+6|6879 wrote:

KRU-FEOS wrote:

When I was coming home today (I live in DC), there were multiple radio news reports from the various demonstrations. For those protesting, they kept saying "immigrants are people too and deserve rights just like everyone else." The thing they kept leaving out was the word ILLEGAL. There are multiple LEGAL ways to emigrate to the US. Yes, it takes a while. Yes, it's a bureaucratic nightmare. Guess if you really wanted to take your FAIR part of the American dream, you would go through with that, wouldn't you?

But's easier to just cross the border, get a (or multiple) low-paying jobs from unscrupulous employers. And not pay taxes (payroll or income--multiple guilty parties). And leach off of an already-stressed public service infrastructure. And then bitch because you "deserve" the right to be here!

What a load of crap. You deserve to be here if you follow the rules that were established for you to come here legally and FAIRLY participate in the system. If the first thing you do on coming to this country is break the law, you don't deserve anything but a quick trip back to where you came from, minus the taxes on the amount of money you earned while here.

BL: Follow the rules, and you're welcome here. Break the law...get the *&ck out!
Getting a visa to come to america is like winning the lottery.
And your point? That's the legal method of getting here right now. If it's not adequate for people from other countries to come over here and live their part of the American dream, then those countries need to engage the US government for LEGAL immigration reform.

Breaking the law (even if you don't agree with it/like it) is still BREAKING THE LAW.
Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying, "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in an accident."

"OH DEAR GOD NO," Bush exclaims. "That's terrible!!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the president sits, head in hands. Finally, the President, devastated, looks up and asks, "How many is a Brazillion??!"

FriiginChomper wrote:

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying, "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in an accident."

"OH DEAR GOD NO," Bush exclaims. "That's terrible!!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the president sits, head in hands. Finally, the President, devastated, looks up and asks, "How many is a Brazillion??!"
ROFL, anyway I think that illegal immagrants are just that: Illegal. And should be considered as such. We had a discussion in class the other day about this, and one Mexican said (yes that's right, a mexican, they're from Mexico...) exclaimed "WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK IT'S JUST LATINOS" and I respond: "Because most illegal immagrants are Mexicans" And she says "That's racist!!" (Wtf?) me: "where're you from?" she: "Mexico" me: "there you have it".

PspRpg-7 wrote:

FriiginChomper wrote:

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying, "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in an accident."

"OH DEAR GOD NO," Bush exclaims. "That's terrible!!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the president sits, head in hands. Finally, the President, devastated, looks up and asks, "How many is a Brazillion??!"
ROFL, anyway I think that illegal immagrants are just that: Illegal. And should be considered as such. We had a discussion in class the other day about this, and one Mexican said (yes that's right, a mexican, they're from Mexico...) exclaimed "WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK IT'S JUST LATINOS" and I respond: "Because most illegal immagrants are Mexicans" And she says "That's racist!!" (Wtf?) me: "where're you from?" she: "Mexico" me: "there you have it".
Yep...apparently it's racist to state a fact unless the fact backs up that the white male is evil.

Good on ya rpg...good on ya.

+1 from FEOS.

Yes, that and what irked me before when this whole thing started is that most of the people didn't even know what they're leaving work / school for. They were looking for an excuse to leave. I just don't get it.

KRU-FEOS wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

FriiginChomper wrote:

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying, "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in an accident."

"OH DEAR GOD NO," Bush exclaims. "That's terrible!!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the president sits, head in hands. Finally, the President, devastated, looks up and asks, "How many is a Brazillion??!"
ROFL, anyway I think that illegal immagrants are just that: Illegal. And should be considered as such. We had a discussion in class the other day about this, and one Mexican said (yes that's right, a mexican, they're from Mexico...) exclaimed "WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK IT'S JUST LATINOS" and I respond: "Because most illegal immagrants are Mexicans" And she says "That's racist!!" (Wtf?) me: "where're you from?" she: "Mexico" me: "there you have it".
Yep...apparently it's racist to state a fact unless the fact backs up that the white male is evil.

