Uzique wrote:
liquidat0r wrote:
Something must've gone wrong ... updating doesn't take any more than 10 minutes for me, usually. Even with a low spec PC it shouldn't take all that long at all. Downloading the updates is the bit that actually takes time for me, I suppose. If anything.
read my post three posts up, MORAN.
updating as in, updating from windows vista -> windows 7.
the similar OSX operation takes like 15 minutes, including the restart.
the windows install takes about 3 restarts and 5 hours worth of 'identifying and preparing' files to be copied/preserved.
No it doesn't.
It takes around 40 minutes + restart (for 10.6 - 10.5 is a bit longer). Of course hard drive speed and image delivery method do play a part, but from a DVD it's about 40 minutes.
But yeah, Windows installs take lots longer - but that's because they do much more stuff.
ghettoperson wrote:
Something's wrong with it then, it's quick to install. XP used to take maybe 40 mins to install and 7 is a lot quicker than that, I'd guess maybe 20-25 minutes?
For a clean install, you are absolutely right. When upgrading, it takes much longer. OSX does a very good job of archiving the previous installs and being quick about it.
If it were not for the great archive and install process it would be almost as long for OSX. If you were to run migration assistant and then do an install (which is along the same lines as what the Windows installer does) it would take a long time too.
Last edited by Bertster7 (2010-08-26 11:05:51)