Jaekus wrote:
Well this could be interesting:
http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010 … 993590.htmWhy won't Abbott submit costings to Treasury? It seems a little farcical that on one hand they don't appear to trust it, yet they want to govern so they have a Treasurer. From what I understand the Treasury is non-political, just like the Reserve Bank.
Exactly. They wouldnt submit costings to the treasury before the election , which is poor form. People were happy to look at the costings that came through the liberal party affiliated accountancy firm. its after the election now, so when they find problems with it ( which they probably will) they cant lose votes as such. They claim there is a leak in treasury but thats hypocritical as the last treasury leak was Gordon Grech, and he was leaking to the libs. I think they made up the leak so they could avoid scrutiny of treasury. I hope the independents arent as gullible as the people of Australia
Labor isnt 100% innocent of not submitting costings. At least they were submitted.
The Australian wrote:
On Labor's side, all its policies were submitted to Treasury for costing, but nine arrived after the deadline, so eight spending proposals, worth $1.2bn, and a $200m savings measure are yet to be assessed.
Last edited by Burwhale (2010-08-25 16:05:32)