Good on ya rpg...good on ya.

+1 from FEOS.
Another +1 coming your way. I'd give one for the joke too, but the comment merits a +1.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7148|Cologne, Germany

I think most western nations need immigration reform badly, including my country. Just today, the interior secretaries agreed to create mandatory language tests for citizenships applicants, a novum in germany.

with regard to the current debate in the US, I have the following questions:

Is it legal for an employer to have illegals working for him ? We have the same problem here in germany ( mainly in the construction sector ), but governmant officials are cracking down on those. Don't the employers get in serious legal trouble when hiring illegals in the US ?
I agree that this should be enforced, across the board.

Why do children of illegal immigrants that were born in the US automatically become US citizens ? That's nonsense. I know the law says if you are born in the US, you are a US citizen, but we should consider the times and the circumstances under which that law was created and modify it according to the circumstances today, don't you think ?

There are legal ways to become a US citizen. Why support those who can't be bothered to follow those ways ?
Follow the law, pay taxes or get the f*** out, I say.

One last issue. Every western nation needs immigration to keep its economy going. If the number of around 10-12 million illegal immigrants is true, it is obvious you cannot live withouth that labor force. Or do you really think you will find that many US citizens willing to do those jobs for that kind of money ?
Moreover, the birth rates in western nations are dangerously low. If that trend continues, we won't have enough people to keep our economies and social systems going. We need immigration.
But it's got to be fair and it's got to be legal...

One comment regarding the European Union. It is true that every european citizen can freely move between countries of the Union and live and work where ever he / she wants to. Since the schengen treaty the border controls between EU member states have been minimized. But the border patrols are still there, and if they have reason to believe you are not an EU citizen, they will stop you and ask for ID. The privileges ( freedom of movement and work place ) are only valid for EU citizens.
The border controls at border to non-EU countries are as strict as ever, make no mistake about it.

B.Schuss wrote:

Why do children of illegal immigrants that were born in the US automatically become US citizens ? That's nonsense. I know the law says if you are born in the US, you are a US citizen, but we should consider the times and the circumstances under which that law was created and modify it according to the circumstances today, don't you think ?

There are legal ways to become a US citizen. Why support those who can't be bothered to follow those ways ?
Follow the law, pay taxes or get the f*** out, I say.
Once again you would be labelled a racist Schuss, if you lived in America.

I believe the citizenship by birth was created during the end of slavery, to allow black children to attain citizen status, as freed slaves were granted that status, but they had nothing dictating what future children would be. Someone please verify.

As far as supporting illegals. One word, politician. They want the Hispanic vote, and they can't get it apprently, if you are tough on immigration.

Illegal immigration, that is. People seem to forget that word when they describe "undocumented workers".
+27|7078|Atlanta, GA USA

B.Schuss wrote:

I think most western nations need immigration reform badly, including my country. Just today, the interior secretaries agreed to create mandatory language tests for citizenships applicants, a novum in germany.

with regard to the current debate in the US, I have the following questions:

Is it legal for an employer to have illegals working for him ? We have the same problem here in germany ( mainly in the construction sector ), but governmant officials are cracking down on those. Don't the employers get in serious legal trouble when hiring illegals in the US ?
I agree that this should be enforced, across the board.

Why do children of illegal immigrants that were born in the US automatically become US citizens ? That's nonsense. I know the law says if you are born in the US, you are a US citizen, but we should consider the times and the circumstances under which that law was created and modify it according to the circumstances today, don't you think ?

There are legal ways to become a US citizen. Why support those who can't be bothered to follow those ways ?
Follow the law, pay taxes or get the f*** out, I say.

One last issue. Every western nation needs immigration to keep its economy going. If the number of around 10-12 million illegal immigrants is true, it is obvious you cannot live withouth that labor force. Or do you really think you will find that many US citizens willing to do those jobs for that kind of money ?
Moreover, the birth rates in western nations are dangerously low. If that trend continues, we won't have enough people to keep our economies and social systems going. We need immigration.
But it's got to be fair and it's got to be legal...

