Sexy in Garden
I take my gunner on a 2 minute trial, if they fail I take them out the boundaries and get them killed
If you can read this, your already dead
+33|6718|Stillwater, Ok
Well damn if anyone ever wants to be my gunner your more than welcome to be.  I prefer lining up my gunner for the kills.  1. makes my job easier, 2. I can concentrate on flying instead of killing, 3. I get driver ability points and team points.  But i do hate nothing more than lining up a gunner for nice shots and they blow it all to hell.  I enjoy having a good gunner and as long as my pilots keep the planes down then i can really rack up the points.

Sexy in Garden wrote:

I take my gunner on a 2 minute trial, if they fail I take them out the boundaries and get them killed
I usually miss the first few times when I'm with a new pilot. So far, I've only gunned for a few decent pilots. Otherwise, I fly. It takes me a bit to get used to the pilots flight style. If they fly like I do, I'm all set.

Though sometimes I miss a very clean shot, and have noone to blame but myself. Sometimes when making a small adjustment, I nudge my mouse a bit too far and miss. You can't blame a gunner for a simple mistake. I've flown for plenty of good gunners that sometimes miss easy shots. No big deal, I just spin around and they nail them.

Slightly off-topic, but just a little advice to some other pilots. When there is an enemy chopper flying perpendicular to me, I always aim ahead of them by a half chopper length or so, so my gunner has plenty of room to lead the target. It's quite difficult to accurately turn the missle and hit a chopper at speed flying perpendicular to you.

Quick vent regarding the absence of TV-missile use..

There are only few things that irritate me more in the game than when I see a target, go: "enemy AA-vehicle spotted", maneuvre behind it, line the chopper up for the shot, keep the helo steady as f**k, nose down from above, slowly closing in on the target and then I hear the gunner go..



"You were killed by (Enter appropriate name here)"
I need around tree fiddy.
conversation is combat
Rather than clutter the forum up with shit threads... I've got a question for you chopper pilots out there.

Now, I aint half bad, I can take it under bridges, between buildings, but there's one primary function of the chopper that I cannot do with keys and mouse... strafing.

Without a joystick, is there anyway that I can strafe in circles around a flag so my gunner can rack up the kills?
Sexy in Garden
For some reason if I don't find a gunner for my choptar, I seem to hit more accurately with the TV missile, probably because when I'm in gunner seat my pilot is countiing on me to hit each shot so theres lotsa pressure
conversation is combat
Again tonight on wake I got something like 50 and 1 and 43 and 7... TV missiles are the greatest weapon in the game...

and oh dear god the hilarity when the pilot hovers above the south village if it's the only island flag USMC have...


XstrangerdangerX wrote:

Rather than clutter the forum up with shit threads... I've got a question for you chopper pilots out there.

Now, I aint half bad, I can take it under bridges, between buildings, but there's one primary function of the chopper that I cannot do with keys and mouse... strafing.

Without a joystick, is there anyway that I can strafe in circles around a flag so my gunner can rack up the kills?
Watch that and u should know how to do it
conversation is combat

tupla_s wrote:

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

Rather than clutter the forum up with shit threads... I've got a question for you chopper pilots out there.

Now, I aint half bad, I can take it under bridges, between buildings, but there's one primary function of the chopper that I cannot do with keys and mouse... strafing.

Without a joystick, is there anyway that I can strafe in circles around a flag so my gunner can rack up the kills?
Watch that and u should know how to do it
Thanks Tupla
a fly
+105|6680|The netherlands

Sgt.Davi wrote:

Yes I must admit I do ask for a TV guider before setting off. I dont bother flying into punish. I jsut let him lead himself into demise. However I do view myself as considerate. when facing AA I will hover in front, green bit on top for as long as possible before barrell rolling to the side and legging it. I am pretty crap with Hellfire and I rely greatly on a good gunner, so sorry if I offend anyone during the course of play BYE!
*havent readed much further*

im against your type of pilot. the rockets are beeing underused or overused by most pilots who have a gunner. its a waste to shoot a tv-guided at a apc, 4 rockets and its dead. its a waste to rocket infantry when the gunner has his cannon. battleing a other chopper just hit 7 out of 8 missiles, and let the gunner finish with M-gun, or if its a good one, TV.

When my gunner doesent helps at all, looking at tv when theres infantry, when sneaking up to a chopper starting to m-gun it, i magicly become noobish myself and let me be killed in the hope that there comes a better gunner, or good pilot with me in the chopper at respawn.

