I swear, just when you think you have seen it all.
See a politician talking? He is lying. See him signing a bill? He probably hasn't read it, and if he/she did and she had a soul he/she would have to admit that the vast majority of " public works " projects are piggy banks that get robbed. The Orange County ' Great Park ' is a total about abject fiasco.
A few select insiders get rich and we, the People, get their dirty stick right in our collective keester.
Mis-management is when you pay too much for a truck, or a series of contracts. Fraud and theft is summed up this way;
Great Park administrative costs (2008-2011): $56 million.
Great Park construction costs (2000-2010): $0.
See also a 67k per year file clerk, a 117k per year secretary. Man, I am in the wrong goddamned trade. I didn't realize college boys were rewarded so well for being so fucking evil and crooked.
• Missing and incomplete records;
• Loose management controls;
• Questionable records for invoices, time keeping, travel and entertainment;
• Systematic bypassing of accounting rules for questionable spending;
Agran employs full-time at taxpayer expense: a “media services coordinator” (total annual compensation: $98,106) and a “public information officer” (total annual compensation: $112,579). And if none of those experts can handle the PR task, Agran put an additional $80,000 into an earmarked “contingency contract” for the park’s 2010-2011 budget.
Two other figures to contemplate:
Great Park administrative costs (2008-2011): $56 million.
Great Park construction costs (2000-2010): $0.
http://www.ocweekly.com/2010-08-19/news … -irvine/2/
Mother. Fuckers.
See a politician talking? He is lying. See him signing a bill? He probably hasn't read it, and if he/she did and she had a soul he/she would have to admit that the vast majority of " public works " projects are piggy banks that get robbed. The Orange County ' Great Park ' is a total about abject fiasco.
A few select insiders get rich and we, the People, get their dirty stick right in our collective keester.
Mis-management is when you pay too much for a truck, or a series of contracts. Fraud and theft is summed up this way;
Great Park administrative costs (2008-2011): $56 million.
Great Park construction costs (2000-2010): $0.
See also a 67k per year file clerk, a 117k per year secretary. Man, I am in the wrong goddamned trade. I didn't realize college boys were rewarded so well for being so fucking evil and crooked.
• Missing and incomplete records;
• Loose management controls;
• Questionable records for invoices, time keeping, travel and entertainment;
• Systematic bypassing of accounting rules for questionable spending;
Before ye tread further, know the place is contaminated and hence doomed to fail from the word go;It might sound corny, but we’ve lost touch with the basics in our country. We’ve created an environment where politicians and their buddies are making all this money, and the rest of us are wondering where it all went.”
http://cfpub.epa.gov/supercpad/cursites … id=0902770This site currently does not meet the criteria for Site-wide Ready for Anticipated Use, however parts of the site may be suitable for reuse.
Agran employs full-time at taxpayer expense: a “media services coordinator” (total annual compensation: $98,106) and a “public information officer” (total annual compensation: $112,579). And if none of those experts can handle the PR task, Agran put an additional $80,000 into an earmarked “contingency contract” for the park’s 2010-2011 budget.
Two other figures to contemplate:
Great Park administrative costs (2008-2011): $56 million.
Great Park construction costs (2000-2010): $0.
http://www.ocweekly.com/2010-08-19/news … -irvine/2/
Mother. Fuckers.