One comment regarding the European Union. It is true that every european citizen can freely move between countries of the Union and live and work where ever he / she wants to. Since the schengen treaty the border controls between EU member states have been minimized. But the border patrols are still there, and if they have reason to believe you are not an EU citizen, they will stop you and ask for ID. The privileges ( freedom of movement and work place ) are only valid for EU citizens.
The border controls at border to non-EU countries are as strict as ever, make no mistake about it.
You are dead on.  +1
+302|7043|Salt Lake City

B.Schuss, I agree with what you said, but some clarification on needing immigrants.

Yes, they do play a role in the economy, but only when they are legally on the payrolls of companies where proper taxes can be taken from their paychecks.  Also, because illegals work for so little money, and most of it under the table (no taxes taken from their checks), in addition to the tax paid services they use (food stamps, welfare, medical, WIC, etc.) they result in a net loss to the economy.

Lastly, you need to remember that many of the illegals coming here did not do so with their primary goals/desires being that of becoming a US citizen, it was out of need to find work they couldn't find in Mexico. IMO immigrants given US citizenship should want to be Americans, not given citizenship because they don't want to be deported while they work here.
The English
I live in Oxford, England, and these people sure as fuck don't come here for the weather. I overheard two immigrants on the bus complaining about the fact that since they'd just got jobs in this country they now have to pay full taxes!!! Is it any wonder why their countries are so shit with an attitude like that?! If I came from a country where I was being persecuted (or whatever other bollox they can think of that day) my last concern would be what tax I'm paying to the country thats been kind enough to take me in, wankers! And when I see £580.00 tax being taken from my wages every month it pisses me off to know it goes someway to supporting these assholes! If they spent half as much effort trying to sort their own countries out as they do trying to get here the problem wouldn't exist. If you want to come here to live, sort out  a job first, save some money for the airfare and try and fit in as best as possible. If I want to eat your food or experience your culture I'll take a holiday, and rest assured I'll be taking enough cash to support myself.
I am all that is MOD!

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

B.Schuss, I agree with what you said, but some clarification on needing immigrants.

Yes, they do play a role in the economy, but only when they are legally on the payrolls of companies where proper taxes can be taken from their paychecks.  Also, because illegals work for so little money, and most of it under the table (no taxes taken from their checks), in addition to the tax paid services they use (food stamps, welfare, medical, WIC, etc.) they result in a net loss to the economy.

Lastly, you need to remember that many of the illegals coming here did not do so with their primary goals/desires being that of becoming a US citizen, it was out of need to find work they couldn't find in Mexico. IMO immigrants given US citizenship should want to be Americans, not given citizenship because they don't want to be deported while they work here.
I keep hearing about all these benefits illegal immigrants get from the government (food stamps, welfare, medical, etc.)  Realistically however, medical aid is the only government/taxpayer funded aid that adds a significant cost to our economy.  If you look at them, the number of hispanics (and recipients in general) recieving welfare has been going down steadily since the early 90's (at least as far as the statistics go, I believe its to about 200 or so).  About 12% of all people technically referred to as in poverty and on welfare are hispanic, according to the government.  So yes, there are illegal immigrants that are taking advantage of our system, but do the research and look up the numbers before you go around saying that they create such an impact on our federal government.  The biggest negative effect they have on our economy is NOT through our social services programs, it is all the money that is sent back to their country.  That is money not being put back into our economy directly.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (18 years, 10 months ago)

PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7065|MA, USA

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Yes, they do play a role in the economy, but only when they are legally on the payrolls of companies where proper taxes can be taken from their paychecks.  Also, because illegals work for so little money, and most of it under the table (no taxes taken from their checks), in addition to the tax paid services they use (food stamps, welfare, medical, WIC, etc.) they result in a net loss to the economy.
That is not entirely true.  By working for low wages, they reduce the costs of the goods and services.  This has a nationwide effect on the prices, specifically of produce, but in other areas as well.  Because the employer is paying someone a fraction of the wages an American would get, AND not paying bene's, AND not paying SS tax, AND not paying unemployment, etc. etc., you are able to buy the produce picked for MUCH less than you would have to otherwise.  The net effect is similar to when manufacturing jobs are sent overseas in an effort to reduce costs:  That is, the net effect is that the standard of living of the consumer is increased (this is a fact - the electronics industry has largely departed this country because American labor is too expensive; nevertheless, even families below the 'poverty' level in this country usually have DVD or VHS players because the products from overseas are so inexpensive). 