And, its a bit mean, but when i have 3 bad gunners on a row, i dont give anyone else a chance, i can fly solo, use m-gun, tv, and normal rockets, line myself up, if i die i cant blame anyone.

Blaming the gunner, i totely agree in some cases. i usualy give my gunner 1 second for a tv-guided and then im evading, cause there might come a tv our way, a tank shell, evrything could..... I dont get mad though but ask them "dude, cant you tv-guide or something?" if they had a clear shot. but there are olso times it my fault (most of them) or the enemy's fault. if my gunner(yes, blaming him) is looking all the way to the left, and not shooting, and there is a pack of infantry right before me, and wont kill them??? he has a problem, ill go to the end of the level (not if it happens once, but if it happens 5 times on a row....). but, the my fault actions are, crash with evading, ramming something not paying atention to whats happening but where the gunner is shooting (totlely not gunners fault!). and stuff like that.
Headshot Specialist
+104|6873|Woodland Hills, Ca
I was playing on ghost town the other day and had a really really good gunner and he was complaining I was being a kill whore. Next round I let him do his thing while I piloted. I must've had 64 team points, bastard stole every kill I thought about going for. Was a great gunner. i just wish that in the helicopter to helicopter combat scenarios would be more even.

Like an China Chopper/MEC Chopper againzt a Cobra is a fairly even rocket pod fight... missles are pretty close together on each chopper.

But in special forces, a hind vs an apache is a laughable battle. The Hind is a fat pig and the apache fires its pos almost twice as fast as a hind. you could hit 8 in a row at the press of a button before the hind had a chance to land 2 rockets. Which almost requires you have an excellent gunner in ghost town. Or you let SAS cap both upper and south bases and steal an apache, normally there is only one apache whore. But sometimes you get stuck on a server with two that like to base rape.

That said and I dont know what im rambling about because its 4:55am in the morning and im still playing battlefield to help a buddy with moral support on his next promotion... I for one am dying and ready for bed. that is all happy helo whoring. See you guys in the skies.

OH And I had some dickhead called Anti-Terrorism call me out in some server today about how he wants to go one on one with me because I called him a noob. He kept going up against the Cobra on sharqi and getting owned and blaming it on his gunner. LOL.

Sexy in Garden wrote:

I take my gunner on a 2 minute trial, if they fail I take them out the boundaries and get them killed
I love when someone does that to me, that way the little twat won't fly again all round, or all day for that matter, because I will hunt the bitch down all day.
Sexy in Garden

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sexy in Garden wrote:

I take my gunner on a 2 minute trial, if they fail I take them out the boundaries and get them killed
I love when someone does that to me, that way the little twat won't fly again all round, or all day for that matter, because I will hunt the bitch down all day.
You're saying if you get someone who doesn't use tv missiles, or someone who doesn't know that they have to be guided, you have no problem with that??? People should have practiced in singleplayer before coming online. Theres no point in piloting a chopper with a shit gunner, might as well kill them

Last edited by Sexy in Garden (2006-05-05 05:38:01)


Sexy in Garden wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sexy in Garden wrote:

I take my gunner on a 2 minute trial, if they fail I take them out the boundaries and get them killed
I love when someone does that to me, that way the little twat won't fly again all round, or all day for that matter, because I will hunt the bitch down all day.
You're saying if you get someone who doesn't use tv missiles, or someone who doesn't know that they have to be guided, you have no problem with that??? People should have practiced in singleplayer before coming online. Theres no point in piloting a chopper with a shit gunner, might as well kill them
No, I have no problem with that.  Do I think it sucks, of course, but I am not going to start bitching about it over chat or intentionally kill someone because of it.
+45|6683|Austin, TX
I'm actually 50/50 on this. Things happen on a case-by-case basic.  Pilot and gunner should ALWAYS be in a squad together for VOIP. I don't have much piloting skills so I'm usually a gunner, but as soon as I get in, I will always make a new squad and invite the pilot. I always try to be exact with directions as well "go left 20 degrees" etc.

Sometimes the pilot should just get away and do all he can to escape a missle lock. If the pilot is swerving to avoid a J-10 coming at us, I understand I'm not going to have a golden opportunity to use the TV missle at the moment. However, once we go back to straight and level flight, I start looking for more TV missle targets.

It's best to adapt though, not every situation will be the same. If theres infantry (like on Sharqi), the best bet is for the pilot to strafe and use rockets while the gunner cleans up with the gun. When on a vehicle heavy map like Dragon Valley, the pilot should fly calmer and line up TV shots for the gunner. If theres a solid missle-lock tone, the gunner should just start praying, put his head between his legs and get ready to kiss his ass goodbye :p
+27|6684|United Kingdom
Save yourself some anger and frustration, kill your gunner in the red and fly solo and laser guid them your damn self? Wayyyyyy easier then messing with idiots that do not know what they are doing.

