11 Bravo wrote:
if an ad persuades you to join the military then you are exactly what some of the responses to the OP describes
this convinced me
11 Bravo wrote:
if an ad persuades you to join the military then you are exactly what some of the responses to the OP describes
Does Austria have an army to protect it from the Swiss?cl4u53w1t2 wrote:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhZjFpO902E11 Bravo wrote:
if an ad persuades you to join the military then you are exactly what some of the responses to the OP describes
this convinced me
Looks like a ripoff from the ukranian onecl4u53w1t2 wrote:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhZjFpO902E11 Bravo wrote:
if an ad persuades you to join the military then you are exactly what some of the responses to the OP describes
this convinced me
Uzique wrote:
jord in england the people that join the army at basic entry-level are the people that would be doing plumbing apprenticeships for 7 years if they didn't have the military as a 'career option'. the people with qualifications skip the shit and go straight to officer's school where the 'real' career and 'real' money is at. i don't really know how you can lie to yourself about the common stereotypical english army recruit.
Duke of Wellington wrote:
A French army is composed very differently from ours. The conscription calls out a share of every class — no matter whether your son or my son — all must march; but our friends — I may say it in this room — are the very scum of the earth. People talk of their enlisting from their fine military feeling — all stuff — no such thing. Some of our men enlist from having got bastard children — some for minor offences — many more for drink; but you can hardly conceive such a set brought together, and it really is wonderful that we should have made them the fine fellows they are.
Last edited by JohnG@lt (2010-08-29 10:10:08)
I'm not lying to myself, I already agreed enlisted ranks would have little prospects or indeed qualifications. I just don't agree they're dropouts is all, to higher education, apprenticships or otherwise.Uzique wrote:
jord in england the people that join the army at basic entry-level are the people that would be doing plumbing apprenticeships for 7 years if they didn't have the military as a 'career option'. the people with qualifications skip the shit and go straight to officer's school where the 'real' career and 'real' money is at. i don't really know how you can lie to yourself about the common stereotypical english army recruit.
I wasn't turning it into an America vs British thing. I happen to agree with Wellington and think it's rather universally applied to all volunteer armies. It seemed like half of my platoon was composed of former juvenile delinquents and drug dealers trying to reform themselves. And these were all people that joined pre-9/11.Uzique wrote:
just cause america isn't old enough to have old posh fucks making similar quotes, JG, doesn't mean your recruitment pool are any finer grade . as the OP documentary explicitly investigates, many of the US army's recruits during the height of the Iraq campaign were social outcasts, fuck-ups, ex-drug addicts, ex-convicted criminals, even ex-murderers. the military gives these "scum of the earth" a legal way to go shoot people.
This is interesting..Uzique wrote:
british military commercials are pretty well done but you still know they're picking up the unqualified drop-outs of our society...