Make no mistakes, I am not arguing that we should freely allow illegal immigrants into the country (nothing could be further from my opinion), but we have to recognize they they do have a positive effect on the economy.  Any solution should allow for a liberal guest worker program and, yes, we will have to expect to pay more for goods and services performed by formerly illegal workers when they get benefits, and their employers are required to pay for all the goodies that go along with paying above the table.  That is necessary to preserve the rule of law, but unfortunately it is going to result in a decline of the standard of living (though, not necessarily a sharp decline), as every industry which uses illegals will be more expensive.

Last edited by whittsend (18 years, 10 months ago)

+302|7043|Salt Lake City

whittsend wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Yes, they do play a role in the economy, but only when they are legally on the payrolls of companies where proper taxes can be taken from their paychecks.  Also, because illegals work for so little money, and most of it under the table (no taxes taken from their checks), in addition to the tax paid services they use (food stamps, welfare, medical, WIC, etc.) they result in a net loss to the economy.
That is not entirely true.  By working for low wages, they reduce the costs of the goods and services.  This has a nationwide effect on the prices, specifically of produce, but in other areas as well.  Because the employer is paying someone a fraction of the wages an American would get, AND not paying bene's, AND not paying SS tax, AND not paying unemployment, etc. etc., you are able to buy the produce picked for MUCH less than you would have to otherwise.  The net effect is similar to when manufacturing jobs are sent overseas in an effort to reduce costs:  That is, the net effect is that the standard of living of the consumer is increased. 

Make no mistakes, I am not arguing that we should freely allow illegal immigrants into the country (nothing could be further from my opinion), but we have to recognize they they do have a positive effect on the economy.  Any solution should allow for a liberal guest worker program and, yes, we will have to expect to pay more for goods and services performed by formerly illegal workers when they get benefits, and their employers are required to pay for all the goodies that go along with paying above the table.  That is necessary to preserve the rule of law, but unfortunately it is going to result in a decline of the standard of living (though, not necessarily a sharp decline), as every industry which uses illegals will be more expensive.
But you are only looking at one side of the picture.  You aren't looking at the fact that some companies lay off their legal workers to hire illegals in order to compete.  So what if we pay lower prices for a few veggies, overall the net effect of illegal immigration is a NET LOSS to the US economy, so the fact of the matter is they are not making things better just because one particular item heavily worked by illegal immigrants is cheaper.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7065|MA, USA

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

But you are only looking at one side of the picture.  You aren't looking at the fact that some companies lay off their legal workers to hire illegals in order to compete.  So what if we pay lower prices for a few veggies, overall the net effect of illegal immigration is a NET LOSS to the US economy, so the fact of the matter is they are not making things better just because one particular item heavily worked by illegal immigrants is cheaper.
Actually, the economic effects of the cheaper goods are more beneficial to the economy than the employment of the displaced individuals.  Remember that employing at American wages drives up prices, reduces sales, reduces profits, and ultimately reduces jobs.  Many more people are affected positively than negatively by having the work done at low wages.  Again, don't take this to mean I support illegal immigration, that is not the case; BUT people need to understand that the illegals have a very valid point:  We NEED them for economic growth, and they are very beneficial to this country.

Last edited by whittsend (18 years, 10 months ago)

I am all that is MOD!