DonFck wrote:

Quick vent regarding the absence of TV-missile use..

There are only few things that irritate me more in the game than when I see a target, go: "enemy AA-vehicle spotted", maneuvre behind it, line the chopper up for the shot, keep the helo steady as f**k, nose down from above, slowly closing in on the target and then I hear the gunner go..



"You were killed by (Enter appropriate name here)"

I know dude.

I love the gunners that try to blow up tanks with the machine gun, and then blast infantry with the!

nodehopper wrote:

Ok...all those Heli Pilots who think they are "Maverick" ....It isn't always your gunners fault you die. Take some responsiblity.

I don't know how many times I hop in as gunner and get the arrogant sounding pilot..."You DO now how to use the TV....right?"

Well yah.... I am not the best in the world, but I can get the job done.

Do pilots realize that the small rectangular box at the bottom of the HUD display for the pilot is the view the TV monitor sees??? Hop in a US heli and it even says in English "gunner view". So why does the pilot go straight at an AA target with his nose down? The gunner view in the TV screen is either water or dirt.  The TV points down at like a 10 to 20 degree angle depending on heli if the helicopter is at a 30 degree angle going forward then the TV monitor is looking nearly straight down.  The pilot has to take some responablity for setting up a TV shot.

So we attack nose down. I switch to TV and see nothing but water. We get blown up and the pilot is screaming at me that it is my fault for not hitting with the TV. DUH!! Instead the pilot needs to use a little strategy, sneak up on the target if possible and then nose up quickly and put the gunner view box on the target so the gunner can get a good shot off. The pilots job is to give his gunner a good shot.

Again the TV is looking down. IF there is an enemy heli around....pilot .....get some altitude and come up on the enemy heli from above. I don't know how many times I have had a stupid pilot go at an enemy heli that is 40 degrees above my head screaming at me to use my TV.  Then acting like I am a moron because we died. Not to mention that pilots need to remember that it takes a long time for the TV missiles to reload.  I fired a wild shot because the pilot is nose down or below the target and he is screaming at me because I am using the machine gun. Well.....what else do I do waiting for the next missile???

The two man Heli team needs to work together more than any other team in the game. Pilots should be 90% concerned about staying alive and setting up the gunner for easy shots. With the long reload times, a well set up shot is better than a wild one. I am sure I will get flamed with "yah I can shoot a missile at a target 90 degrees above my head or all the way across the map and behind a hill." Well, if I am missing some trick of the trade then explain how to do it and I will STFU and go practice till I am as good.

But, if not, then maybe some heli pilots should remember that when a gunner besides their best buddy jumps in, it is a 50/50 responsiblity how things go. Give the gunner a break. If you are such a great pilot then you will make even a mediocre gunner good and after some time of getting used to each other you might find that they are better than you thought, maybe they just do things  differently than your buddy you are used to flying with.

OH and stop teamkilling so you and your buddy can whore the chopper.

Ok.....I have vented.
I AGREE 100%, i really hate getting in a chopper with a pilot who has no idea how to position the chopper, distance and height etc so the gunner can take out maltiple targets from a safe distance, now i can say im a fairly good gunner, if the pilot isnt fucker flying the damn chopper all over the show and not in one smooth direction and Im an even better pilot because I do all that I have mentioned for the gunner because the gunner can mean life or death he is what keeps you both alive pilot fly's and spots the target and gunner takes 'em out..............all i ask for when Im gunner is a good pilot
Have to give +1, i cannot stand being blamed by useless pilots.
Yeah well perhaps your at the wrong angle!!
+7|6793|Boulder, CO
I hate gunners that won't blow out turrets. If the zone I'm flying is fairly quiet I'll stop over aa turrets or shoot a couple rockets at it and nose up so my gunner can kill it. It is really frustrating when ppl don't understand that just because no one's on it doesn't mean that someone won't be as soon as we leave. If I find that my gunner isn't seeing things I will unload on ground targets with rockets til they get the hint. If they still don't fire I'll take them out of bounds if they respawn and try to gun for me again. I can fly and gun better than alot of these privates can gun alone.
+7|6793|Boulder, CO
P.S. This should have been posted under complaints.
XstrangerdangerX -----I fly with mouse and keyboard. It is more challenging than with a joystick but hey.....I ground pound a lot too so that is what I learned with. I have found that to fly with mouse and keyboard you first off have to go into the helicopter settings and goose the mouse sensitivity up to like 7-9 ( I am set at 8) and then set pitch and yaw up to max. If you haven't done this you may want to go up a bit at a time getting used to the added sensitivity gradually. Ok, then say you are on The Iron Gator and you want to circle the ship you say .....nose always pointed at the enemy, but sliding sideways in a nice circle around the ship. Start out getting your nose up just a bit and with the mouse go a bit sideways so you start sliding sideways then hit A or D (left or right) this is your yaw. This will start spinning the rear end of the chopper around.  Then it just becomes a balancing act of keeping just the right amount of sideways movement.......the tail swinging around....and the angle of the nose to keep everything in control and touching the accelerator to keep altitude. I went into an empty server and practiced by spinning around a crane (Like Gulf of Oman) until I could keep my nose a few feet off the tip and spinning the tail around.

