG@lt wrote:

I'm just smart enough
only just ? ? ? just funnin son !

JohnG@lt wrote:

to form my own opinions instead of relying on others to form them for me.
Your opinions are deferent than mine therefore they are your own, My opinions are different from yours therefore they are someone else's. again please show me how, facts etc, Thanks

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