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

But you are only looking at one side of the picture.  You aren't looking at the fact that some companies lay off their legal workers to hire illegals in order to compete.  So what if we pay lower prices for a few veggies, overall the net effect of illegal immigration is a NET LOSS to the US economy, so the fact of the matter is they are not making things better just because one particular item heavily worked by illegal immigrants is cheaper.
Are you an economist?  It seems like you are making all these statements about the impact of illegals on our economy.  It is easy to make a blanket statement saying that there is a NET LOSS, but show some numbers.  I am not saying you are lying at all, I would just rather believe tangible numbers instead of someone saying, "Oh, the overall impact is a net loss, I just know it."  You follow me?
+302|7043|Salt Lake City


Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

But you are only looking at one side of the picture.  You aren't looking at the fact that some companies lay off their legal workers to hire illegals in order to compete.  So what if we pay lower prices for a few veggies, overall the net effect of illegal immigration is a NET LOSS to the US economy, so the fact of the matter is they are not making things better just because one particular item heavily worked by illegal immigrants is cheaper.
Are you an economist?  It seems like you are making all these statements about the impact of illegals on our economy.  It is easy to make a blanket statement saying that there is a NET LOSS, but show some numbers.  I am not saying you are lying at all, I would just rather believe tangible numbers instead of someone saying, "Oh, the overall impact is a net loss, I just know it."  You follow me?

Let's take the economic problem first. According to the most recent Pew study, 94 percent of male illegal immigrants are employed, as well as 54 percent of female illegal immigrants (female illegal immigrants are less likely to be employed because they generally are married and have young children). Illegal immigrants now compose 24 percent of those working in farming, 17 percent of those working in cleaning, 14 percent of those working in construction, 12 percent of those working in food preparation and 9 percent of those working in production. They are working at wages below the legal minimum. Were illegal immigrants to disappear tomorrow, prices in all of the above industries would rise, some businesses would shut down and other businesses would move abroad. On the other hand, the Center for Immigration Studies has shown that illegal immigrant households create a federal net fiscal deficit of $2,700 per household, since they generate little tax revenue but take advantage of basic government services. Granting amnesty would hike that deficit to $7,700 per household. The question for Americans is whether they are willing to pay more at the supermarket or see their favorite restaurant shut down in order to prevent illegal immigration.

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (18 years, 10 months ago)

PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7065|MA, USA

theconservativevoice wrote:

They are working at wages below the legal minimum. Were illegal immigrants to disappear tomorrow, prices in all of the above industries would rise, some businesses would shut down and other businesses would move abroad. On the other hand, the Center for Immigration Studies has shown that illegal immigrant households create a federal net fiscal deficit of $2,700 per household, since they generate little tax revenue but take advantage of basic government services. Granting amnesty would hike that deficit to $7,700 per household. The question for Americans is whether they are willing to pay more at the supermarket or see their favorite restaurant shut down in order to prevent illegal immigration.
This supports my point.  The Federal fiscal deficit as discussed here has nothing to do with the economy, or your standard of living.  In this case it simply means that they are getting benefits they are not paying for.  They are still increasing your standard of living, and expanding the economy.  If we want to decrease the Federal deficit, the easiest way to do so would be to stop giving away free goods and services on the Federal Government.  If we did that at the state level as well, there would be no arguing the fact that illegal workers would be a positive effect on the economy.

You will probably find that LEGAL workers who are in the habit of using government services also add to the Federal deficit, as the amount they pay in taxes is not enough to cover the cost of those services.  Luckily for them (and for the illegals), there is a vast vein of cash for the feds to tap to make up this deficit:  You and me.

Last edited by whittsend (18 years, 10 months ago)

+302|7043|Salt Lake City

whittsend wrote:

theconservativevoice wrote:

They are working at wages below the legal minimum. Were illegal immigrants to disappear tomorrow, prices in all of the above industries would rise, some businesses would shut down and other businesses would move abroad. On the other hand, the Center for Immigration Studies has shown that illegal immigrant households create a federal net fiscal deficit of $2,700 per household, since they generate little tax revenue but take advantage of basic government services. Granting amnesty would hike that deficit to $7,700 per household. The question for Americans is whether they are willing to pay more at the supermarket or see their favorite restaurant shut down in order to prevent illegal immigration.
This supports my point.  The Federal fiscal deficit as discussed here has nothing to do with the economy, or your standard of living.  In this case it simply means that they are getting benefits they are not paying for.  They are still increasing your standard of living, and expanding the economy.