It is one of those where with in like 5 minutes of doing it you go ......OK I get it!!......but until you have figured out the right combo of angles and movement it seems very elusive.

I hope this helped....It is hard to discribe movements, so if I am not clear just let me know and I can try to clarify things.
General Disarray

Bigwrm wrote:

Good post.... says the guy with a 0.62 kill/death ratio.
"What the hell does that have to do with the post? If you don't have anything to say about the topic then stick to ICQ."

nodehopper wrote:

Ok...all those Heli Pilots who think they are "Maverick" ....It isn't always your gunners fault you die. Take some responsibility.
I think the point here is he says "It isn't always your gunners fault you die." hes not saying that it is always the pilots fault either, but yes I also have noticed a large increase in chopper pilots complaining at me that it is my fault we died because I missed with the TV, when all I saw was water or the ground straight below.

nodehopper wrote:

The two man Heli team needs to work together more than any other team in the game.
I read a post a few days ago and the topic was "Chopper and unwanted gunners "How to get rid of them""
The discussion was basically about "the best way to team kill your gunner" and in some situations just so they could fly around by them selves, crist that is just absurd. If Helis were meant to only have a pilot and no gunner then there would only be 1 seat in there. So much for team work. I bet those are the same "Maverick" pilots that when they do have a gunner they blame everything on him. They are also the same  guys on your team, that don't hesitate to put 1 in you back just as your jumping into a Heli.

So yes, responsibility should be something around 50/50, even though there is more skill in flying then just sitting there and shooting. In a two man Heli team it's up to both the gunner and pilot to keep each other alive, And when you die as a Pilot remember that the gunner is just as PISSED off as YOU, gunners don't just hitch a ride for the scenery.
Any gunner is more than welcome in my point taxi.  I fly everbody and have no problem with it.  Usually I can tell right away what type of gunner is with me and try to fly to suit their ability.  Hopefully the person is on voice so I can try to help if need be.  My gunners are almost always at the top of the score lists.  It's actually becoming a little out of hand.  I have people who join the server I'm in just cause I flew with them the other day or something.  Sucks when there's three or four of em and someone has to sit out.

Only dissapointment I have is that all the driver assists don't count towards the Heli ratings.
Taken from Thread
"Chopper and unwanted gunners "How to get rid of them"

alpinestar wrote:

I went to a server the other night and I was flying a cobra with a decent gunner for few rounds then all of the sudden private arrives and cuts in the cobra with no skill what so ever not knowing he's a complete moron shooting down 1 tank of ours 3 infantry and killing one enemy I fly in the chimney with him on daliant plant, next I see that same fucking moron cutting in to cobra again so I do the following:
ME: Please get out
HIM : No
ME: Please get the fuck out with sugar on top
HIM: You get out %^&%$^&%$^&$% suck !@#$%@#$% your mom #@$%@#$%
ME: Ok

I fly the cobra to the line that is out of bounds (the line where commander says "Get back to the fight or you will be shot") You have to zoom in on minimap to see that his cabin is out of bounds and not yours otherwise you both will die, now that he's out of bounds his health dropps after few seconds and yours shouldn't (if it does he will always die first, you just have to make a quick move)he dies you don't
ME: So now how dumb do you feel ?
HIM: disconnected from server.

not a cute story but a good hint for unwanted gunners, I know this will get out of hand eventually so it is best that you know what the pilots are capable of before you will try to be an asshole
This is the spirit of players that will KILL BF2 as a great game and make for empty servers and no new players.

All you who have this attitude are Giant Douches......or maybe Turd Sandwiches......

Last edited by Dumbazz_noob (2006-05-05 12:29:33)

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