You will probably find that LEGAL workers who are in the habit of using government services also add to the Federal deficit, as the amount they pay in taxes is not enough to cover the cost of those services.  Luckily for them (and for the illegals), there is a vast vein of cash for the feds to tap to make up this deficit:  You and me.
No, it doesn't raise the standard of living because it allows businesses to be lazy, and rather than modernize, they simply exploit cheap labor.  And I don't know where you learned economics, but their federal deficit impact does play a role in the economy.

No one said that there wouldn't be some economic impact if we cracked down hard on illegals, but ultimately the impact of not doing anything is likely to be far worse.

Then there's the more difficult social problem. America cannot survive as an agglomeration of different ethnic groups who refuse to engage in common American culture. Thankfully, many illegal immigrants share basic American values already: They are family oriented and religious. They do not, however, speak English. More importantly, their children do not speak English -- one University of Southern California study showed that 94 percent of LAUSD students learned English as a second language. It is no wonder that California perennially ranks among the worst states in terms of educational achievement. Speaking the vernacular is a vital element in identification with America. It is no wonder that American flags were burned as protestors chanted in Spanish during the recent Los Angeles rallies.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7065|MA, USA

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

No, it doesn't raise the standard of living because it allows businesses to be lazy, and rather than modernize, they simply exploit cheap labor.  And I don't know where you learned economics, but their federal deficit impact does play a role in the economy.

No one said that there wouldn't be some economic impact if we cracked down hard on illegals, but ultimately the impact of not doing anything is likely to be far worse.
Your standard of living is based on the number of goods and services you can afford.  The more you can afford, the higher your standard of living.

The amount of money paid to illegal immigrants is a fraction of every other cost involved in the chain of the goods and services they provide.  If you supplant them with legal workers the cost of all those goods and services AT LEAST doubles.  Think about that:  Like your own quote says, the cost of your diet will skyrocket, and the cost of restaurants will skyrocket, the cost of any industry which employes illegals to clean up the puke in the bathroom will skyrocket, the cost of any industry which employes illegals in any way will increase dramatically.  This will have a HUGE affect on the economy, it will ripple across many industries and your standard of living WILL decrease.

This is a FACT.  If you don't see it, you need to sharpen your own economic understanding.  You can ignore it, but it is beyond doubt.

The only negative impact of illegals is that they use services they don't pay for...but as I said, so do many legal workers.  I think we would be better off eliminating the servieces.

Last edited by whittsend (18 years, 10 months ago)

I am all that is MOD!

whittsend wrote:

The only negative impact of illegals is that they use services they don't pay for...but as I said, so do many legal workers.  I think we would be better off eliminating the servieces.
You would like to eliminate social services in general?
+302|7043|Salt Lake City

whittsend wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

No, it doesn't raise the standard of living because it allows businesses to be lazy, and rather than modernize, they simply exploit cheap labor.  And I don't know where you learned economics, but their federal deficit impact does play a role in the economy.

No one said that there wouldn't be some economic impact if we cracked down hard on illegals, but ultimately the impact of not doing anything is likely to be far worse.
Your standard of living is based on the number of goods and services you can afford.  The more you can afford, the higher your standard of living.

The amount of money paid to illegal immigrants is a fraction of every other cost involved in the chain of the goods and services they decline.  If you supplant them with legal workers the cost of all those goods and services AT LEAST doubles.  Think about that:  Like your own quote says, the cost of your diet will skyrocket, and the cost of restaurants will skyrocket, the cost of any industry which employes illegals to clean up the puke in the bathroom will skyrocket, the cost of any industry which employes illegals in any way will increase dramatically.  This will have a HUGE affect on the economy, it will ripple across many industries and your standard of living WILL decrease.

This is a FACT.  If you don't see it, you need to sharpen your own economic understanding.  You can ignore it, but it is beyond doubt.

The only negative impact of illegals is that they use services they don't pay for...but as I said, so do many legal workers.  I think we would be better off eliminating the servieces.
Your view of the economic impact is to narrow.  Like I said in the other thread, what illegals do to the economy is very much what Wal-Mart does to an economy, and often that impact is not positive.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7065|MA, USA


whittsend wrote:

The only negative impact of illegals is that they use services they don't pay for...but as I said, so do many legal workers.  I think we would be better off eliminating the servieces.
You would like to eliminate social services in general?
Yes.  People are complaining their taxes are going to services for people who are not paying for them...this is true, but it isn't just illegals who are doing this.  Social services are based on the concept of wealth redistribution.  I do not favor this idea.  It is not a tenable position to say that the welfare state would work perfectly except for these damned illegals who come in and mooch off it.  The welfare state exists to be mooched off; those who do so legally simply manage to throw a few pennies at that system to defray the costs, while illegals throw none.  Either way, those who are not using the system are the ones who are paying for it.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Your view of the economic impact is to narrow.  Like I said in the other thread, what illegals do to the economy is very much what Wal-Mart does to an economy, and often that impact is not positive.
No, my view is quite broad.  I'm looking at the economic big picture, you are looking at narrow and specifice pieces of the puzzle.  As I said before, I do not support illegal immigration, but I'm wise enough to understand that the impact of eliminating it entirely will be huge, and it will be largely negative.  You, on the other hand, choose to ignore it because it puts a negative spin on your viewpoint.  Sorry, but the world isn't black and white.  This is not a win-win issue for anyone, and eliminating illegal workers will have significant consequences, some of which YOU WILL feel.

By the way, that study is clearly an anti-Wal-Mart piece, and shows nothing.  Use of the words 'may', 'would' and 'possible' are telling.  In any case, you are comparing apples and oranges, as the impact of illegals is pervasive and national, and the impact of the Wal-Marts described is specific and local.

Last edited by whittsend (18 years, 10 months ago)

+302|7043|Salt Lake City

whittsend wrote:


whittsend wrote:

The only negative impact of illegals is that they use services they don't pay for...but as I said, so do many legal workers.  I think we would be better off eliminating the servieces.
You would like to eliminate social services in general?
Yes.  People are complaining their taxes are going to services for people who are not paying for them...this is true, but it isn't just illegals who are doing this.  Social services are based on the concept of wealth redistribution.  I do not favor this idea.  It is not a tenable position to say that the welfare state would work perfectly except for these damned illegals who come in and mooch off it.  The welfare state exists to be mooched off; those who do so legally simply manage to throw a few pennies at that system to defray the costs, while illegals throw none.  Either way, those who are not using the system are the ones who are paying for it.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Your view of the economic impact is to narrow.  Like I said in the other thread, what illegals do to the economy is very much what Wal-Mart does to an economy, and often that impact is not positive.
No, my view is quite broad.  I'm looking at the economic big picture, you are looking at narrow and specifice pieces of the puzzle.  As I said before, I do not support illegal immigration, but I'm wise enough to understand that the impact of eliminating it entirely will be huge, and it will be largely negative.  You, on the other hand, choose to ignore it because it puts a negative spin on your viewpoint.  Sorry, but the world isn't black and white.  This is not a win-win issue for anyone, and eliminating illegal workers will have significant consequences, some of which YOU WILL feel.

By the way, that study is clearly an anti-Wal-Mart piece, and shows nothing.  Use of the words 'may', 'would' and 'possible' are telling.  In any case, you are comparing apples and oranges, as the impact of illegals is pervasive and national, and the impact of the Wal-Marts described is specific and local.
I never once said that the answer was shipping them all back, however, completely cutting off continued illegal immigration is where most people want things started.  It is the allowing of illegal immigration to continue that at its current pace that is the problem.  Saying that the economy is better off because of it is like building a house of cards, it's extremely fragile and easy to bring crashing down.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7065|MA, USA

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Saying that the economy is better off because of it is like building a house of cards, it's extremely fragile and easy to bring crashing down.
Fine: do so.

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